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Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

Urde Ra'akdoon was a male Morsian redeemed Jedi Master during the waning years of the Galactic Republic.

Born on Mors in 205 BBY, Ra'akdoon was found by the Jedi and taken to the Jedi Temple for training. During his early years of training, Ra'akdoon showed prowess in both the Force and lightsaber combat, though showed some less desirable Jedi traits. He was headstrong and emotionally difficult, unable to detach himself from anger and aggression, due to his race.

In 140 BBY, his master was killed by a Sith Lord while the two were on a mission. Full of anger, rage and sadness at the death of his master, he was swiftly turned to the dark side. Under the apprenticeship of the Sith, his rage and aggression was channelled into powerful dark side force abilities, such as Force choke and Force lightning, enhancing his already impressive grasp in the Force.

However, forty years after his tempting to the dark side, Ra'akdoon started to recognize the error of his ways, which culminated in his killing of his Sith master and defection back to the Jedi, with the lightsaber of his Sith master as proof of his deed. The Jedi, however, were highly against Ra'akdoon's return to the order, and would have turned him away were it not for the patronage of Grand Master Yoda persuading the Jedi, just, that he should be allowed to return. From then on, Yoda acted as the patron of Ra'akdoon, who became highly loyal to Yoda and the two formed a friendship. However, the rest of the Jedi Order detested Ra'akdoon's presence in their ranks, though the latter took little heed to the thoughts of his fellow Jedi about him.

During the Clone Wars, he was given a clone legion, the 666th Legion, and after his initial concerns he became highly attached to the men under his command. Taking in the misfits, defects and troublemakers, he offered clones a second chance, with fairness and equality which earned him the respect and loyalty of the men under his command. The legion fought with bravery, and Ra'akdoon always led them from the front, doing what he could to minimize casualties. Despite being thrown into some of the most savage fighting, and dire scenarios, the legion always came out on top, largely thanks to the leadership of Ra'akdoon.

During Order 66, Ra'akdoon and a few loyal clones managed to escape from his fleet and fled to the Morsian Empire, who had offered sanctuary to Jedi and any loyal men to avoid persecution from the fledgling Galactic Empire. Arriving at their borders in a small ship, they were taken in and questioned, before finally being cleared to live within the borders of the Morsians. Setting his men down on the planet Ides Nova, they began a new life there while Ra'akdoon himself returned to Mors, where he felt he could be more comfortable.

During the Galactic Civil War, he lived independently until he heard mentioning of a new Jedi Order being built within the Morsian Empire, founded by Jedi who had escaped the purge. For several years he picked up whisperings of it before finally travelling to the planet Undulis with his men in the aim of joining it. By 10 BBY, he was a full member and resumed his rank of Jedi Master, as well as being bumped up to a Council Member. The Order continued to grow in strength, however rarely left the safety of the Morsian borders during the rest of the Galactic Civil War. It was only following the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty that the Order, and Ra'akdoon, finally visited outside of the galaxy.

When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked in 25 ABY, Ra'akdoon along with much of the Order, went to the front lines with the aim of stopping the invasion and fighting the Yuuzhan Vong. However, the Vong were well defended against the Jedi which caused much problems for them. During the opening few years of the war, Ra'akdoon fought in many battles and became severely injured several times, losing his left eye and suffering numerous broken bones and scars. He fought alongside the Morsians, other Jedi and other galactic forces as they worked together to fight the Vong, with Ra'akdoon using his full powers in any way possible, fighting with both Jedi and Sith techniques in the hope of fighting something to defeat the Vong.


Early life[]

Ra'akdoon was born on Mors in 205 BBY where he grew up until being discovered by the Jedi and taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant/Legends in 200 BBY, where he trained under a Jedi Master, going on various diplomatic missions across the world. He was discovered to be strong in the Force and was quickly able to pick up Jedi techniques and so learned most of the Jedi moves ever used by the Order. While here, he also built his own lightsaber, as per the Jedi way, however he did not use any of the regular Jedi crystals. Instead, he returned to his home world of Mors and retrieved a black crystal from it which was suitable for lightsaber construction, giving him his signature black lightsaber blades. He initially constructed a single bladed lightsaber, though after much admiration for the double blade, he learnt how to build and wield one, quickly adopting it as his main lightsaber of choice.

