Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
This article is about the people of Gargan's Empire. You may be looking for Garganese, the language of the Tyrrhans.

We Tyrrhans remember how it was before the arrival of the False Emperor. We lived free from outside influences, but now our race is cursed with Republic taint.
—The Oldboy

Tyrrhans were a near-Human race from the planet Tyrrha. They were the descendants of ancient Coruscanti colonists who were trapped on Garganath following the Sith-led Decimation of Peelo Colony during the Great Hyperspace War. Becoming dependent on the native plants and fauna of Garganath, the colonists gradually evolved into the Tyrrhans and were separated biologically from base-line Humans because of their tall frame, heightened senses, and inability to eat food not native to their home planet.

Although historically a tribal people divided into numerous petty kingdoms and feudal confederacies, Tyrrhans gradually adopted an extremely sophisticated, bureaucratic, and technologically-advanced society following the rise of Gargan's Empire in 2320 BBY. Afterwards, they were generally referred to as Garganese (although this nomenclature was also applied to anyone who lived within Gargan's Empire). Most Tyrrhans were members of the Cult of Ur and worshipped their emperor, the Gargan, as a living god. Tyrrhans were divided into Kolkans - feudal families who controlled entire planets in the name of the Gargan. Although their society was often cutthroat and rife with scheming and plotting, their undying loyalty to the Gargan ensured that the Empire managed to remain relatively intact for thousands of years.

The Tyrrhans primarily spoke the native Tyrrhan languages, but these were later supplanted by the creole Garganese language adopted by the Empire. Two periods of Tyrrhan culture could be described: the pre-Imperial period and the post-Imperial period. Both periods cover significant cultural and sociopolitical changes that have been extensively studied by Republic anthropologists. Gargan the Conqueror, the founder of Gargan's Empire, was considered by both historians and Tyrrhans alike to be the founding father of modern Tyrrhan civilization.

Tyrrhan culture was heavily influenced by the Khul, a pre-spacefaring race who were the original native species of Garganath. The Tyrrhans' social hierarchy, religious practices, architecture and legal systems were all in part based on ancient Khul culture.

Biology and appearance[]

Tyrrhan-mirialan hybrid

A Tyrrhan and a Tyrrhan-Mirialan hybrid

Genetically, Tyrrhans were near-identical to baseline Humans. However, they possessed some key differences which set them apart from the other Humans in the galaxy. Before the Decimation of Peelo Colony, the Human colonists of Tyrrha imported food and resources from other nearby colonies, as the indigenous flora and fauna on Garganath was unsuitable for consumption. When Garganath was severed from the rest of the galaxy, food reserves began to dwindle, and the Tyrrhans had no choice but to depend on the planet's indigenous flora to survive. Many of the plants and vegetables on Garganath produced a toxin that caused gradual neural decay in most species, but over time the Tyrrhans evolved a natural immunity and eventually were able to break down the floras' vitamins for consumption. This came with a price; their adaptation rendered Tyrrhans able to only eat food native to Garganath. However, the Tyrrhans also evolved to be both taller and stronger than most other Human species due to the plants' nutritional abundance and high compound of oxygen in the atmosphere. Tyrrhans under 1.80 meters were a rarity.

Another trait of Tyrrhans were their heightened senses. As Garganath was a notoriously hostile planet with animal life of gigantic proportions, Tyrrhans naturally evolved to be able to detect nearby predators even from many miles away. It was a common belief that holding a secret conversation near a Tyrrhan was useless; they would be able to listen in great detail anyway. On average, Tyrrhans were able to see more than 3.2 kilometers away and possessed an acute sense of smell with an average range of up to 50 kilometers.

Tyrrhans were also regarded for their beauty. It was believed that because the Decimation left the inhabitants of Tyrrha with a severe population decline, Tyrrhans evolved to be more physically attractive in order to incentivize mating. Particularly their eyes were considered a hallmark of Tyrrhan beauty. Constant exposure to the indigenous herbs of Garganath colored their eyes violet or deep purple. This eye color was a dominant gene and present in individuals with just one Tyrrhan parent or grandparent.

