Power is its own purpose. To share it is to dilute it. You delude yourself, pretender -- Your order will yet turn on itself and you.
—Gatekeeper of Darth Bane's holocron, to Darth Krayt
Pretender was the name given to several proclamed Dark Lord of the Sith after the death of Darth Caedus. The first of these was the founder of the One Sith, Darth Krayt, then his successor, Darth Nihl. The only Dark Lord of the One Sith to escape being called pretender was Darth Vornskr who later founded the Tri-Sith Order with his former regent, Darth Recors and an other Sith. Darth Recors took the title of Dark Master of the Sith and was often called "the pretender" by the other leaders and their followers.
How dare you make a mockery of the Sith! You are but a shadow of a real Sith, pretender -- Your "Rule of Two" will destroy itself. You have no purpose in the Sith!
—Gatekeeper of Darth Revan's holocron, to Darth Kerdax
Pretender was later used after the Tri-Sith Order was destroyed and the Rule of Two was re-esteblished by both the Dark Master of the Sith and the Dark Lord of the Sith the Dark Master still being called "pretnder" by many.