The Union - a nation and government I'd follow into the darkness and would willingly give my life for it.
—A Federalist citizen on the Union
The Union of Earth States, also known as "Unionies" by Confederate soldiers, Union Government by members of the Senate and rarely as the "Criminals in Office", was a nation founded on the planet of Earth in 81 BBY, established by the Articles of Union and constituted by the Constitution of the Union of Earth States, that united all nations of the planetary population. However, this was countered continuously by the Traditionalist Party—which believed that Earth should be united under an alliance rather than a single-ruling government stating that it was susceptible to corruption. Despite the actions and speeches of Traditionalist Party members, many governments continued to recognize the Union Senate as a more superior and appropriate legislature more than their own whereas the Traditionalists still refused the Union as well as laws and policies enacted by the Union Senate, favoring and maintaining their own governments.
- Office of the President of the Union States
- Union High Council
- Office of the Secretary of State
- Senate of the Union
- Supreme Court of the Union
- State Courts of the Union
- Union Armed Forces
- Office of the Armed Forces Marshal
- Department of the Union Army
- Union Army
- Union Army Reserve
- Union Army Aviation Branch
- Union Army Medical Corps
- Union Army Academy
- Union Army Central Reconnaissance for Emergency Evacuation
- Union Army
- Department of the Union Navy
- Union Navy
- Union Naval Reserve
- Union Marine Corps
- Union Naval Academy
- Union Naval Intelligence and Surveillance
- Union Navy
- Department of the Union Air Force
- Union Air Force
- Union Aerospace Force
- Union Aerial Academy
- Union Air Force
- Union States Special Operations Command
81 BBY—21 BBY[]
81 BBY—71 BBY[]
For the first ten years after its founding, the Union was always a subject of discussions within many news and media outlets as many former citizens of independent states and nations were now living in unity and their cultures intertwining with each other.
Overtime, the Federalist Party grew power hungry and wanted nothing but total control of the Union. They saw this possible with the Senate; making it their prime source of obtaining said power.
71 BBY—68 BBY[]
In 71 BBY, the Federalist Party wanted to further tighten their grip and hold over the Union and secretly launched a crusade and intended to allow the Senate to mobilize the Armed Forces and decrease the Traditionalist Party's recent growing popularity with the public. With their criminal and corrupted connections, the Federalists allowed their puppets to massacre civilians and had publicly shown they were working to neutralize this plague terrorizing the Union States. It was that this point the Federalist Party became very paranoid at the thought of the Traditionalists gaining popularity and wanted to prevent this from becoming a reality, thus the beginning of the crusade.
During the Crusade's first few months, the vote to mobilize the Armed Forces was in constant debate over whether or not it should be approved by the Senate. Nearly all of the Traditionalist Party were against the vote while the Federalist Party were in complete support of it, and were even supported by some Traditionalist Party members. Although the debates were proved to have been wasting time, the Union President eventually overruled the final vote count for the mobilization and allowed the Armed Forces to become an active force during this crusade. At this point, the Crusaders were told that they were now expendable and many of them attempted to expose the involvement of the Federalists but to no avail as the commanders of the military forces were all Federalist Party supporters and destroyed all evidence.
For the next three years of the Crusade, many of the Crusaders fought hard and well against the forces of the Union Armed Forces, using guerrilla warfare and infiltration tactics. As these proved to be successful during the conflict, they were able to at least gain foothold and strength within their territories, causing the Federalist Party to become paranoid that if the Crusaders were able to prevent their dissolution, the Party would be exposed about their involvement and the Traditionalist Party would be the leading political party within the Union.
Eventually when the first warship nicknamed the Saviour was pressed into the conflict, the Crusaders were unable to hold their ground and were defeated on every front that the Saviour entered. It was said that this warship was what allowed the Union Armed Forces to defeat them and restore order to the Union States. After the last of the Crusaders were reported to have been defeated, the Union High Council, under the order of the Senate, gave orders to the Armed Forces to cease all active operations. With the end of the First Crusade, the Federalist Party secured their anti-Crusade policies and their continued trust from the public, allowing them to lead within the Senate further into the future and continued to work in secret.
64 BBY—61 BBY[]
After Alice Wards became the first Traditionalist Party member to serve as President of the Union States, she also became a prime target of the Federalist Party as her popularity during her campaign created many promises if she was elected, one of the major losses the Party saw was her promise of decentralizing the High Council's power over the Armed Forces, and wanted to prevent this. This caused the Federalists to launch another Crusader and hired what the majority of the Federalists called "amateurs". Their primary mission was to stage an assassination on Alice Wards and were given a complete schedule of her public appearances and had to make their own choice at which appearance they'd assassinate her at. Due to what happened during the First Crusade, the Federalist Party didn't directly involve themselves with the Crusaders and communicated through "pigeons", who were messengers. This decision also led to a backfire as even though they were successful in assassinating Alice, most of those involved were arrested and allowed Secretary of State Delwyn to be sworn in as President of the Union States.
