Star Wars Fanon

While honoring our ties with the Republic and our new alliance with the Confederacy, the Order will transfer our headquarters and academies to our ancient fortress world of Ossus and our homeworld of Tython to rest, rebuild, meditate, grow and seek guidance from the Force.
—Grand Master Tomac Moorcé announces his plans to reduce the Order's presence on Coruscant.

Tython was a terrestrial planet located within the Tython system of the Deep Core. The ancestral homeworld of the Jedi Order, Tython was host to the first society of Force-users in known history starting from their arrival on the world in 36,418 BrS. Thriving for millennia, the Je'daii were eventually torn asunder following the Force Wars of 25,748 BrS, a series of battles involving the mysterious Infinite Empire and the armies of the surrounding worlds. After a schism occurred within the Order's ranks, those calling themselves the Jedi abandoned Tython and left several of its continents in ruin. Survivors of the cataclysm cultivated their own civilizations, some of which lasted thousands of years, others ending abruptly in violence. Eventually the Jedi Order returned to Tython at the start of the Jedi Renaissance era to recover their heritage and rebuild their Order after suffering greatly during the Clone Wars. Rebuilding their temples and erecting new cities, the future of Tython and the Jedi became forever intertwined.


A wild and primordial world, Tython was rich with the Force and stuck in a constant battle for balance between the light and dark. Because of this constant fight for balance, the world was constantly plagued by Force storms; a violent and naturally-occurring phenomenon which made life difficult on the planet. Across the planet's vastly different continents, unique and mysterious geographical and sentient-built features existed. The largest continent of Talss was home to the mysterious Old City, which was rumored to house an ancient Gree Hypergate and was one of the oldest structures on the planet. On the curved island continent of Srednata Zemya the eastern half of the continent was home to the ruins of the two Lamps of the Valar, which legends claimed gave first light to the continent; the western half was the site of the stumps of the Two Trees of the Valar, which represented the moons Bogan and Ashla with their silver and gold flowers. The continent of Westeros was most notable for the massive Wall which was erected by Human settlers from the neighboring continent of Essos, or Thyr as it was known to the Je'daii, to keep back the Zamprazeni, or the White Walkers as the Westerosi knew them. Thyr was a massive continent only rivaled in size by Talss and was known for the large expanse known as the Silent Desert, a mysterious phenomenon which diminished all sound among the rolling dunes Its western coastline was dominated by the Free Cities, a group of colonies which thrived throughout Tython's latter history. Located just south of Thyr was the continent of Kato Zakar, a largely swamp-covered landmass with highly volcanic southern coast. To the east was the island continent of Masara which was once home to the Temple of Bodhi during the height of the Je'daii Order.


A lush world of breathtaking beauty, Tython's weather was plagued by naturally occurring Force storms which tore through the landscape uprooting forests and shattering mountains. Living among the chaos across six different continents were a series of beasts both docile and fierce, all living in harmony with the planet's bizarre phenomena. Herbivores such as uxibeasts roamed the grassy plains and valleys while manka cats roamed the mountain forests hunting horranths. Deep within the caves the cut through the ridges and mountainous terrain of Talss, Dark Beasts posed a threat to unwary travelers. On the continent of Westeros aurochs could be domesticated for livestock and were distantly related to uxibeasts. Lizard-lions lurked in the swamps while mûmakil and direwolves roamed the northern wastes. The continent of Thyr was home to a great many exotic beasts such as zorses, bloodflies, and the great dragons. One of the oldest beasts which originated from Je'daii alchemy at Akar Kesh, dragons and their offshoots called firewyrms and wyverns soared overhead and left eggs on many continents throughout the planet's history. On the Moon Islands off Kato Zakar basilisks slithered over the sands while manticores could be found off the coast of Masara in the Jade Sea. Myths of centaurs, sphinxes and solocorns entertained younglings while krakens were a true threat in the seas.


