Star Wars Fanon


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The Uprising of Felucians was a series of rebellions organized by the natives of Felucia, the Jungle Felucians. The uprising was put down by the troops of 327th Star Corps, thought not without fallens.


The Galactic Empire took Felucia at the end of the Clone Wars, during the Outer Rim Sieges in 19 BBY. The Felucians had ever been hostiles with the invaders, and for this cause the rebellion outbreaks in 16 BBY.

The conflict[]

Divided in groups and tribes, Felucians started to attack the imperial outposts in one single night. The troops of 327th Star Corps fought without breaks, and in some cases were able to defeat Felucians, such as in the Imperial Outpost FN-12. In other cases, the Felucians took the control of the fortress and killed all the troopers.

The rescue campaign[]

Tomorrow there will be work, and furthermore we have to improve the defenses. But now, go.
Sergeant Udd to his troops[src]

When the sun rase, the situation was serious, and the commander Bly had to deploy his forces whit criterion. His reinforcements were able to conquest most of the outposts, losing various walkers and men.


Eventually, Bly made sure all the imperial settlements and prepared a campaign to hit heavily the Felucians.

Behind the scenes[]

The Uprising of Felucians made his first appearance in Galaxy of War: The Revenge of Felucians, with the Battle of the Imperial Outpost FN-12.