Fall to the dark side[]

In 140 BBY, sixty years after his admission into the Jedi Order, his Master was killed by a Sith on a mission. Having grown bored of the Jedi and the grief and anger he now experienced at the death of his long time Master and friend, he fell to the dark side and became the apprentice to the very Sith who killed his Master. Now free from the restraints of the Jedi, he quickly picked up the dark side abilities of the Force, such as Force choke and Force lightning, as well as a crude variant of the Force ability to prevent people from dying, though using this ability drained him for several minutes, making him weak for the time, so he rarely used it.

Resurrection to the light side[]

After forty years of being a Sith, however, he realized the error of his ways and how he was wrong to fall so easily for the dark side. After killing his Sith Master and taking both his head and lightsaber as proof, he returned to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant in 100 BBY in an attempt to re-join the Order. He was shunned by the Jedi but managed to get an audience with the Jedi Council where he attempted to prove his redemption to the light side, with his old Sith Master's Lightsaber. He was only saved by Grand Master Yoda who still sensed light side within him and managed to persuade the Council to readmit Ra'akdoon into the Order under the rank of Master, due to overcoming the dark side to return to the Light. However, he was shunned and near universally hated by the members of the Order, which failed to both him.

Leading to the Clone Wars[]

Ra'akdoon undertook regular Jedi duties with his new Master title though did not take up a Padawan learner, partly due to his reluctance to take one and also due to the Council not wanting to bestow one on him in case they became corrupted. Ra'akdoon continued to train both in the Force and with his Lightsaber while at the Temple, as well as training Younglings in the Force, lightsaber etiquette and history, particularly in how to avoid falling for the dark side. He had no friends at the Temple outside of Grand Master Yoda, since the Jedi universally shunned him due to his past, though he did make a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi after he came to the Order. The rest of the Jedi either shunned or reluctantly tolerated his presence.

The Clone Wars[]

Ra'akdoon was given a clone legion just prior to the start of the Clone Wars in 23 BBY, naming it the 666th Legion. After getting to grips with his men and new command, he jumped to action at the outbreak of war, taking part in the First Battle of Geonosis where he first learnt of the reality of war.

First Battle of Geonosis[]

Ra'akdoon took part in the First Battle of Geonosis with his clone legion, being tasked with assaulting a droid factory on the planet. While his fleet was engaged in a space battle in orbit of Geonosis, Ra'akdoon landing via gunship amidst anti-aircraft fire, he led his men from the front, destroying the Separatist defences in front of the factors as well as taking out the AA guns before leading the assault inside. They were ambushed inside so Ra'akdoon led a party to find the main control room in hopes of shutting down the factory and so preventing new droids from being created and mobilized against his men.

On the way they found a clone Lieutenant, in a small surgical room, before he used the Force to save a clone trooper from dying after an explosion destroyed the room and killed his second in command, Captain CT-25/07 'Cutter'. After this, he led his force to the droid control center, where they found a tactical droid and Geonosian operators of the factory. After shutting down the tactical droid, he attempted to persuade the Geonosians to shut down the factory, and while they did so, they attempted to surprize the clones and Ra'akdoon and shoot them, resulting in them being shot down. As they left the control room, Ra'akdoon destroyed all the controls in the room, to prevent the factory being restarted.

Returning to the factory floor, Ra'akdoon organized his defences, as the Separatists were launching an assault on the factory. Once again leading his men from the front, Ra'akdoon and his clones repelled the assault, and Ra'akdoon once again used the Force to prevent a trooper from dying. With the arrival from some bombers from the fleet in orbit, the Separatist assault was repelled and the factory was secured.

After the battle was over, Ra'akdoon rotated his men guarding the factory and left the planet to return to the fleet. While there, he recruited the clone lieutenant to become his second in command, as well as formed a unit of bodyguard clones out of men he noted had excellent individual skills, forming the Four troopers of the apocalypse. He also discovered that two troopers, CT-1959 and CT-404, had stowed away with the 666th Legion to prevent them being held back from the front line, on account of their excellent engineering and computing skills. Instead of turning them into the Jedi, Ra'akdoon recruited them officially into the legion, promising them front line action like they wanted, provided they also did jobs for him when he required.


Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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Order 66[]

Ra'akdoon luckily survived Order 66 by escaping from his fleet and command ship, the Venator-class Star Destroyer Infiltrator II, along with a half dozen loyal men. As they were fleeing the legion, they picked up word from the Morsian Empire with an offer of sanctuary to any Jedi and loyal men who could make it to their border. In return for safety and peace, they would need to abide by Morsian law wherever they settled. Despite the caveat, they revelled in the idea of safety, so set a course for the borders of the Morsian Empire. Upon arriving at the borders, they were stopped by a patrolling Morsian fleet who took them on board to question them. They soon recognized Ra'akdoon, and after some questioning, allowed him and his men to enter the borders. Ra'akdoon planned to return to his home planet of Mors, however its atmosphere would not allow the clones to breath, so instead they were to settle on the Morsian Protectorate Planet of Ides Nova while Ra'akdoon returned to Mors. After leaving them, they were to remain in contact while Ra'akdoon returned to Mors.

Joining the Morsian Jedi Order[]

He struggled to start a new life on Mors, though not so much due to his past, but more due to how he had been living under the Jedi. He knew little of how to live outside of the rigid Jedi structure, so settling into a normal civilian life was a difficult change for him. After nearly ten years, he was still struggling when he first heard word of a new Jedi Order being built within the Morsian Empire by exiled Jedi. Somewhere, on some planet, they were building a new Order and Jedi were making their way there. He searched far and wide for information on it, until finally discovering that they were based on the protectorate planet of Undulis. Making to his ship, he spoke to his men who were in agreement with moving to this planet to find the Jedi.

Arriving there, he found them to be highly secretive, mostly as a precaution for their safety. He struggled to find information on them, but finally discovered that they were based in the nation of Icenia. After much more hassle, he gained a contact who was able to bring him to the Jedi Order and their new Jedi Temple in the Jedi Acropolis. Speaking to members and expressing his willingness to join the order, he was made a member and given his old rank of Jedi Master back to him in 10 BBY. In addition, his rank was increased to a Council Member shortly afterwards on the insistence of the Order, who wanted a Morsian Jedi on the council at all times, to honor the kindness shown to them by the Morsians. His men were eventually allowed to stay in the Jedi Village, however many of the Jedi were mistrusting of them. During the rest of the civil war, up until the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty, Ra'akdoon settled into his new Jedi life, which was familiar enough to be natural but also different enough to allow him more freedom and flexibility. He became a liked and respected member of the new Order, losing most of his old bitterness and hatred.

For the brief period of peace after the end of the Civil War, Ra'akdoon went on various diplomatic missions to both the New Jedi Order as well as to planets and nations to establish a relationship between them and the Morsian Jedi Order, as it became known. He took more enjoyment in his role but also, for the first time in over 100 years, he enjoyed being around other Jedi in the temple, teaching Younglings and Padawans.

Yuuzhan Vong War[]

By the time of the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong in 25 ABY, Ra'akdoon was comfortable being out in public as a Jedi, and willing to defend the galaxy again. While his loyal clones were dead by now, he also didn't need to command forces as he was not in any sort of army, so could set out on missions assigned to him by the Order. Thanks to his powers and skills with his double bladed lightsaber, he was quickly sent to the front of the invasion to gather information and test how the Vong fought, so he could look for weaknesses. However, while he fought in many battles, his reports back to the Jedi were disheartening at best. He quickly discovered that the Vong were resistant to most Force techniques, and their armor resistant to the blades of lightsabers. Many of his tactics didn't work on it, and he was injured multiple times during major defeats against the forces he was fighting alongside.

In 26 ABY, Ra'akdoon participated in the Battle of Rhen Var where he fought alongside Morsian forces on the planet in a bid to halt the Vong. The fleet in orbit was overwhelmed, allowing the Vong to start deploying troops to counter the Morsians on the planet. He co-ordinated with the legions on the planet to try and stop the Vong, using their combined knowledge to find a weak spot. This proved fruitless, however, as the Vong broke the defenses on the planet which had been created. Ra'akdoon fought with everything he could muster, but became separated from nearby Morsian forces and surrounded by the Vong, suffering heavy injuries including one to his left eye. He would have been killed had a Morsian patrol not found him, after they were dispatched to look for him. Fighting through to him, they created a screen around him and treated his wounds until a small ship could come from the hard pressed fleet in orbit to take him off the planet. The patrol sacrificed themselves to protect him until he could be loaded up with the wounded and taken to orbit, which was a success at the expense of their own lives. The ship with Ra'akdoon was the only one to escape from the destruction of the fleet, travelling first to Ruusan and then to Moonus Mandel, where the Morsians were creating a strong defensive line.

