The Upestis system was a binary star system located within Savareen sector, in the Outer Rim Territories of the Galactic Republic. The system possessed two terrestrial worlds and two gas giants, as well as an asteroid belt that bisected the four orbits, however these bodies were largely unremarkable. As of the Jedi Civil War, it was uninhabited and largely unexplored, despite being within close relative proximity to the Corellian Run. However, it was the scene of a small-scale engagement between a small Republic Navy patrol and the Sith warship Wrangler.
A binary star system, Upestis was located approximately three parsecs Coreward of the Corellian Run, on the other side of the Savareen sector from Rodia. The system consisted of Upestis A, a blue giant, and Upestis B, a red dwarf, and four uninhabited and unclaimed worlds. The innermost planet, Upestis I, was a scorched fireball that whipped around its parent stars once every forty-eight Standard days. The second, Upestis II, was an airless rock approximately half the diameter and mass of Coruscant, situated approximately one hundred twelve million kilometers away from the system's center. The outer two worlds, Upestis III and IV, were gas giants; the inner world boasted a vast ring system and around forty moons, while the outer, its magnetic field tilted almost perpendicular to the plane of the system's ecliptic, had only two. A loose belt of asteroids separated the two inner worlds from the outer planets.
First mapped in 3,994 BBY in the wake of the Great Sith War, the Upestis system was spared only a cursory glance by space probes sent out by the Galactic Republic. Since nothing of immediate interest or danger had been detected in that area, the system went unclaimed by the Republic or any other colonial entity for quite some time. Even during the Mandalorian Wars, it was given no thought by the Revanchists or the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.
Jedi Civil War[]
During the Jedi Civil War that followed, however, the Corellian Run became a route of major contention. In 3,956 BBY the Sith Interdictor-class cruiser Wrangler, captained by the Dark Jedi Xaset Terep, engaged in a short but furious fight with a pair of Republic Hammerhead-class cruisers, Endar Spire and Feldnar Spire, along with the 37th Starfighter Squadron. Though the cruiser and its four squadrons of Sith interceptors significantly outgunned their opponents, the small Republic flotilla was able to drive the Sith off due to the influence of Bastila Shan's battle meditation. This event would lead to turmoil among the crew of the Sith warship, which ultimately defected back to the Republic in time to serve alongside the task force under the command of Vice-Admiral Forn Dodonna during its mission to capture Darth Revan.
Behind the scenes[]
The Upestis system first appeared in the novel The Last Full Measure by Sean "Goodwood" Nash. In the original draft, the system went unnamed and undescribed beyond its location near the Corellian Run, however due to the nature of the events that took place there, Nash saw the need to give the location more context.
- The Last Full Measure (First mentioned)