Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

A droid with creative thinking? Are you sure this is safe?"
"Absolutely, sir."
"All right, but just the one.

—CIS Officers discussing the creation of 933 with Jamba Lo.

Unit 933 was a modified Air Battle Droid made before Air Battle Droids were released.


Creation to Geonosis[]

933 blueprint

The final design for Unit 933.

A jetpack? That's new.
—An officer sees the final design for 933.

Design Stages[]

In 21 BBY, certain CIS officers designed a new form of battle droid, which they considered to be superior to the earlier B variants. To complete their design, they gave the droid a feature that no droid had ever had in the history of the Galaxy - creativity. This droid would be able to think up strategies, develop a personality, and even be trained to hate its enemies. However, when the designers took their plans to their superiors, they had an obstacle. None of the higher ranking officials would agree to the modifications. They thought the droid's overall design was good, and eventually developed it into the Air battle droid, but they had no intention to allow an intelligent droid. This could lead to the droid gaining control over the entire Droid Army, and using it to overthrow the CIS. After a long time of trying to reach him, the officers who designed the droid got an interview with Jamba Lo, a very high ranking CIS officer, who was the superior of all the other officials they had already asked. Lo agreed to the droid's creation, on the condition that only one was made.


Repulsorlift squad

The symbol of 933's repulsorlift squad.

Roger, roger.
—Unit 933 after being told to test his jetpack.

Soon, the droid was created, and named Unit 933. He was placed in command of a squad of battle droids that operated an L17-E Squad Transport Unit. Soon, the Battle of Geonosis arrived, and 933 was eager to test his skills, so immediately sent his squad into battle. 933 easily dispatched a Jedi and took his lightsaber, a double bladed blue saber, which he would use for the rest of his life. In the remainder of the battle, 933's squad dispatched several clones and Jedi


  • Primary Weapon
    • 933's Lightsaber
  • Secondary Weapon
    • Rage