Ulric Bnar was a Neti Jedi Master who lived for over three thousand years, from a little before 7,000 ABY until 10,018 ABY. Bnar was born on the living planet Zonama Sekot and lived there for much of his youth. He eventually joined the Jedi Order, and over time became one of the most respected and revered Masters of the era. He survived the destruction of the Jedi Order and went into exile on Dantooine. Sometime after this he had a daughter called T'ra Bnar. He trained her to be a Jedi and bequeathed her with all the knowledge of Jedi lore that he possessed.
Though he had originally planned to rebuild the Jedi Order with her, he changed his mind after he had a vision of meeting a Skywalker and helping him achieve his destiny. Deciding that this was the Force's way of telling that the time was not right to rebuild the Jedi Order, he told his daughter to go into hiding. He wanted her to survive so that someone could someday rebuild the Jedi. Some time later he caught a fatal illness that slowly started to weaken him. But using a combination of Force techniques and hibernation periods he stayed alive so that he could train the child from his vision. In the year 10,0010 ABY, he sensed a strong force user approach Dantooine and sensed the time had come for the fulfillment of his vision. Travelling to the spaceport where he sensed the pull in the force, he found and rescued the young child, Kad Skywalker, from the clutches of a Sith. He trained him for the next eight years but finally started to succumb to his sickness. Though his pupil healed him his sickness was too far gone to be completely healed. Telling Kad about T'ra, he finally died and became one with the Force.