Tyrrhans were able to see the ultraviolet end of the color spectrum as a silvery color, but were unable to differentiate between dark red and black or similar colors at the opposite end of the spectrum. This made them able to detect and both interpret the bioluminescence of some of Garganath's flora, such as boros. This could tell them whether such a plant was ripe enough for consumption. In order to keep preferable genetic traits in a species whose population was known to plummet to near-extinction levels, Tyrrhan genetics evolved to become less complicated than those of other Human species. Physical traits could remain consistent through many generations, even after diversifying the gene pool. This was why many Kolkans would still carry specific traits across generations, which would not happen to most other Human species without significant inbreeding. As a result, even hybridized descendants would still inherit the trademark purple eyes of the Tyrrhan species. After multiple generations, however, this trait would gradually disappear. A seventh or eighth-generation descendant of a Tyrrhan would still possess small purplish spots in their irises.

This simplification of genetic inheritance meant that it was easier to know if someone's child was truly theirs. Records were kept of the Tyrrhan noble families that listed their physical traits and genetic history. If a family member was described to have a different color of hair to the rest of their family, it would be easy to assume that the child was a bastard.



Pre-imperial tyrrhan

A Tyrrhan from before the coming of Gargan's Empire.

The Tyrrhans were the descendants of ancient colonists from Coruscant. Tyrrha's discovery by Sullustan explorer Peelo the Pilot kickstarted a series of colonization efforts around 5000 BBY, in which largely Human colonists began settling Tyrrha in full, as the Galactic Republic sought to establish a gateway into the largely uncharted territories of Wild Space.

Tyrrha was also rich in endemic flora that produced exotic herbs and spices. However, most of the indigenous flora of the planet was inedible to most lifeforms as it was built out of a unique dextro-amino molecular structure. Instead, most of the plants were cultivated for the use of recreational drugs, which became popular among the criminal circuit. Particularly sunstar milk, a narcotic fluid capable of producing vivid hallucinations, was most commonly ingested. In honor of its discoverer, Tyrrha was named "Peelo Colony".

The Decimation[]

By the time the Great Hyperspace War began, Peelo Colony had been under the rule of the Alderaan-born Regis Panteer. Regis was an exile from the royal House Panteer who had claimed dominion over Peelo Colony through his dealings with the Galactic Senate. Rumors began circulating that Regis had bought the planet from a senator at an auction. Regis was a less-than-favorable ruler and an infamous craven, and notoriously failed to act in keeping his new world safe from the Sith Empire.

The Sith had decided to invade Peelo Colony because they had harbored several Republic fugitives carrying vital information on Sith operations. When Lord Regis foolishly attempted to sell the Sith secrets in exchange for the invaders to vacate the planet, the Sith flippantly decimated the entire colony, indiscriminately razing major settlements and specifically targeting civilian installations such as power plants, food processing centers, and communication arrays. To make matters worse, Regis had cut off all communication lines prior to the invasion as to try and keep Peelo Colony off the radar and avoid the ongoing war, and so the Republic was never aware of what happened - let alone had the opportunity to respond.

When the Decimation had ended, the planet's cultural progress had effectively been set back to zero. The surviving colonists devolved into tribal societies, and by time most had forgotten how to use modern technology - and many would not even realize there was a galactic community. Since the colonists could not safely consume the native plants and fruits on Tyrrha, they were forced to import most of their food offworld from other colonies. As the Sith had destroyed all food processing plants, the colonists were forced to depend on the new, wildly alien sources to survive. By time, the survivors grew increasingly tolerant to the native plants - which changed their biological structure over the millennia. Soon, the descendants of the original Human colonists had evolved into the Tyrrhans.

Gargan Conquests[]

In 2320 BBY, Reuel Ahlcain and Sandro Moore, two esteemed sentientologists from the Ministry of Science had been sent under the leadership of Bor Kovats to reintegrate the fractured Tyrrhan tribes back into the Galactic Republic. They were sent with the intention of teaching Galactic Basic Standard to the natives, and to teach them how to use modern technology again. However, unbeknownst to both Kovats and the native Tyrrhans, Reuel Ahlcain was an ethnic Tyrrhan raised on Coruscant who joined the expedition to unify and conquer his people.