He took a while to recover, having to learn how to live with only one eye working. His experience enraged him, however, and he swore vengeance against the Vong. This was only compounded when he heard about the destruction of his old legion, the 666th, in the Battle of Genassa. The Morsian Jedi Order were adamant about him returning to Undulis for rest, but after much persuasion he managed to get them to allow him to remain near the front line. He undertook a more advisory role until he felt he could again fight competently enough with one eye.


Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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During his first time in the Jedi Order, Ra'akdoon was taught the Jedi ways and thus picked up the typical Jedi demeaner and personality traits. Ra'akdoon as a Jedi was arrogant and aloof, with a sarcastic undertone to when he spoke. In accordance with the Jedi Code, he was also detached from his emotions as much as possible, with little regard for other beings he encountered with his Master when outside of the Temple.

While as a Sith, however, Ra'akdoon was largely the opposite. He was still arrogant, more so during his time with the Sith, and full of rage and anger. He had no qualms with killing anyone or anything that got in his way, and damage to his surroundings were natural for him. His emotions fuelled his rage and most of his actions were guided by his anger.

When he returned to the Jedi, however, his demeaner had completely changed. He was now far more kind to those around him, with far more regard for the people around him than himself. He placed others above himself and saw the lives of his companions and civilians far more important than his own. After his time with the Sith, Ra'akdoon had more control of his emotions, and didn't block them out as per the usual Jedi way. He was compassionate and caring, capable of forming attachments and feeling anger when needed. This carried on until the Jedi Order was destroyed, and he fled to the Morsian Empire.

His personality completely changed over the first few years of being a part of the Morsian Jedi Order. They were more accepting of him, and it was a change for a fresh start. They were far more respectful and liked in the new order, which quickly changed his personality. He lost much of his bitterness and hatred, becoming far more jolly and upbeat. He interacted more with other Jedi, making new relationships and socialising.

Throughout it all, he always held some form sarcasm, often attempting to make light of a situation in some form or another. His sarcasm was usually dry, as was his humor. This disappeared during his time as a Sith, when the humor and sarcasm was replaced by threats, brashness and rashness.

Relation to others[]

Jedi Order[]

Ra'akdoon had a complicated relationship with the Jedi Order. During his first stay, he was treated much like any other Jedi in the Order, with the same respect most got. However, after falling to the Sith, he started to hate the Jedi while his mind was clouded by hate and the dark side. After his epiphany and return to the Jedi, Ra'akdoon was shunned by the Jedi and often belittled by the other Jedi, quite openly within the Temple. While Ra'akdoon took little offence to this and often challenged the Jedi back, which sometimes resulted in a quick duel that Ra'akdoon would win, it made him detest staying at the Jedi Temple. The Jedi resented him and while he always tried to guide them in the correct direction and warn them of coming dangers, they took no heed. This was no more prominent than during the Clone Wars, when Ra'akdoon constantly tried to warn them of Palpatine being a Sith Lord, which he could sense more keenly due to this past in the dark side, yet the Jedi ignored his warnings.

Grand Master Yoda[]

Ra'akdoon had a positive relationship with Yoda, who was the reason he was allowed into the Order after falling to the Sith. Thanks to Yoda, Ra'akdoon attained his rank of Jedi Master and seat on the Council, which caused a bond to occur between the two. Yoda also had a Jedi again who could live as long as himself, which further developed their friendship. This continued to grow while Ra'akdoon was again with the Order, with their bond continuing during the Clone Wars. Unfortunately, Ra'akdoon and Yoda were separated when Order 66 occurred and they had no more contact between each other before Yoda died on Dagobah.

Obi-Wan Kenobi[]

Ra'akdoon had a positive relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, likely due to their meeting after Ra'akdoon had already re-joined the Order. The two became friends, and later good friends after Obi-Wan joined the Council. Along with Yoda, the two were the only Jedi Ra'akdoon counted as friends before the destruction of the Order in Order 66. The two often joked and spoke to each other outside of Jedi business, though unfortunately, Ra'akdoon and Kenobi were separated when Order 66 occurred and they had no more contact between each other before Kenobi exiled himself.