Dominion of the Kwa[]

The planet Tython was one of the first planets in the galaxy to hold life as it evolved outward from the Central Core of the galactic disk. Circa 198,90 BrS, a species of enormous size constructed cities all across the world before being wiped out by chaotic Force storms. Destroying their former strongholds and homes, the civilization was all but erased save for their capital of Erk'reshrekra'neaphutra-sen on the planet's largest continent of Talss. Some time later, the early spacefaring species known as the Gree landed on the world and were drawn to the Old City as it came to be known. Delving deep into its subterranean tunnels, the Gree constructed a hypergate beneath the surface to allow them to travel through space-time to other parts unknown. Eventually the Gree abandoned Tython and were replaced by the Kwa people who used similar modes of transportation. Constructing an Infinity Gate deep with a natural chasm in the crust of the planet, this gate was the most ambitious feat by the Kwa as it gave access to any place in the galaxy, not just corresponding gates. When the Infinite Empire grew to threaten Kwa holdings around the galaxy, the Kwa decided to destroy their Infinity Gates to ensure that the Rakata did not overtake the galaxy. The Kwa of Tython, unwilling to destroy their creation, put safeguards around the Gate before eventually dying out.

Dawn of the Je'daii[]

In the year 36,418 BrS, the mysterious Tho Yor—nine great pyramid ships guided by the Force—traversed the hazards of the Deep Core to deliver a massive group of Force-sensitive pilgrims to the volatile planet as a means of settling the world. Arriving amidst a hellish Force Storm, the Tho Yor anchored themselves in different regions of the planet and expelled their passengers so as to begin the settling of the planet. These people, consisting of Humans, Cathar, Selkath, Twi'lek, Noghri, Wookiees, Miraluka, Iktotchi, Sith, and a myriad of other Forceful individuals became known as the Tythan, one people united by the Force. Over the first few years, the disparate groups of settlers gathered together, recognized their own strengths and attempted to pool them together in order to eek out an existence on their strange new home. At these gatherings, mystics, scientists, warriors, and healers formed a council of the tribal heads of the nine distinct groups to lead them in times of great crisis and make important decisions for the whole. Separately, the tribes of Tython faced the hazards of Tython; together they recognized a need for Balance in the Force. Collectively the Tythans began to share their own traditions and teach others the ways of the Force, living their lives in a constant Moving Meditation in order to master the abilities they were gifted with. Through communion with nature, the Tythans learned of the world's and the Force's duality, a fact reflected in the night's sky by the astral bodies Ashla and Bogan. When the Tythans found inner Balance, the Force storms were less severe; when entire communities practiced this philosophy, the Storms stopped completely. Organizing around the council and its stewards whom they called Je'daii, a name derived from the Dai Bendu phrase, "mystic center," the Tythans began to build permanent settlements around the globe. As they built temples, cities and academies across the planet surrounding the original landing sites of the Tho Yor, Tython reacted to any imbalance through terrible Force Storms and groundquakes. While the Je'daii could protect themselves from some of these dangerous events, not all of the descendants of the original colonists possessed the Force connection necessary to learn.

Following the destruction of the city of Aurum, the Je'daii deemed the planet too dangerous to the many non-Forceful individuals living on the world. In an event known as the Second Migration, the Je'daii sent all non-Forceful individuals off Tython, beginning the process of colonizing the other planets in the Tython system known collectively as the Settled Worlds.

Conflict arose on Tython during the Despot War, when Queen Hadiya of Shikaakwa led an army against the Jedi and the Force itself. Deeming her will to be superior to that of the Force, Hadiya's army marched against Tython and several bloody battles were fought. Eventually during the final stand at Kaleth, Hadiya was killed and her armies routed, thus bringing an end to the war. For over ten thousand years the Je'daii contemplated the Force in the nine Great Temples, studying the sciences, histories and martial arts in quiet reflection; always careful to maintain inner balance. Those Je'daii who leaned too far to one side of the Force, creating imbalance, were exiled to one of the planet's moons until a time when balance was restored. Peace was shattered, however, circa 25,748 BrS when the armies of the Infinite Empire invaded the system and caused a schism in the Order's belief system. Pitting those who favored the Ashla philosophy against those who adhered more to the Bogan schools of thought, the Je'daii Order faced certain extinction. Wielding katana, metal swords imbued with the Force, the Je'daii were pitted in a bloody civil war known as the Force Wars against the Rakata, as well as themselves. The Ashla philosophers organized themselves as the Order of Jedi Knights and were led by a High Council comprised of the greatest and wisest of their number. One of the High Councilors, the great Master Rajivari, was corrupted by the dark side of the Force and led a faction of dissidents in another savage attack against the Jedi he had helped to create. Calling themselves the True Dark Sons of Tython and aided by the remaining Rakatan army of savages known as Flesh Raiders, Rajivari's camp fortified itself at the Temple of Knowledge, called Kaleth by the Order. While the Bogan philosophers held off the Jedi for several weeks the Flesh Raider army disappeared, as did Master Rajivari himself, leaving his disciples in disarray. Weakened and taking heavy casualties, the True Dark Sons were defeated and the Jedi Order ended the uprising. As the Force Wars came to a close, the Jedi realized the horrible damage they had caused on their homeworld and abandoned the planet in favor of Ossus, a lush planet on the edge of the Tion Cluster deep in the Outer Rim.