When the Kingdom of Myrra, a Tyrrhan kingdom ruled by Adamos attempted to drive the scientists off the planet, Ahlcain offered to give himself to King Adamos as a peace offering. However, during his "captivity", Ahlcain taught the natives how to use modern weapons, how to concoct battle plans, and the basics of military formations. His teachings allowed the Tyrrhans to annihilate the scientists with the exception of Moore and eight other anthropologists, whom Ahlcain was allowed to keep alive.

Ahlcain grew immensely popular in the Kingdom of Myrra as he aided them in defeating several of their enemies. This eventually resulted in him gaining enough power and influence to usurp Adamos for good, claiming his seat as the King of Myrra. His first edict as king was to reform the Kingdom of Myrra into Gargan's Empire, and his second was to conquer the rest of the planet.

The Gargan Conquests continued for a few years, and soon enough Gargan's Empire had claimed dominion over the entire planet. Over the next few centuries, the Tyrrhans had evolved into the dominant Garganese culture. They had shed their tribal past in favor of a sophisticated, civilized, and highly advanced interstellar society.

Society and culture[]

My people are like the water. They flow, they evolve, and they adapt whenever they need to. But they can also be overwhelming, powerful and awe-inspiring. Nothing is greater than the ambition of a child of Garganath.
Gargan the Conqueror

The Tyrrhans have had a complex history that has been influenced by numerous factors, including the events of the Great Hyperspace War and the Gargan Conquests. Historically, before the formation of Gargan's Empire, the Tyrrhans were a tribal people who devolved backwards after the Great Hyperspace War all but devastated Tyrrha and caused the Tyrrhans to become separated from the Galactic Republic. When the Gargan Conquests had ended, the Tyrrhans had evolved into a sophisticated people and - although relatively young to their cultural advancement - were already laying the foundations for a promising future.

Family ties and gender roles[]

The Tyrrhans valued commitment to family and loyalty to one's superiors as being cornerstones of morality. They did not suffer disobedience or disloyalty, though equally this caused for social stress in those who felt they were falling out of favor within their relationships. This sort of mindset had already established itself well before the arrival of Gargan the Conqueror, though his subsequent cultural "reset" could have emphasized this cultural trait even more.

Marriage and romantic attachments were not free choices. Adepts who were in service to the Order of Gargan closely monitored the daily activities and social lives of the Empire's citizens, and they ultimately decided who would be the best match for breeding. This was to ensure the most optimal outcomes in the genetic makeup of newborn children.

Males and females in the Empire were not equal. It was expected of a male Garganese to be involved in the defense of the Empire, and men were often conditioned to be suited for roles in warfare, construction, or any type of physical labor. Females were pressured into serving in priestly or custodian capacities, though this type of inequality was not entirely widespread throughout the Empire. Both men and women could apply to study in the Temple of the Dreamers, and Force abilities were fostered, harnessed, and developed in both genders. Furthermore, it would be possible for women to join the military, though they were barred from assuming leadership positions. This did not outright mean that a sense of misogyny was fostered in the Empire, rather that the Garganese genuinely believed that the genders were inherently and intuitively better at certain tasks.

Social tiers[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Kolkan

Garganese society was descended directly from Tyrrhan tribal culture and its respect for skill and ability. It was most generally broken up into the clergy, the nobility, the military and the citizenry. There were also crafters and commerce guilds (which usually fell under the Gargan Corporate Union in some way), who made up a highly valued middle tier between the lowest noble and the highest common classes. These were usually members of the Gargan Corporate Union and held major powers over certain industries.

Beneath the commerce guilds, the population was subdivided into common classes. These varied between landowners to workers. Since the Empire typically disavowed private property, all profits earned from landowners were distributed to laborers, then to the state and the remaining revenue was kept by the landowner himself. Despite this, some landowners turned very wealthy from any land or property they owned as long as they still contributed to the state. This ruling applied to both the nobility and the citizenry.

The nobility usually belonged to Kolkans, Tyrrhan noble families and clans. Historically, Kolkans were one of the many tribes of pre-Imperial Garganath, with some of the more powerful families forming royal dynasties. After Gargan's Empire was founded, Gargan the Conqueror preserved the families of Garganath and from them, the Kolkans were born. In modern times, most Kolkans became political parties within the Landsmeet and included numerous other families. The patrilineal line of a Kolkan were generally seen as exceptionally powerful.