Sith Order[]

Ra'akdoon, like all Jedi, despised the Sith and while he was originally with the Jedi, he too hated the Sith as the enemies of the Jedi. However, this changed when he joined the Sith at the death of his Jedi Master. While with the Sith, his disposition to them changed due to his affiliation. The Sith and dark side fuelled his anger and so gave him reason. However, when he realized his mistake and returned to the Jedi, he once again turned back to hating the Sith. The dark side gave him Force powers that the Jedi would never have taught him and also gave him a heightened sense of the dark side as he travelled around the galaxy. He was one of the few Jedi who knew Palpatine was a Sith Lord, and often warned the Jedi about him, however they paid no attention. Palpatine and various other Sith Lords attempted to get Ra'akdoon to turn to the dark side, though none succeeded.

Palpatine/Darth Sidious[]

Ra'akdoon had no time for Palpatine, and he knew right away that the chancellor was a Sith Lord due to his heightened sense of the dark side. Ra'akdoon was highly suspicious of Palpatine and constantly tried to warn the Jedi Order about him but they took no notice. Even as the war dragged on, the public started turning on the Jedi and Ra'akdoon himself telling them Palpatine had tried to recruit him to the dark side, they still took no notice. At some point, Palpatine discovered that Ra'akdoon had once been a Sith Lord and so attempted to recruit him to the dark side once again multiple times. This happened in various means, both physically and mentally through the Force in visions or nightmares while Ra'akdoon was sleeping. Despite this, Ra'akdoon remained hostile to Palpatine and never considered returning to the dark side. He celebrated the news of Sidious' demise in 4 ABY, with a weight taken off his shoulders.

Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader[]

Ra'akdoon had a strong dislike of Anakin Skywalker from the moment he met him. While he was usually respectable to the Jedi, often calling them by the title of Master, he referred to Anakin solely by his last name of Skywalker. He could sense the Dark/light side battle happening within Anakin and tried to warn the council about him. The two often butted heads which quickly devolved into lightsaber fights whenever they met, with Ra'akdoon usually ending the fight and trying to avoid Anakin for as long as he could. His dislike extended to hated after he witnessed the holo recording of Anakin killing the Younglings in the Jedi Temple, silently swearing that he would kill Anakin/Vader if he ever got the chance, though he never did. He was relieved at Anakin's death in 4 ABY and despite hearing of his redemption, felt that he could never forgive Anakin himself. While he realized that this was hypocritical of him, since Ra'akdoon himself had performed some of the same acts as Anakin had done while he had been a Sith Lord, he still could not forgive him until many years later.

Count Dooku[]

Ra'akdoon had a mixed relationship with Count Dooku. By the time Ra'akdoon first met him, Ra'akdoon had already fallen to the dark side and subsequently returned to the light side, so he had a heightened sense of awareness of it. When Dooku arrived, Ra'akdoon took a liking to him, starting up a friendship with the count. However, this slow deteriorated as Dooku was tempted by the dark side more and more, despite Ra'akdoon's attempts to sway him away or block it from his mind. He mourned the loss of Dooku when he finally succumbed to the dark side and left the Jedi Order. Despite now being enemies, Ra'akdoon remained hopeful that Dooku would be able to return to the Jedi, and several times prior to the Clone Wars, Ra'akdoon ran into Dooku and tried to get him to return to the Jedi. Ra'akdoon had civilized run-ins with Dooku, where several times their old friendship showed through, but due to Ra'akdoon's past with the dark side, he had no love for Dooku until he was killed in 19 BBY. Ra'akdoon was saddened by his death, but realized that Dooku was never going to have returned to the Jedi.

General Grievous[]

Ra'akdoon had disdain for General Grievous, clashing with the cyborg warrior only a couple of times. In each of these encounters, Ra'akdoon attempted to understand more about Grievous, however the latter's strong hatred for Jedi prevent him from engaging in conversation too much. As such, Ra'akdoon showed no concern about Grievous and fought him with the aim to destroy him. Grievous, on the other hand, showed great interest in Ra'akdoon's lightsaber, calling it the 'jewel of [his] collection', if he were to ever beat Ra'akdoon and take it from him. However, Ra'akdoon's skills were too great for Grievous to defeat him, and the two never made any headway towards either peace or a victor. When Ra'akdoon heard, years later, about Grievous's death on Utapau in 19 BBY, he was happy that the lightsaber collecting cyborg had been ended, especially at the hands of Obi-Wan.