The diminishing Force[]

Despite the Jedi Order's abandonment of the planet, the world continued to host a population of Force-sensitives who craved peace. With the destruction of much of the planet's surface, the sun was blotted out and the scarred landscape shrouded in a luminous mist.

Seasons which last a lifetime[]

Many millennia after the fall of the Je'daii, Force storms had ceased and the Force was present in only a few races. While Taumiri survived in the southern regions of Westeros, a band of Zamprazeni hybrids thrived in the northern wastes and eschewed a primitive society entrenched in dark side magics and necromancy. With the end of the Force storms, a new weather anomaly arose; winters lasted a generation and summers seemed to never end. With an odd pattern of seasons, the Taumiri and the Zamprazeni of the north constantly waged a battle for territorial superiority. When the First Men arrived on the continent, they forged a pact with the Taumiri in 18,758BrS and helped to entrap the Zamprazeni beyond a massive Wall in the north two millennia later.

Meanwhile on neighboring Thyr, now known as Essos, the men known as the Andals develop a religion based on the perceived seven aspects of the Force as personified by gods. Led to believe their gods demand an invasion of Westeros, the Andals cross the sea and lay siege to the neighboring continent c. 16,665 BrS. After a major upheaval in Westeros, the Andals are successful in routing the Taumiri and the first Men and taking control of the continent. By 13,665 BrS a series of seven kingdoms have come to dominate the continent and are eventually consolidated into a single government following a dragon-won conquest in 10,199 BrS. Dragons eventually die out in all civilized areas of the world and all practices of Force magics are diminished until the return of dragons on Essos in 9,899 BrS and the coming the Great Winter after a decade-long Summer.

Jedi recolonization[]

During the Old Sith Wars terrific beasts called terentateks, the product of Sith alchemy, were loosed on Tython and were deemed monstrous abominations that posed as an affront to the Force by the Jedi High Council on Ossus. Charging members of the Jedi Order to hunt down the creatures and execute them with extreme prejudice, the High Council initiated the Great Hunt, allowing any who wished to join in the purge to participate. Among other worlds Tython was cleansed in 3,959 BrS, ridding the ancient Jedi homeworld of the terentatek threat. Soon after the Great Hunt ended, hyperlanes to the planet collapsed and the world was left abandoned for several centuries. Tython had not been forgotten, however; new hyperlanes into the Deep Core were paved in 3,616 BrS by Jedi Knight Satele Shan in the wake of the Sacking of Coruscant by the resurgent Sith Empire. Leading Jedi scouts to reclaim the world, Shan reestablished a Jedi presence on the world's largest continent, making Tython the Order's fortress world during the Cold War between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. In the same time period, a group of Twi'lek Pilgrims landed on the world and established a small settlement near to the Jedi headquarters. Constructing their Temple near the ruins of Kaleth, the Jedi kept their distance from the illegal Twi'lek settlement despite pleas from the Matriarch to assist in warding off Flesh Raiders.

Return to obscurity[]

Following the end of the Cold War the hyperlanes to Tython had become unstable once more and forgotten and the Temple there abandoned, though the coordinates of the planet remained recorded in the Jedi Temple Archives on Coruscant. At some point after 1,289 BBY during the New Sith Wars, the Sith Lord Belia Darzu built a massive temple that she used as one of her barracks for her army of technobeasts on the continent of Essos deep within the Shadowlands near the abandoned city of Asshai. Corrupting the Force which permeated the planet, Darzu perverted nature through the creation of her army; she recorded her knowledge within a Sith holocron which she kept deep within the fortress. In 1,185 BrS Lord Darzu was poisoned on Tython by the Mecrosa Order at the behest of her fellow Sith Lords and died. Following her death her technobeasts remained in the temple, waiting for the next order from their master who never returned. In the greater galaxy, the Sith Empire foundered without leadership until Dark Lord of the Sith Skere Kaan reorganized the Empire into the Brotherhood of Darkness. Warring for a decade, Kaan and the Sith were eventually purged from the galaxy in the wake of a great military campaign on the planet Ruusan.