Personal identity[]

The concept of personal identity was not encouraged in the Empire. From birth to death, a Garganese citizen was expected to fully commit themselves, their identity, and their lives in servitude to the Empire. Whether as an instrument of war or production, diligence was considered central to Garganese moral values. Though the Garganese possessed given names, whenever in official institutions they would be addressed by a specific code that they were given at birth to identify themselves.

Some Coruscanti scholars argued that the reason for a minimal personal identity within the Empire's citizens was to foster a hive-mind culture centered around the total identification of an individual to the institution they served.

Opinions on the Force[]

The Force was considered a destructive, powerful, and consuming entity in the Empire's citizens. People in the Empire were taught that the Force was a dangerous weapon not to be regarded upon lightly. Conversely enough, however, the Force was also seen as a power worthy of reverence - as the Garganese believed that the Force was part of the very life force that made up Ur, the all-powerful god of the Garganese.

The Temple of the Dreamers, an institution and the headquarters of the Order of Gargan, was formed to take in Force-sensitive individuals. Force-sensitives were considered near holy figures in the Empire, and were referred to as "Ur-Touched". Much like the Jedi, the Ur-Touched were removed from their families at a young age to be trained, educated, and eventually harnessed as powerful Force adepts. Force-sensitives were also the only people in the Empire who would be able to become members of the Order of Gargan, or even attain the position of Gargan themselves. But again, keeping in touch with gender roles, only male Force-sensitives could be inducted into the Order of Gargan and by extension be made Gargan.

A small percentage of Force-sensitives in the Empire could be selected to join the Adeptis Uralis, an order dedicated to personally serve and protect the Gargan. This was not a voluntary choice; Forceful acolytes in the Temple of the Dreamers believed to be step above their peers were conscripted into the Adeptis against their will at a very young age and forced to endure gruesome trials which eventually molded them into powerful Ur-Warriors.


The Garganese have held a passion for the visual arts even before their unification. Tyrrhan art was characterised with fluid, flowing shapes and extravagant use of color. The Tyrrhans often painted patriotic portraits or highly romanticized depictions of the vistas and landscape of Garganath with the intent to evoke nostalgia or promote patriotism in the targeted audience. Tyrrhan art was also used to promote the idea that the Tyrrhans were highly sophisticated with a deep and enriched cultural background.


Tyrrhan architecture

Example of traditional Tyrrhan architecture.

Tyrrhan architecture was originally characterised with pragmatic use rather than aesthetics. However, following their unification, the Tyrrhans saw unprecedented prosperity, allowing them to vastly improve on their architecture and engineering. The Tyrrhans were fond of pyramidal structures and extensive use of lighting, and regarded their structures as being "part of the world", and so many of the buildings fit in well with Garganath's mountainous landscape. The Tyrrhans focused on integrating their cities with nature, and thus made extensive use of recreational parks scattered throughout their buildings.


Music was a popular form of media in Tyrrhan society. The Tyrrhans enjoyed the usage of percussion and string instruments in particular, while the harp was also a favorite among Tyrrhan musicians. An often used phrase is "wherever there's a harp, there's a Tyrrhan", which does have some truth in it. Tyrrhan harpists were often found everywhere, from parks to restaurants, providing atmospheric music in addition to the serene sounds of their planets' nature.

"My Guide, Nearer To Thee", the official anthem of Gargan's Empire, was traditionally played with the usage of a harp.


The Tyrrhans were noted for their fervent interest in philosophy, namely on the subjects of existentialism and political philosophy. Generally, the Tyrrhans adhered to the dictatorial and totalitarian ideology of political philosophy, while their views on existentialism and the soul derived mainly from the Cult of Ur religion. Despite that, the Tyrrhans were free to pursue other philosophical subjects as long as they adhered to the official Gargan dogma. This made philosophy in Tyrrhan society, although often discussed about, a relatively restricted subject.


Generally speaking, the Tyrrhan way of life was solely devoted to absolute obedience to the state and to the Gargan, and this was ingrained in nearly every aspect of Tyrrhan daily life. However, the Tyrrhans still maintained their own daily customs set apart from the totalitarian rule of their state.