With Federalist Security given orders to purge all loose ends, those Crusaders who were arrested attempted to go public and told their truth to the police forces. When these confessions found their way to the ears of the Traditionalist Party, they immediately attempted to keep the Crusaders in custody protected from Federalist Security and stalled their executions, which were ordered by the current Federalist Union President Delwyn. While these stalls were able to hold back the executions, the Traditionalists worked closely with the Crusaders on getting the truth from them and the Federalist's involvement with Alice Ward's assassination. However, Delwyn grew tired of the Traditionalists and forced these executions after the Federalist Party became paranoid that their rivals were beginning to gain truth in the assassination.
As a result, the Federalist Party pressed for more military action across Union territory, deploying troops and allowing the Federalists' rule continue on. The Second Crusade was postponed indefinitely.
59 BBY—58 BBY[]
A few years after Alice Ward's assassination and the Federalists' corruption continuing to spread without rest, one of its members Edward Bridger defected and wanted to expose his Party's corruption and criminal doings to both the Union and the Traditionalist Party. He openly threatened the Party and its leadership about their involvement in everything they committed including Alice's assassination years prior while they believed Bridger was merely bluffing, they were proven wrong when they found out news that he was seen talking with members of the Traditionalist Party, particularly King Daniel IV of Zarkan. At that moment, the Party were convinced he wasn't bluffing. However, King Daniel IV was skeptical of his claims while the majority of the Traditionalist Party believed him as during the investigation of Alice's assassination, they discovered evidence of the Federalist Party being involved, but couldn't prove it.
After revealing what they called concrete evidence, Bridger was told that he was going to testify against the Federalist Party in the Supreme Court. After the press, news and media outlets had gotten awareness of this event, there was talk among the public about the trust they've been placing in the Federalist Party and that if they really cared about the Union. Many of these discussions, debates and news articles had Edward Bridger's name on their headlines and with knowledge of him testifying against his own Party, many wondered what truths would actually be revealed in his testimony. This kept the Federalist Party on extreme edge as they knew once he testified, their involvement with everything that plagued the Union States would be revealed to the public and they'd lose their power.
Having had carefully planned to deal with Edward Bridger, the Federalist Party hired an assassin named Henley Onyx to neutralize him before he could make it to his testimony. In order ensure that this would look legitimate to the Senate, public and the Traditionalists, the majority and leadership of the Party remained at the Royal Court building in downtown Williamtown. While on the way to the Royal Court, Henley executed his plan of attack and ambushed the secure convoy with explosives, taking out most of the vehicles and security before taking his shot at Bridger, killing him.
After the emergency services were able to get to the scene, Henley was long gone and did his best to destroy everything would be traced back to him. This surprised the Traditionalist Party as they did not foresee this turn of events and after what had happened, Daniel Zarkan and the Traditionalist Party became absolutely convinced their rivals were corrupted and decided to act against them. Their first decision was to enter a "black operations" phase and discussed with their sympathizers in the Union States Special Operations Command about a possible breakaway faction and causing a civil war in the Union, this decision surprised their Special Operations supporters as there was the possibility of it getting out of hand but Daniel IV didn't pay no mind to any consequence his plan would bring. Nonetheless, his plan was set into motion when a General of the Union Army publicly announced his secession from the Union and its Armed Forces in order to form a "new Union Government" to replace the corrupt government that always relied on violence against their enemies and problems.
This had baffled the Federalist Party as they had no plans about a secession and were caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. For the first time in 30 years, the Party's leadership agreed with their rival Party's leadership when they deemed the breakaway faction as an act of treason against the Articles of Union and its Constitution. For much of the civil war's duration, both Parties had worked closely with each other on how to resolve this crisis; the Federalists suggested using military force but were told that they'd be proving what the rebels claimed if they proceeded, relying on violence to solve its problems and would most likely lose public support. At this point, the current Federalist Union President admitted he was tired of his Party's lies and corruption and decided to listen to the Traditionalist leadership about their plans to resolving the civil war to a peaceful resolution.
Near the civil war's end, there was talks and discussions about the Armed Forces' deactivation that eventually were leaked out to the public and was seen as an extremely positive gesture from the Union. After another three months of civil war, the now unified Union Senate successfully negotiated with the General, who was actually just pretending the entire time and played his part in the plan. When the Union President announced that the breakaway rebels were brought back into the Union Armed Forces, both parties stood by their side. This was seen as pure unity within the Senate by both Parties as well.
The Federalist Party had also ended the postponement of their Second Crusade and began to work closely with the Traditionalist Party on the future of the Union of Earth States.
57 BBY—56 BBY[]
Following the end of the Union Civil War just a year before, the Union Armed Forces were voted to be deactivated, allowed all of its personnel to return home and be with their families. This also included the Marshal of the Armed Forces who was given a place among the Traditionalist Party. Most of the responsibilities that the Armed Forces held were carefully divided among the various law enforcement and government agencies within the Union Government.
The following year, the second Traditionalist Party member was elected as President of the Union States.
56 BBY—21 BBY[]
In the years long after its formation, the Union was being recognized more and more by its member states as a shadow of its former self and its Senate becoming increasingly corrupt by placing high taxes on its permanent and member states. Many of said states—mainly the Traditionalist Party—began to question the President's actions more and more up to the point where talks of secession were a possibility.