By the year 955 BrS, no one had traveled to Tython in some time because of its location in the Deep Core. However, rebel leader and aspiring Sith Hetton had located navigational charts to Tython. He later passed these charts onto Darth Zannah, in return for a promise for apprenticeship. Zannah later betrayed Hetton, and gave the charts to her master, Darth Bane. While Zannah left for the Coruscant Temple Archives, he traveled to Tython to access information on how to construct a Sith holocron from Darzu's holocron. Upon discovering Darzu's temple he located her holocron, though it was surrounded by her technobeasts, still awaiting their master. After destroying the beasts Bane got ahold of the holocron he sought and spent the next few days studying its many secrets. After Zannah fled from the Jedi Archives on Coruscant, Jedi Masters Valenthyne Farfalla, Raskta Lsu, and Worror Dowmat, along with Jedi Knights Johun Othone and Sarro Xaj, pursued her to Tython. When they arrived, they fought Bane and Zannah in a violent battle to the death. The two Sith Lords defeated their Jedi adversaries, killing them all to ensure that the continued existence of the Sith remained a secret. Despite the victory, Bane was seriously injured and his apprentice was forced to flee to the planet Ambria in hopes of finding the healer Caleb.

Following the Ruusan Reformation which restructured both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order and the mysterious deaths of the Jedi task force sent to investigate the Sith on Tython, the old Cold War-era academy was reopened on the planet and served as a place for deeper immersion in the Force, similar to another academy on Alpheridies, before being closed once more in 421 BrS.

Jedi Renaissance[]

At the end of the Clone Wars, newly appointed Jedi Grand Master Tomac Moorcé revealed his intentions to resettle both Ossus and Tython in order to grow the Order to never before seen numbers. Upon first scouting Tython, the century's fiercest Force storm heralded their arrival. Declaring the world as a Jedi fortress world unaligned to either the Republic or the Confederacy, the Jedi quickly began to seek out the old Je'daii Great Temples to begin their reconstruction. The Council of Site Preservation and Construction sought out an abandoned castle on Srednata Zemya called Dol Guldur and established it as their headquarters from which they would plan the rebuilding projects for Tython. At the heart of the new academy system the Order sought to establish, they relied on the ancient Je'daii as models. Incorporating the Great Journey into Jedi teachings, all Padawans would be required to travel to Tython at the end of their apprenticeship and travel to each of the nine Great Temple before completing their Trials of Knighthood at Padawan Kesh on Masara.

Refurbishing the Cold War-era academy into a Grand Temple to serve as the headquarters of the Grand Council of Tython, the Council would be made up of the nine Temple Masters and report directly to the Council of First Knowledge on Ossus. As the Great Temples were rebuilt and reopened, Jedi Journeyers flocked to the planet to make the Great Journey between Temples. Under the guidance of Headmaster Sian Jeisel the Temples flourished and the Order grew exponentially. During an expedition to Srednata Zemya, the Jedi were shocked to find a race of beings living encapsulated on the great continent of Aman. Shrouded behind a wall of pure Force energy, the people known as the [[Ainur (Jedi Renaissance)]|Ainur]] were transcendent Force-entities which had ruled parts of Tython in the wake of the Force cataclysm which drove out the Je'daii Order. Taking counsel with the Ainur, the Jedi came to respect them and trust them; the Ainur would offer assistance to the Order but refused to become entangled in the affairs of the outside galaxy until the time was right. Exploring the ruins of Westeros, the Jedi discovered a small group of Humans still living in the city of Oldtown and the histories of their society preserved within the Citadel of Maesters as well as the populations of the Free Cities and Kalikori. While initially the Order and these people lived in harmony for the most part, the return of the Tho Yor proved problematic. Because of the influx of Forceful beings, the planet's Force Storms became more frequent and made the planet inhospitable for non-Jedi. Forcing the people of the Free Cities into a Great Migration, the Order assisted them in colonizing the habitable worlds of the system and build thriving settlements there.

With the return of the Tho Yor, the Jedi strove to understand their place in the galaxy. With some newcomers joining the Order and others refusing to do so, the Order was forced to live in harmony with the two disparate groups all the while trying to divine the will of the Force. As the Fraternity became a strong faction on the continent of Thyr, the Order sought for answers from the Ainur who guided the Tho Yor. While some would give the Jedi counsel, the Ainur remained aloof as to the plan for Tython, only painting broad strokes regarding the preservation of the Balance and the unification of the galaxy. As the years passed, the Fraternity and the Order grew, reaching a combined total of one billion members. As Tython became a thriving epicenter of Jedi learning, more and more members of the Fraternity joined the Order and began studying the Great Temples.


