The alternate banner of the TSSB
The light of the twin suns shall shine on a free Tatooine! The Separatists will help us win our liberty! They will sweep our home of our Hutt criminal rulers and slavers, and prevent the corrupt and greedy Republic from ever trying to exert its corrupting influence here! Our goal is just, we're fighting for our freedom from Hutt enslavement, and to help the Confederacy of Independent Systems in her war of independence, we are the true sons and daughters of Tatooine, we will fight until our beloved home is free!
—Gavran Markin in a speech to his followers
The Twin Suns Separatist Brotherhood (Who sometimes referred to themselves as the Army of the Krayt, after Tatooine's apex predator and Gavran Markin's alias and nickname) was a pro-Separatist political advocacy group locate on the planet Tatooine which pushed for the people of the planet to overthrow their Hutt rulers and join the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Founded and led by a Separatist sympathising Human male called Gavran "Krayt" Markin, himself a former slave to a Hutt crime lord, as well as a Tatooinian nationalist, the Brotherhood believed itself to be fighting for a noble goal, to free the planet and her people of her de facto enslavement by the Hutts, and then unite with another government fighting to defend herself from oppression, the Brotherhood's pro-Separatist stance was partially the result of Gavran's personal views on the Clone Wars, Gavran never liked the Republic, viewing it as corrupt, immoral, greedy and viewing the Outer Rim as primitive and savage whilst taking the Rim's wealth, or, in many cases, lack thereof, and he viewed the Confederacy as the right side in the war, Gavran also believed that the Separatists were more understanding of Tatooine, since the Confederacy was largely made up of fellow Outer and Mid Rim worlds.
In the end, the Brotherhood could never grown large enough to oust the Hutts from Tatooine, and the Brotherhood was dissolved in 19 BBY with the dissolution of the CIS, two things Gavran would lament for the rest of his life. He felt that with the dissolution of both the CIS and his own faction freedom had been truly extinguished in the galaxy, both for Tatooine and the Galaxy as a whole. Despite his lamentation Gavran held pride in the fact that he had served the cause of liberty, he had made a stand in the name of freedom.