Skills and abilities[]

During his initial run with the Jedi, Ra'akdoon was no more powerful than any other Jedi of the time, though he was a quick learner. He learned how to use the typical Jedi Force powers, such as the mind trick, Force leap and telekinesis to move objects.

When he fell to the Sith, Ra'akdoon was able to learn and use many of the dark side powers, including Force choke and Force lighting. As his power of the dark side grew, Ra'akdoon was able to further use the Force to defend himself. He was able to catch Force lighting in his hands and ball it up, releasing it as a projectile, as well as catch blaster bolts in his hands without harm or even in mid air. Towards the end of his time with the Sith, Ra'akdoon learnt a rudimentary way of manipulating the Force to prevent death, something he used most frequently during the Clone Wars, though because he was never formally taught this, using this ability and preventing someone from dying drained him of his Force energy, leaving him weak and helpless for several minutes as he recovered.

Upon returning to the Jedi, Ra'akdoon continued to practice and use his powers from both sides of the Force, often using them alternatively, one after another. As a result of this, his resentment by the other Jedi remained constant, though he cared little for their attitude towards him. He was one of the only Jedi to employ Force lightning and, while he tried to use it while no other Jedi were present, he continued to use Force choke and other dark side abilities while questioning or interrogating prisoners.

As he became stronger in the Force, other quirks of the Force manifested itself in him, most notably in his eyes. Whenever Ra'akdoon became angry, a green fire was visible burning around his pupils. This fire did not hurt, as it was a projection of the Force, but when it appeared, people quickly learnt that Ra'akdoon was angry and was in no mood to be messed with. His clone troopers quickly found this out and were able to gauge when Ra'akdoon became angry, to stay out of his way.

His fighting style changed over the years, as Ra'akdoon added more and more Force usage during combat. While with the Jedi in his early years, he adopted one of the typical Jedi fighting forms, one that was most suited for his usage of the double bladed lightsaber. However, when he turned to the dark side, this lightsaber form changed to incorporate Force abilities that would throw an opponent off-guard and make them easier to hit and kill. He refined this form after returning to the Jedi, eventually settling on a half-and-half ratio of Force powers and lightsaber combat, usually involving throwing his lightsaber or using a Force power such as Force repulse or Force lighting to distract and opponent. His fighting style greatly lent itself to fighting more than one opponent.

Ra'akdoon Lightsaber no blades

Ra'akdoon's signature double bladed lightsaber


Ra'akdoon used a double bladed lightsaber as his primary weapon, having shown an affinity and interest in the weapon since he was a Youngling. In 198 BBY, Ra'akdoon created his double bladed training lightsaber. After showing much training prowess, he constructed and built his signature double bladed lightsaber, with black lightsaber blades from its unique black crystal. This was his only lightsaber and either it or his training lightsaber remained with him wherever he went. While he didn't carry any other weapons with him, he did carry the usual Jedi tools such as a communicator and hologram projector, various supplies on his belt and some basic tools, as standard for the Jedi

He also acquired various other belongings that kept safe in his room at the Jedi Temple and, later, on the farm he and his men created. One of these was a lock box that only users of the dark side could open. It had a special Force lock that was only unlockable by those with the knowledge and power of the dark side. Inside this box he kept some of his most personal and secret belongings, such as the lightsaber of his Sith Master, whom he killed before returning to the Jedi. Along with this box, he also had various other belongings such as his Jedi Master's lightsaber, a set of Imperial soldier armor from the time of the Sith Empire, an ornate gold staff and vibroblade sword.

Behind the scenes[]

Ra'akdoon originally started out as a LEGO minifigure that legodude494 created. His body was that of a spare Lone Ranger minifigure, with a green opaque alien head from an unknown set and a hood/tattered cape bought off a LEGO parts website. The hands were replaced with black minifigure hands to act as gloves and the lightsaber blades/hilt was acquired from a toy fair. With this, Ra'akdoon was born and a backstory created. Without this minifigure, all of legodude494's Star Wars creations would not exist.

List of appearances[]

