Star Wars Fanon

UYT-77 was a B-1 Battle Droid General during the Clone Wars. He also served as a commander in Palpatine's Cloned Sith Army. He was distinguishable by his custom teal markings.


UYT-77 was a command droid, and as such, did not have any humble beginnings as a soldier. His first battle was the Battle of Anoat, where his skills as a command droid florished. Although the Confederacy lost the battle, Nute Gunray considered the command droid to be an equal of the legendary OOM-9.

The command droid continued his career in the Battle of Alzoc III, where he was nearly destroyed by when he was shot in the head by Clone Commander Deviss, causing him to fall backwards into lake that was not entirely frozen. 6 months later, a traveler named Ben Ivania found his battered and frozen body, and returned the droid to the Confederacy. There, UYT-77 was reactivated and demoted to Commander. Two ranks lower than where he was before.

UYT-77 was then sent to the Battle Of Bespin, where he had lost his arm to Jedi Padawan Aren Surrel during the skirmish. He attempted to hit the Jedi in the head with his weapon when all of the sudden the Jedi raised her Lightsaber to block a blaster shot coming from in from of her. However, this was not the last time UYT-77 would face Surrel. The droid was retrofitted with a new arm, but the Confederacy began to ignore the droid, seeing as he was constantly getting himself into trouble. He was involved in several other missions, but he always had a small role.

In 21.5 BBY, Palpatine approached the droid. He offered UYT-77 the chance to prove himself worthy of the CIS again, by serving as a General in Palpatine's Cloned Sith Army. He accepted, and was deployed on Korriban. Soon after, a whole army of Clone Troopers and other Republic forces flooded the area.

UYT-77 faced Surrel yet again, resulting in a burn mark across his chest plating. He was down, but not out. He continued to lead the forces, using excellent strategies against the Republic.

Unfortunately, UYT-77 was crushed by large piece of stone when a few 309th Legion troopers used explosives and caved in a part of the Sith Temple.


UYT-77 was famous among CIS troops even after his destruction, and was compared to other legendary battle droids. A statue was built of him on Naboo, but was soon destroyed by Naboo loyalists.

After the Clone Wars came to an end, UYT-77 was known no more than the average battle droid was. However, many years later in 16 ABY, a group of archaeologists were exploring the exact same temple that the Battle of Korriban was fought. They had found his body in the exact same position it was when he was crushed. They ripped off the head of UYT-77 deactivated body and brought it to the New Republic for the sake of science. The New Republic immediately knew that the droid had once belonged to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and they continued researching it.

After they finished researching the head, they gave it to the New Republic millitary, so that they could use the droid's combat capabilities for their own. These experiments resulted in the RSPD line of Republic Battle Droids.
