Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion era

Triz Algan was a female Zabrak pilot during the Clone Wars and early days of the Galactic Empire.


Early life[]


Triz was born aboard the True Moon, a merchant ship belonging to the Algan Clan in 44 BBY. As the daughter of the first mate and chief navigator Triz was literally a born spacer.


The Kessel Run[]

A traditional training exercise in the Algan Clan was to take young members of the clan on the Kessel Run once they reached the age of fifteen. The difficulty in navigating around The Maw and the The Pit was seen as excellent training as the Algans fancied themselves among the best navigators in the Outer Rim.

The tradition required the youth who was coming of age to plot and pilot a way through the Run in as few parsecs as possible under the careful supervision of an elder member of the clan. Specially rigged controls would allow the supervising clan member to take control of the vessel in question at a moment's notice should the need arise.

Though he was only thirteen at the time Laris was allowed to serve as co-pilot navigator on his sister Triz's run as the Clan elders had taken note of the strong bond between the two and were interested in seeing just how well the two performed under serious pressure.

Under the supervision of their uncle the siblings proved their mettle by making the run in only 15 parsecs; a respectable number even by the standards of experienced smugglers.

Two years later, when Laris did his run, the pair managed to whittle it down to 13 parsecs. Two years of planning and going over the data from Triz's run paid off allowing them to break the record for shortest run by anyone in the Algan Clan.

Under the Tatooine suns[]

In 24 BBY Clan business along the Triellus Trade Route took the Algan siblings to Tatooine. Forbidden to leave Mos Eisley Spaceport by the clan due to the area's nasty reputation Laris and Triz killed time in their usual fashion by tinkering the the Clan's ship. This distraction proved to be a mistake as a group of criminally-inclined Jawas saw this as the perfect chance to make off with Triz's favorite astromech droid; R5-V8.

Spotting the thieves at the last moment the teenagers chased the pair into the streets only to see the Jawas pulling away in a speeder. Furious Triz vowed to get her droid back at all costs and her brother was only to happy to be able to indulge in an adventure. Using a beckon call Laris summoned his Ripper speeder bike from the ship while his sister grabbed her trusty 9118 heavy carbine and the two were quickly in hot pursuit.

The siblings were quick to give chase but the Jawas had a head start and a souped up speeder. But Laris' speeder bike had also been customized and was able to keep up. A fast and furious chase across the dunes soon quickly ensued. The Jawa's pilot was skilled enough to keep just ahead of the Algans but not good enough to lose them.

Eventually the increasingly worried Jawas decided to try and shake the pair in Beggar's Canyon. But Triz's piloting skills were up to the challenge and she was finally able to catch up with the thieves by "threading" the eye of the the canyon's famous Stone Needle which gave her the extra bit closer to the Jawas to allow Laris to shoot and damage the repulsor system of the speeder.

Adult life[]

The Clone Wars[]

During the Clone Wars Triz stayed with her clan in the Outer Rim helping them continue their business as best they could while fighting off a seemingly endless stream of pirates.

Peril on Raxus Prime[]

Acting on information from a dying clone deserter, the Grey Whirlwind crew headed to Raxus Prime hoping to loot a secret bunker that had once been a secret hideout of Count Dooku.

Showdown on Nar Shadda[]

Taking the fight to Gulsa, Laris, Nelfa Loban, Triz Algan and Bahbi boldly stormed the Hutt crime lord's night club 9th Hell on a muggy night in 18 BBY.

Firefight on Zeltros[]

Personality and traits[]

As was a requirement for all Zabrak from Iridonia, Triz was given training in traditional Zabrak martial arts. While she preferred to use a blaster rifle when trouble showed its head, many a cantina brawl across the Outer Rim proved that she was a capable unarmed fighter.
