Star Wars Fanon

After about a week and a half of hard work by Solus, Edward Oliver and myself, the second chapter of Star Wars: Episode I - The Chosen One has finally been released! Solus, as always, has been a great editor, provided highly valuable grammatical editing as well as even more valuable story and character suggestions. For example, you're going to meet Jar Binks in this novel, and he's a far more serious version of the canon Jar-Jar Binks (when you hear his dialogue, picture British nobility or that centurion in the first Harry Potter film). There were some points where Jar was coming across either unrealistic, forced and, really, Jar-Jar-ish. Solus pointed those out, and the improvements I made to those bits only served to strengthen the chapter. Oliver also gave me MUCH needed help with the Battle of New Centrif which you'll find at the end of the chapter. Oliver is a military man so he understands combat and how to realistically portray it in all of its horror. Hopefully our work in the chapter came across well. Also, just as a heads up, this battle was not present in the first draft.

So in this chapter, you get to learn a bit about Queen Arcadia as she interacts with Senator Palpatine and her advisers. You especially get to learn a bit about her late father, Veruna Arcadia, and how he's impacted her life and the people of Utapau, which is now being invaded by the Federation. You are also introduced to Jar Binks, see a bit more of the arrogant personality of Jard Dooku and witness the battle in New Centrif.

So, without further adieu, here's the chapter: