Arakyd Household Droid N° 808, also known as "Bob", is a Battle/Exploration droid manufactured by Arakyd Industries. This line's droids are usually made for House chores, but Unit 808 was repurposed by his creator Erin Noch as a Battle Droid, and a gift for the Galactic Republic. He eventually found his way into Team Catastrophe.
Unit 808 was orginally going to just be another Domestic droid, destined to some random house on Coruscant. However, the worker assigned to N° 808 felt like such a piece of art deserved more than just a boring artificial life, and repurposed his creation. As such, he became a Battle droid, given to the Galactic Republic.
"Bob" is extremely polite, as are all of the droids of the Arakyd Household Droid line. 808 also has high respect for the Clone army, and even more so for Team Catastrophe.
Unit 808 has participated to multiple battles in the Clone Wars. His actions during the Empire's era are unknown.
- "Master Delta, I am picking up a signal coming from the east. Should I warn Masters Alpha, Beta and Gamma?"
- "Rancors are a species of semi-sentient reptilian carnivorous animals, originating from planet Dathomir."
- "My data-base holds aproximatively half of the Jedi Temple's data-base's informations."