The planet of Tython has had a long history of colonization which began long before the formation of the Galactic Republic. As of 36,418 BrS, the Tythonian Old City had long since been abandoned; a series of crumbling stone structures surrounding a large acropolis was all that remained of the mysterious civilization which built it.Several millennium later saw the arrival of the monks and philosophers who would form the Je'daii Order, constructing several Great Temples across the planet.

Following the Force Wars between the fledgling Jedi Order and the True Dark Sons of Tython, the world was left ruined and largely abandoned. Despite the Order's departure from the world, several communities continued to eke out a living on the planet, with several different civilizations making use of the ruined Temple of Knowledge at Kaleth. These civilizations would succumb to war and disaster, eventually dying out by the time the Jedi Order returned circa 3,618 BrS. When the Order reestablished themselves on the world, a group of Twi'lek Pilgrims followed them and set up a small settlement on the world. During this era Flesh Raiders, a species of sentient barbarians which were remnants of the armies of fallen Jedi Master Rajivari's dark side army, plagued both the Jedi and the Twi'leks.

After the Order moved off Tython once more, only small remnants of civilization remained. Dark Lord of the Sith Belia Darzu set-up a small fortress in a desolate region on the planet, creating a small army of technobeasts to guard over her treasure horde long after her death.


A densely forested island-continent, Masara was home to two Great Temples of the Je'daii and Jedi Orders but largely devoid of any other kind of permanent settlement in any era. The Temple of Padawan Kesh was established in the foothills on the northern shore of the continent closest to Thyr, with only a small stretch of sea separating the two land masses. Further south on the western shores stood the mighty Temple of the Arts, Bodhi. Located along the Edge Forest, the temple was nestled close to the sandy beaches and was surrounded by the only long-term settlement to take hold on the island-continent. Known to the non-Forceful Tythans as Ulthos, the continent was avoided as it was believed to be haunted by the spirits of ancient warriors.


The great continent of Thyr was home to some of Tython's largest cities and the greatest number of non-Jedi inhabitants of the world. Located just east of the continent of Westeros, Thyr, or Essos as it was called by many modern Tythans, had a verdant western coast and was largely desert across the rest of the mighty expanse. Stretching along the planet's latitudinal line over seventy-eight hundred kilometers, Essos was relatively narrow longitudinally. Along the coasts were countless islands and peninsulas, with no major forests to speak of. The north coast of the mainland was separated from the planet's polar cap by the Shivering Sea, a vast sea home to the Thousand Islands and the one of the continent's largest island, Ibben.

The temperate western coastline was home to the Free Cities, a collection of states who had no monarch and were operated by an elected city council. While not under the influence or rule of the Jedi Order, the Free Cities accepted Jedi protection and allowed the Jedi to be the dominant force on the planet in exchange for being left to their simple lives of trading and working the land, pursuing the arts and living in peace.The nine Free Cities were known for their odd customs or valuable commodities. As in all the Free Cities slavery is outlawed, earning the region its name and the favor of the Jedi. The city of Pentos was a major trading port, the city's male denizens wore dyed, forked beards. In the seafaring city of Braavos, swordsmen called Braavos stroll about the streets while all religions have a home and worship is not chastised or regulated. In Lys, also a city of islands, free love is the dominant philosophy, and pleasure houses dot the roads where citizens are free to partake in sexual conduct. A haven or poets and writers as well, the city's love songs and poetry are considered to be the best on the planet. Qohor, located deep in the Forest of Qohor, produces the world's finest tapestries and its smiths have learned their art in the Forge on Talss. Norvos is a city bisected by a river and is notable for its three massive bells which chime frequently throughout the day. In Myr, the wealthiest of men are master lenscrafters, or fashion intricate lace and fine carpets. Volantis specializes in creating glass from the coastal sands as well as making wines from its vast vineyards while Lorath is a city of many theaters and symposium houses. The city of Tyrosh is the only city to be sacked by the Jedi, as it was a haven for slavers and mercenaries by the time they returned to the world. Outlawing both practices, the Jedi helped rebuild the city as a place of culinary excellence, specializing in all variety of food available in the system.

