Ty Brasworth was a senator from Coruscant who was most known for drafting the Brasworth Agreement, a controversial law that dissolved smaller planetary defense militias in favor of a strong Judicial Forces. The law was backed by the Core Power Alliance, a political faction of which Brasworth was a member. With the law in place, Brasworth used his influence to put pressure on smaller planets, such as Tanaab to join the agreement. The law ultimately failed, however, when the Judicial Forces failed to defend Tanaab successfully against the marauding Norulac Freebooters. The senator retired in 721 BBY, nominating Core Power Alliance–sympathizing Jyst Pavan as his successor. The Coruscanti people, surprised him and the alliance, voting to send Servius Valorum to serve instead by an overwhelming margin. Valorum broke from the other Core World senators and was a leading founder of the Probitas pro populus.
- Golden Age of the Republic: Ghostly Images (Mentioned only)