Ty Sadow was a Female Sith Infiltrator in the Sith Empire Reborn around 60 ABY from the world of Csilla. She was a Lieutenant Commander in the Infiltrators and was sent on many missions, most notably for her work on Negui, where she tricked the leader of the Republic Nation into joining the Sith Empire, and stayed on the world in disguise as a warrior in the Nation's military. Ty was also a master of disguise. She was somehow related to the thousands of years old ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow. It was her destiny, since she was the only one in the family skilled with the Force at the time, to free Naga Sadow from his tomb on Yavin IV and to release him into the galaxy. Ty was also skilled in the Dark Side of the Force, and used it to manipulate enemies, and sometimes her superiors.
Early Life[]
Ty Sadow was a human female born on Csilla in 44 ABY. She was born to a wealthy family, but it was a highly secretive family. Though Ty didn't know it until she was ten, 54 ABY, her family were relatives of the ancient and powerful Sith Lord Naga Sadow, and for all these past centuries, Naga Sadow's spirit roamed the rooms of the Sith Temple on Yavin IV, but only a Force-sensitive member of the family could free him from his tomb and turn him from a spirit to an actual person, when he would return to the galaxy and take over. Ty was the Force-sensitive, and after all of these years he would be free. Ty was told that by her parents, and she gladly accepted her destiny to free the Dark Lord.
Tough to free him, she needed to learn how to wield the Dark Side of the Force. She and her parents decided the she would join the Sith, and her parents already knew the Sith for her to join: Darth Wyyrlok of the Sith Empire Reborn. In the mean time, Ty raced swoop bikes around the planet, and got skilled at it and one many races, winning allot of credits. The credits were used by her family to purchase her a TIE Interceptor and flying lessons, and soon she was good at piloting and navigating. Then, when she turned fourteen, 58 ABY, Ty was shipped off to the Sith Academy on Korriban.

Ty practicing Chi blocking on captured prisoners from a nearby planet.
Ty was shipped off to the Sith Academy in 58 ABY. She was trained as a Sith Apprentice by a trainer named Darth Magrex. He taught her well and she cut on quick, and soon was a Dark Side apprentice prodigy. She also made a friend at the academy, named Mai Vestara. Mai was also good with the Dark Side, but not as good as Ty. She told Mai of her destiny of freeing Naga Sadow, her centuries old ancestor, and Mai decided to help. She told Ty that there was nothing for her back on her home world of Chandrila. The two trained together at the Academy for years, and in their final year, Darth Wyyrlok came to the academy. After seeing the name 'Sadow' on the list of students, he realized who Ty was related to. Not knowing if she was a threat, he let them stay in the Academy and excepted them when the two arrived at the Sith Headquarters.
Meanwhile, Ty was trained in Dark Side moves such as Force choke, Sith lightning, Force push, etc. After mastering all of those moves, Darth Magrex showed her a new technique that had nothing to do with the Force, but was still use full to know and it would come in handy. It was chi blocking. By hitting certain parts of your opponent's body in quick and and powerful enough hits, those body parts would be disabled for a period of time. Ty mastered that as well, and also taught it to Mai, and later the two were shipped off to the Sith Military Headquarters.
The Empire[]
In the Sith Empire Reborn, Ty and Mai were made Sith Infiltrators, and were shipped off to the world of Negui, where the two would blend in with the inhabitants and be spies, and later start a coup against the ruler of the planet at the capitol. Later, their plan was foiled when the New Galactic Empire sent in their Special Forces team, led by Captain John Heron, and stopped the coup when it happened. Ty and Mai quit military service afterwards and headed off to Yavin IV, seeing that serving the Sith Empire was pointless.
Ty and Mai hijacked the Imperial gunship that the Special Forces used to reach the world and flew off in it to Yavin IV. The Imperial Star Destroyer in orbit spotted them leaving and managed to trace it to Yavin, and the Emperor knew what the two were up to, and had to stop them. He quickly called back the Special Forces team and followed them to Yavin. By the time the SpecForces team reached the Sith Temple where Naga Sadow was located, it was too late. Naga was released, and he broke out of the temple, killing all of the Special Forces except for John, who was knocked out. Naga, Ty, and Mai split up. Ty and Mai took the gunship to take the throne on Coruscant while Naga took out the Sith leaders on Korriban with his CloakShape fighter that was entombed with him.