Moving east from the Free Cities is the Dothraki region, a grassland once roamed by violent horselords who long ago died out. The only vestiges of this once proud race are the ruins of their conquered cities and the wild horses which run freely on the open plains of shadowy white grass. The southern coast beneath the Dothraki region is dominated by the shattered peninsula of Valyria, a once mighty kingdom formed shortly after the departure of the Je'daii but shattered and flooded during the Doom, a horrific Force storm which rendered the ground and wiped out the kingdom. Eastward was the island of Moraq and the coastal forests of Yi Ti, an area once called the Stark Forest by the Je'daii. The trees of the Stark Forest held water in pendulous leather-like sacks which would good to drink from before crossing the massive Silent Desert. Dominating the continent's northeastern quadrant, the Silent Desert was an anomaly in and of itself. All sound died within the sands, leaving travelers deaf to all noise, even the wind, leaving them only the throbbing of their own hearts. Deep in the sands was a series of caverns occupied by the Temple of Qigong Kesh, where Jedi learned advanced Force skills and could hear once more as the caverns weren't effected by the sands above. Just south towards the Jade Sea was the desert known as the Shadow Lands, a dark and perilous desert. This area was largely avoided because of the taint of the dark side. The only known city, Asshai, was home to Priestesses and Priests who practiced the strange arts of blood magic.


The massive continent of Talss was home to the most wide-ranging landscapes on the planet, almost 20,000 kilometers wide at its largest part. Largely forested, the monolith of Akar Kesh rose from the equatorial center of the continent and from it, eight rivers flowed outward like spokes on ancient wheels. The Akar Valley was filled with fragrant marshland and dotted with stable islands while beyond the Akar Mountain Range sentinel forests stretched for hundreds of kilometers in every direction. North of the Akar region, the mountainous territories were divided by the Chasm and the Rift, two massive rends in the planet's surface known for their odd effects on the Force in the region. The Temple of Science, Anil Kesh, straddled the peaks surrounding a portion of the Chasm while experiments were conducted on the living creatures discovered in the Rift or the Abyss of Ruh located deep at its heart. East of the Chasm was the sparsely populated barren landscape of the Smoking Mountains region, an expanse of jagged black rock crowned with the massive temple atop Vur Tepe, an active volcano which gave name to the academy which encased its mouth. The Tythos region just southeast served as the heart of the Jedi Order's political structure on Tython, as it was home to the Jedi Grand Temple as well as massive archives at Kaleth. The flourishing city of Kalikori was nestled in the mountains of the Tythos Ridge and was the home to a large colony of Twi'leks who had survived on the planet since the Republic's Cold War. The Tythos river flowed directly through its heart, reaching from Anil Kesh all the way out into the Deep Ocean. Rolling hills separated mountain ranges while lush valleys served as the training ground for newly arrived Jedi. The southern peninsula of Talss was dominated by a vast desert which was home to the ancient ruins of the Old City. Mysterious and old even during the time of the Je'daii Order, the Old City was little more then a mound of dust by the time of the Jedi reoccupation, but the caverns beneath the surface still held many mysteries yet to be uncovered.

Kato Zakar[]

Kato Zakar was a land of hot, humid jungles and boiling deserts further south until the terrain rapidly changed at the foothills of the Ice Giant Range. A land of plagues, ruined cities and hostile wildlife, Kato Zakar was the southern most continent and was neighbored to the north by Thyr and the east by Masara across the Jade Sea. Known as Sothoryos by the people of Thyr and Westeros, the ruined cities of Zamettar, Gorosh and Yeen were located near the coast. The northern part of Kato Zakar stretched between two peninsulas: Basilisk Point in the west and Wyvern Point in the east. The Cinnamon Straits divide Wyvern Point from the islands of Great and Lesser Moraq. Several islands stretch along the north coast of Sothoryos including the Isle of Tears, Isle of Toads, Ax Isle and the Isle of Skulls. The Basilisk Isles formed a dense cluster of islands off its north-western coast, with Naath located some distance further west.


The great continent of Westeros was located west of Thyr and east of Talss while Srednata Zemya rested slightly northwest of its shores. Divided into ten distinct geographic and culture regions during the historic reign of Humans from 20,758 BrS until circa 9,899 BrS, kingdoms rose and fell over the long history of the continent's inhabited era.

