Star Wars Fanon

Uzak was a Jawa Sith.


Uzak was born into a family of Jawas who worked as slaves for some Tusken Raiders. During his time he met other Jawas his age, and formed a plan to escape the Tuskens. Uzak had discovered his force abbilities, and trained them whenever he could. Eventually, he managed to use them to overpower the Tusken Raiders, and escaped. He and his friends formed a secret society after arriving in Mos Eisley. working as assassins and thieves for Jabba the Hutt. However, Uzak had feelings of guilt after killing so many people, and left with his friends to the Desert. They found a double bladed red lightsabre, once owned by Darth Maul. They broke the lightsabre into two different blades, one of which Uzak took, the other went to another Jawa.he took the lightsabre away and specaly modified it so it came out of his staff made of baba wood which can't be broken by lighsabures.
