There's no success like excess.
Ufsa'mar'aas, better known by the core name Samara, was a female Chiss crime lord who controlled the Red Eclipse Cartel. Originally hailing from Sarvchi, Samara left her people behind due to her connection to the Force. She rose to prominence in the criminal underworld, making a reputation for herself as a shrewd, albeit highly ambitious and ruthless, businesswoman.
Unbeknownst to the galaxy at large, Samara was in fact a Dark Jedi, belonging neither to the Jedi Order or the Sith. Her colorful past included, however, being apprenticed to an elusive Sith Lord for a period of time. Although she trained in the Force, particularly the dark side, and learned the ways of the Sith and their history, Samara eventually betrayed and killed her master - as all true Sith do - but abandoned the trappings and beliefs of the Sith altogether.
During the years following the Galactic Civil War, she was considered to be an emerging power in the criminal underworld.
Early life[]
Sith training[]
Personality and traits[]
Hah. Jedi. Sith. Mere words. I don't care for pointless religious superstitions or abstracts. I care about one thing - power. And power is very real.
Physical description[]
A fairly tall woman, Samara stood at a height of 1.82 meters tall. Her body build was slender and shapely. Being a Chiss, Samara had the standard humanoid body plan. Cool blue skin and red eyes were a product of her Chiss physiology. Her silken hair was worn long, albeit usually kept tied back; it was dark blue-black in color. Samara's facial features were thin and bony, with sharp angular eyes and prominent cheekbones.
Befitting her status, Samara's attire was unanimously lavish. She favored long, formfitting dresses and gowns fashioned out of materials like shimmersilk. Her person was usually bedecked with equally expensive jewelry, made out of precious metals and encrusted by gemstones. She often wore perfume that smelled like sachi blossoms.
Powers and abilities[]
As the Force was known to the Chiss, Samara possessed the "Sight", namely Third Sight - precognition - and Second Sight - telepathy. As was the case with other female Chiss Force-sensitives, Samara's ability with precognition faded as she got older, but retained her ability in telepathy. She was able to read and influence the minds of others, as well as forcefully extract information from a target.
Samara had skill in telekinesis, being able to lift and manipulate with objects. She was skilled enough with telekinesis to strangle a victim or even rip them in half; Force Choke and Rend were her preferred methods of execution. Similarly, Samara demonstrated great skill with Force Lightning. She was able to alter the strength of her lightning to subdue, paralyze, torture, or even disfigure a victim, or unleash a devastating torrent of dark side power to wound or kill outright.
Samara took pains to keep her Force abilities secret, relying more on her instinct and intuition as well as her more mundane skills. Additionally, she was proficient in wielding conventional and mundane weapons such as blasters.
Lightsaber abilities[]
Despite training under a Sith Lord, Samara held only a rudimentary knowledge of the lightsaber forms. She didn't hold to or practice any form herself, but still held enough skill to wield her lightwhip. Although her dueling style was deadly and elegant, it was ultimately unrefined compared to a trained lightsaber duelist; she used the length and unorthodox nature of her preferred weapon to her advantage.
My master taught me many things, for which I am eternally grateful. Truly. But the fool allowed his dreams to cloud his vision... and his sense. Thinking back, he really should've expected it. The pupil must kill the master, after all. But perhaps he didn't know the Sith as well as he believed he did.