The northern-most region of the continent was known colloquially as the Land of Always Winter and were cordoned off from the rest of the continent by a massive man-made Wall of ice and stone. Designed to keep the hordes of White Walkers from invading southward, the Wall was nearly five hundred kilometers long and patrolled by an Order of Night's Watchmen who were tasked with keeping an eye on the White Walkers and ensuring they never grew in strength to take the Wall. Beyond the Wall was also the territory of the Wildlings, Humans who swore no allegiance to kings or masters and lived as they pleased in the towering mountain range known as the Frostfangs and the vast woodland known as the Haunted Forest, as well as the hazardous Frozen Shore and the remote, small mountain kingdom of Thenn. Giants and the few remaining Children of the Forest, or Taumiri, dwelt in these lands but largely kept to themselves.

Immediately south of the Wall was the region known simply as the North. This region contained all the lands between the Wall and the Neck further south. It was a vast but lightly-populated region of immense forests such as the Wolfswood, craggy shorelines, cold rivers, low mountains and hills. The only city in the North was the port of White Harbor and was ruled from the castle of Winterfell by House Stark. The Neck was the narrowest portion of the continent and connected the lands of the North with the Riverlands. The lands of the North had been decimated by an ancient invasion and remained largely unsettled when the Jedi returned. Large swaths of blighted fields and hill lands remained scarred from war even a few millennia removed from the incident. Jedi studies confirmed that ancient Force-based attacks on the land had rendered it uninhabitable; and while tales told of an army of White Walkers marching down past the wall, most who lived at the time did not to survive to recount the exact events which transpired.

The Riverlands were located south of the Neck and were so-named as they were dominated by numerous rivers, including the Tumblestone, the Blackwater Rush and the three great and many lesser branches of the Trident. The huge lake of Gods Eye was also located in the Riverlands. The Riverlands' central location had seen them often conquered by surrounding lands and used as battlegrounds in the numerous wars that had blighted the continent over several millennia. There were no major cities in the Riverlands, but several large towns including Saltpans, Stoney Sept and Lord Harroway's Town had stood and fell in this region. The Riverlands were traditionally ruled from the castle of Riverrun by House Tully. A thriving land of natural beauty and unblemished vistas when the Jedi returned, the Riverlands had been allowed to flourish after the North was abandoned. With no need to travel to the desolate wastes which just south of the Wall, the Riverlands quickly were abandoned and became a region of unequivocal beauty. The surviving Children of the Forest had settled in this region and celebrated the Jedi return.

The Vale of Arryn was located to the south-east of the Neck and the north-east of the Riverlands. The Vale itself was a valley between mountains and hills running from the feet of the mountain known as the Giant's Lance all the way to the Narrow Sea. However, the name also refered to the entire region. This region was dominated by the Mountains of the Moon and several lesser ranges, with castles and villages located in the numerous valleys between them. Formidable natural defenses made the Vale difficult to conquer, and it had been able to sit out several of the wars that had blighted Westeros. The Vale's only city was Gulltown, located on the coast. The Vale was long ruled from the Eyrie by House Arryn. When the Jedi returned to the planet following the Clone Wars, this area was governed by Jedi Master Hivrekh'wao'Cheklev, who set up an academy within the restored halls of the Eyrie where he educated Knights in the ways of warfare and peacekeeping.

The Iron Islands were located to the west of the Riverlands, separating Ironman's Bay from the Sunset Sea. They consisted of eight large and numerous smaller islands, inhabited by a hardy folk known as the Ironborn who considered themselves a race apart from the rest of Westeros, with a culture based on war and reaving. There was no major city in the Iron Islands, only small towns and ports such as Lordsport. The islands were ruled from the castle at Pyke by House Greyjoy. Following the Jedi reoccupation of the world, the Iron Islands were resettled by Jedi Knight Tiru Brishen who colonized the islands an erected an academy over the foundation of the old castle at Pyke for marine martial arts. The instructors at the academy would take Jedi down beneath the waves and teach them how to use various types of weaponry in an underwater situation, as well as adapt different fighting techniques to an underwater environment. Largely inhabited by Jedi who could survive underwater, Jedi of air-breathing species were welcome to use an extensive selection of survival gear which would aid them in their training.

The Westerlands were just south-west of the Riverlands and south of the Iron Islands, along the coast of the Sunset Sea and extending inland to hills and low mountains. These mountains were known for their rich veins of gold and silver, which provided the region and its rulers with immense wealth. The Westerlands were home to the third-largest city in Westeros, Lannisport, and were once ruled from Casterly Rock by House Lannister. In the post-Clone Wars era, Lannisport remained populated and famed for their statues created from gold. Jedi Journeyers who visited the city would often purchase gold-plating which they would then use in enhancing the look of their lightsaber or using in alchemical experiments at Anil Kesh. The ancient stronghold of Casterly Rock was rebuilt and came to hold a museum of war, which highlighted the failings of mortals who yearned for monetary gain and pleasure. It came to be regarded as one of the finest museums on the world and a testament to the great strides in moral progress by the people of Westeros.