Tyrrhan food was typically impossible to eat for any species that could not consume dextroamino-based foods. However, Tyrrhan cuisine was still considered exceptional throughout the galaxy, especially among Neimodians, one of the few species aside Tyrrhans capable of eating the food native to Garganath. Due to the exotic herbs native to the planet, Tyrrhan cuisine achieved a typical flavor and presentation distinct from most other dishes popular on Coruscant or Neimodia. Tyrrhan food was characterised by its spicy and very rich flavor, but also its colorful presentation due to the many diverse amount of herbs, fruits, and vegetables available on Garganath. Gargan Moonlight Steak was an especially popular type of food originating from Gargan's Empire.

Garganath was also rich in exotic fauna that could grow to impressive proportions due to the large quantities of oxygen in the planet's atmosphere. This also ensured for greater biodiversity, which further diversified the already extravagant cuisine of the Tyrrhans.


Gargan nobleman

Traditional uniforms worn by the Tyrrhan aristocracy

For the Tyrrhans, clothing signified status in society and often military rank. Those who were dressed in the most elaborate of fabrics most likely held high ranks within the Garganese military or had family who did. Like Tyrrhan art, Tyrrhan fashion was characterized by its extravagant exterior with a focus on nostalgic aesthetics. Clothing of the Tyrrhan social elite were enriched in embroidery, colors, and often carried multiple layers of fabric on top of each other.

Tyrrhans favored draped clothing or military battledresses. The clothing of the less-than-reputable members of society was more simpler, but still aesthetically pleasing. It was still typical to put multiple fabrics over one another, and togas were by far the most fashionable type of clothing throughout most of the Empire's existence.


Somewhat uncharacteristic for the Tyrrhans; their design was a clear example of utility over aesthetics. Tyrrhan design was often rectangular, simplistic, and utilized natural colors. It was often argued that their rather divergent choice of design as opposed to their usual art styles could be attributed to their society's dual nature. The Tyrrhans were a highly prosperous and progressive people within their own lives, but the government that ruled them was stratified, militaristic, and utterly ruthless.

Burial practices[]

The Tyrrhans were notable for embalming and mummifying their dead. The practice of mummification dated back to long before the coming of Gargan's Empire, and it held special religious and spiritual significance which was retained after the adoption of the worship of the Gargan. In the Cult of Ur, mummification was seen as vital to the funerary preparations for the deceased. The Tyrrhans believed that in order for the soul to return to Ur, it required to be judged for their past actions and loyalty to the Gargan. As such, the body was preserved so that Ur could examine it and determine the weight of the deceased's heart. Refusing proper embalming of the dead was considered a grave offense and was typically only reserved for divergents or those who had committed evil actions.

Mummification was a largely egalitarian practice - every social class in the Empire followed the exact same process of embalming, since the Garganese believed that in death all men were equal. First, the internal organs were removed and stored in special jars. The skull was then rinsed with spices and oils which cleared the cavity of any remaining brain tissue and killed bacteria. Next, embalmers made an incision along the flank with a sharp blade fashioned from stone and removed the contents of the abdomen. The abdominal cavity was then rinsed with palm wine and an infusion of crushed, fragrant herbs and spices; the cavity was then filled with spices including myrrh, cassia, and various herbs indigenous to Garganath or a suitable alternative on another colony.

The body was further dehydrated by placing it in natron, a naturally occurring salt, for seventy standard days. The embalmers then washed the dehydrated body, anointed it with oils, then wrapped it in bandages. The bandages were covered with a gum that was both a waterproofing and antimicrobial agent. At this point, the body was given back to the family or next of kin. The mummies were traditionally buried in a wooden coffin, which was then placed inside a sarcophagus that was carried and placed inside a family-owned tomb during the funeral. Death masks and elaborate drawings detailing the life of the deceased were also commonly painted on the sarcophagus. Both the embalming, funeral, and maintenance of the family tombs were state-funded to allow for an equal burial for all deceased in the empire - regardless of social status. This, of course, was except for divergents. Tyrrhan tombs were typically built underground, installed with various atmosphere and temperature regulators which kept the conditions cool and dry as to prevent the mummies from decaying.

The gravest penance to only the greatest criminals or divergents was immolation, either alive or posthumously. This was done so that the body could not be mummified - and therefore rendered unable to return to Ur and live forever in the afterlife.