In 21 BBY, Jane Zarkan—Queen of the Zarkan Empire at the time—went on to finally secede from the Union's corrupted grip and formed the Confederate States of Earth. This secession gave the Union a large blow as 58 states of the Traditionalist Party withdrew themselves from the Union, joining Jane's new Union-free government. This began the Confederacy's attempt at negotiating with the Union on resolving its corruption, however this did not work as Richard Williams—Union President at the time—refused their pleas, with the support of the Federalist Party, and deemed the efforts of the Confederate States as an act of treason against the Articles of Union.
With further attempts of negotiation failing, Jane's Cabinet saw military use as the only option to force the Union to meet their demands which she reluctantly agrees to. This saw the formation of the Confederate States Forces and the States Forces Council—a body of high ranking military officials.
In 32 BBY, the Galactic Republic discovered the planet Earth, more specifically the Union States. Discussions between the President and a Jedi ambassador led to the Republic's alliance with the Union, and the latter's supply of a Venator-class Star Destroyer and several ground vehicles.
21 BBY—18 BBY[]
21 BBY—19 BBY[]
Following the formation of the States Forces, an emergency session of the Union Senate was called where many voted for the Union Armed Forces to be reactivated in fears of a war with the Confederates, which eventually did break out a few months later.
Once alerted of an attack on a Union-aligned state, the reactivated Union Armed Forces reported soldiers of the Confederate States Forces attacking and so the First Battle of Earth began the First Earth Civil War. The Union's alliance with the Galactic Republic granted them access to starships, ground vehicles and troops to use against the C.S.E. However the Galactic Republic was called away from the planet's affairs following a vote made by the Galactic Senate in the second week of the civil war.
The Civil War came to an end when Union President Richard Williams was captured by the Confederate States and used as leverage against the Union in order to surrender to them. Following this, the Union was allowed by the Confederate government to continue to operate but without its military power, giving up most of their captured territory. In these months, Jane attempted to practice good relations with Richard, however he was non-cooperative.
18 BBY[]
Later in 18 BBY, the Galactic Empire—successor to the Galactic Republic—invaded the planet and Richard Williams sided the Union with the Galactic Empire, and after six months of war with the Confederate States, having gained victory over them; the Union was reorganized into the Earth Empire, gaining more support from its member states and the Galactic Empire through the supplement of numerous legions of Imperial clone troopers, All Terrain class walkers, warships and starfighters. However Richard Williams was replaced by Williams Crest as the Emperor of the Earth Empire.
While the Confederate States of Earth was defeated by the Union and Empire, survivors—such as Jane Zarkan II and Radford Redforge—relocated to Mars secretly following the Empire's victory and conquest of Earth.
The Imperial fleet responsible for assisting the Earth Empire was stationed above Earth's orbit, ordered to follow the command of Earth Emperor William Crest. Although Jek Nrahom—the fleet's Admiral—was skeptical of William's judgement, he followed his orders nonetheless.
22 ABY[]
Following Operation: Liberty and the victory of the Nakamura Empire, Union-Confederate Alliance and the Earth Resistance; the Union-Confederate Alliance sought to rebuild their governments and restored both the Union of Earth States and Confederate States of Earth, and agreed to co-exist alongside one another for the greater good of Earth and their people. In order to better unite the Union and Confederate States, the Confederate-Union Government was established as a secondary executive branch to both governments and its leader being Annabelle Nakamura. This establishment also allowed citizens the freedom to choose the government they wish to support without any consequences. In the Earth Government's constitution, the Union were allowed to form a space-based branch called the United Solar Federation.
With the Nakamura Empire having supported and assisted in the liberation of Earth, the people of Earth—mainly Confederate citizens—began to see Annabelle as a saviour. This liberation and unity also ignited the dawn of Earth's new age, one that had Earth healthy and rid of all Earth Empire influence, however also led to the discovery of Earth Imperial remnants, ultimately leading to the Second World War.
Union Armed Forces[]
The Union Armed Forces was created alongside the Union in 81 BBY and was active for years until the Union Senate voted its deactivation in 57 BBY after the Union Civil War. This armed forces branch was led by Union High Command.
Following a secession in 21 BBY, the Union Armed Forces were reactivated in fears of war which eventually broke out.
Combined Forces of the Alliance[]
After the Union's reorganization, Radford Redforge relocated those unhappy about the Union's fate to the planet of Mars and formed the Combined Forces of the Alliance, acting as a military force for the Union-Confederate Alliance.
Member States[]
Known member states
- Nortalia
- Soutalia
- Yutkan Republic
- Republic of Wekland (Later joined the Confederate States)
- Northlands
- Kingdom of Raclia
- Kingdom of Veaswen
- Caussian Republic
- North Bendakor
- South Bendakor
- Miroloth Kingdom
- Republic of Abarid
- Kanada
- Kingdom of Thunzar
- Valan Republic
- Republic of Tovia
- Varisan Federation
- Amerika
- Kingdom of Naven