The Crownlands were situated south-east of the Riverlands, along the coast of the Narrow Sea and Blackwater Bay and extending inland to Gods Eye. They also included some offshore islands, most notably Dragonstone and Driftmark. The Crownlands once included notable towns such as Duskendale and Rosby, but were dominated by King's Landing, the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms and the largest city on the continent. King's Landing sat at the mouth of the Blackwater Rush and was the site of the Red Keep and the Iron Throne. After the war of the dragons raised most of the cities in Westeros and the White Walkers slew many in the north, King's Landing fell on hard times and only found itself thriving again circa 7,524 BrS when it came under new leadership from House Martell. Overtime the city came to be a strong center of learning and a jewel of social progressiveness. Scholars from around the world came to King's Landing to discuss new and exciting ideas and the population thrived. Expanding many times to take in the growing population, King Martell outlawed the poor treatment of bastards and encouraged a set of moral laws which embraced personal freedoms, self-expression, equality and a reverence for life. The order of Knights which served the realm were held to a more strict code of honor and ethics, executions were outlawed, and pleasure houses regulated. The problems of the old line of kings were addressed and the Seven Kingdoms thrived. When the Jedi returned to Tython they found the population of Westeros to be a people well suited to live among the Jedi on their academy world and were eager to integrate them into their culture. Jedi took up residence in King's Landing to learn of the histories and philosophical progress taking place on the world; they soon became a common sight amid the streets of the great city while Jedi Journeyers enjoyed the wares sold by vendors in the markets.

The Stormlands were south of the Crownlands, along the Narrow Sea and Shipbreaker Bay. They were named for the violent storms that frequently battered the coast. There was no major city in the Stormlands, but they did include several rich offshore islands, most notably Tarth and Estermont. The Stormlands were once ruled from Storm's End by House Baratheon until this region was largely washed away during a untold catastrophe circa 5,999 BrS. The shattered region of islands that remained were notorious as a stronghold of pirates but were more often used for extreme meditative combat training once the Jedi Order returned.

The Reach was in the central-southern area of Westeros and was the second-largest region on the continent. It was bordered by the Westerlands to the north-west, the Riverlands in the north and the Stormlands in the east. To the south it was bordered by the Red Mountains. The Reach was rich and extremely fertile, with hundreds of miles of countryside fed by the immense Mander and its tributaries. The region also includes the offshore Shield Islands and the large island known as the Arbor, which is home to many famous wines. The second-largest city in Westeros, Oldtown, was located on the south-western coast. The Reach was ruled from Highgarden by House Tyrell. When the Order returned they found the Citadel at Oldtown still training Maesters and was quickly enveloped into the Order.

Dorne was the southern-most region of Westeros. It was located along a desert peninsula south of the Sea of Dorne, which separates it from the Stormlands. The Red Mountains presented a formidable natural border with the Reach to the north and west. The Dornish were noted for their fierce independence, and were the last part of Westeros to swear fealty to the Iron Throne, almost two centuries after the Conquest. Dorne had two major cities: one constructed at the ancient stronghold of Sunspear and the seat of the ruling House Martell, and another near Yronwood.


Narrow Sea

Deep Ocean

Shivering Sea

Encircling Sea

Great Sea

Over the millennia, many cultures established several major structures on the planet. During the height of the Je'daii Order's time on Tython, nine Great Temples were constructed across the planet to serve as academies, meditative retreats, research centers, and seats of power. These temples were erected around naturally occurring Force wellsprings as well as the original landing points of the nine Tho Yor. The Je'daii temples were Akar Kesh, the Temple of Balance; Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science; Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing; Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge; Bodhi, the Temple of the Arts; Vur Tepe, the Forge; Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills; Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts; and Padawan Kesh, the Je'daii Academy of Padawans.

Following the Jedi Order's resettlement of the planet, a massive Temple was erected near the site of the ruined city-temple of Kaleth. The Temple served as a base for all Jedi operations on the planet for several years; the Jedi also occupied a structure known as the Masters' Retreat located in the Tythonian Gnarls, while the Twi'lek Kalikori Village was found on a ridge just above the Temple complex.
