Star Wars Fanon

Unbound Brigades was a large collective of mercenary units founded during the late Imperial era that were frequently contracted by the Hutts and later the Disciples of Ragnos.


They featured numerous species, most commonly Humans, Rodians, Trandoshans, and Grans. These mercenaries accepted various contracts including bounty hunting, sabotage, raiding, and security detail.

Members of the collective wore standardized uniforms based on their species. Humans wore brown uniforms with goggles that provided them with a complex heads-up display. Trandoshans wore pilot-style jumpsuits with different colors denoting rank (yellow jumpsuits were worn by recruits, blue by common infantry, and green by commanders). Grans and Rodians also had uniforms, but they did not symbolize anything and had no special equipment. TL-10NG projectile repeaters, E-11 blaster rifles, and Wookiee bowcasters were the most common weapons found among UB's soldiers. Some UB mercenaries, such as those on Zonju V, also specialized in the use of armed swoop bikes.


Unbound Brigades was formed circa 5 BBY to serve as one of many mercenary armies employed by the Hutts in their war with the Black Sun syndicate. As they grew to be the largest army in the Hutt arsenal, they began taking contracts from other employers, and later were employed by a Dark Side cult known as the Disciples of Ragnos, whose Dark Jedi were in league with the Imperial Remnant. Following the Disciples' defeat, the UB continued their dedicated loyalty to the Hutts until they were eventually divided into smaller mercenary companies that scattered across the Outer Rim.

The Coruscant-based crime lord Lannik Racto as well as an unnamed crime lord operating on Zonju V, among others, also employed UB mercenaries.


Unbound Brigades is based on the mercenaries encountered in the Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy video game.