New Empire[]
In the next few days that followed, the Sith Empire Reborn was controlled by the three and renamed into the Sadow Empire, and several fragments of the New Galactic Empire were also made part of the Sadow Empire. Naga was head of state, Ty was head of government, even though Naga still made the important government decisions, Mai was commander in cheif, and Azula Rhea, a former leader from the Reborn Empire was made the defacto leader.
A New Find[]
Sith scouts who were scouting for Imperial Admiral Tao's soldiers found a small cave on one mission and found a Sith Holocron inside. They reported it to High Command, who ordered them to send a convoy to bring it to the capitol, New Imperial City on Korriban. They sent an entire fleet of Sith Battlecruisers to escort the Victory-class Star Destroyer. Ty was ordered to oversee the project and make sure that it got here safely, which was the task she left for the head of security, General Tevinter. He made a mistake and not using enough security onboard the transport and the holocron was stolen. Naga was furious at Ty, and not at Tevinter because Naga thought he was a good general and also because he disappeared shortly after the convoy got to the City. Ty decided to betray the Empire and join the Imperials after that.

Ty relaxing at the beach.
She hijacked a Royal Guard TIE Interceptor and headed to Corolag where Tevinter was stationed. SHe spent three hours at the beach and then headed to the Sith Office, where she found him and killed him. Then, she headed back to her ship.
Ty later went to the New Galactic Empire's capitol of Bastion, where she joined the Imperial Acolytes. After only being there for several minutes, they picked up a distress signal from the Imperial Storage Facility on Utapau which was under attack from Sith forces, and Ty was sent to the world to help the defense. There, she ran into her old friend, Mai.
At the Imperial Storage Facility, Ty met Colonel John Heron and found that her old friend Mai was leading the Sith forces during the attack. She dueled Mai, but Mai was later killed by John when he snuck up behind her with a blaster pistol. Afterwards, the battle was soon over and a victory for the Imperials.
Last Stand[]
Later, Ty was made part of the Royal Procession and was part of the defense of Bastion when the Sith attacked the world. During the battle, she dueled Azula Rhea, who thought that she was the one that killed Mai, and ended up injuring Azula badly, who had to retreat. Soon after, the battle was won.
Soon after the Empire's victory on Bastion, they found out that the Sadow Empire took over the other Imperial worlds which were lightly defended. Ty Sadow and John Heron formed the Imperial Holdouts, a rebellion of surviving Imperials, mercenary groups, local militias, and even Sith prisoners of war. Ty led them to victory on many fronts across the galaxy, and were also supported by various smaller resistances that popped up across the galaxy following the Imperial fall. After two years of war, Ty and John managed to lead the rebellion to victory over the Sadow Empire and took Korriban, the Sith capitol. After a duel with their leader Naga Sadow, the on Ty freed from the temple on Yavin, Ty emerged victorious and the Sadow Empire toppled without leadership. Soon after, the New Galactic Federation was formed.
Ty does not like or dislike violence, but has no problem taking lives. She is also a humorous person.
Skills & Abilities[]
Lightsaber combat[]
Ty was skilled with a lightsaber, and was taught to use it on Csilla when she was very young and long before she learned to use the Force. She was quite skilled at it, and preferred to use her double bladed red lightsaber sthat she keeps with her at all times. Ty has a habit of collecting lightsabers of lightsaber wielding enemies that she killed, and keeps most of them on her belt, along with her own saber. Ty also used a lightsaber pike, but she didn't use it as much.
Ty was skilled with the Dark Side of the Force, but not as skilled as her friend Mai. She knew the basic moves and a few advanced ones, but no master Force moves. She preferred her lightsaber over the Force and Chi blocking. She knew moves such as Sith lightning, Force Choke, Force Push, Mealstrom, and Sith Scorcher. After joining the New Galactic Empire, Ty also learned several Light Side of the Force moves.
Chi Blocking[]
She learned Chi Blocking form a trainer at the Sith Academy on Korriban, but did not use it that much, only to disable enemies. She preferred the Force and her lightsaber over Chi blocking.