Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Urma Boont was a female Bothan, and was part of the SMERSH organization that fought against MI5 in 42 BBY. She later joined forces with Dr. Noah.


Urma Boont was sent out by SMERSH to attack the MI5 organization. It was revenge for what happened on Ryloth a few months prior.

Using Digika as a decoy, she hired assassins (which included Adder and Pots Putnyocus) to assassinate Queen Teresaa of Naboo. Since the Queen was a major part of MI5's funding, MI5 would be dealt a major blow if the Queen was eliminated.

While the battle in Theed raged and her small army marched on the Royal Palace, she knew that the Gungan (Gruu Funkistann) employed by MI5 would head to Otoh Gunga seeking help from his people. So, she set up a trap in the underwater cities to capture and destroy the MI5 agents. But that plan failed.

During the underwater battle, Urma freed Pots from the MI5 ship in which he was imprisoned. She then headed back to her base on the Mystery Moon to meet up with Digika...only to get captured by different MI5 agents.

Over the next eight years she spent at the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, she befriended Dr. Noah, Klay, Clowe, and Perkins. Together the five of them formulated a plan to escape prison and get revenge against MI5. When they finally broke out in 34 BBY, Klay used his contacts on Khubeaie to reacquire weapons. When MI5 followed their trail, Urma Boont was captured by MI5 operative Pandolfo Taproot and was sent back to prison.

Behind the Scenes[]

Urma Boont was created by the Star Wars... 007 Style series creator Dubya Scott, and was named after the James Bond film character Irma Bunt.

