I am the master of my destiny!
—Tristan Nestina
Tristan Nestina was a clone of Sith Lord Darth Neyhos, created by the Galactic Empire in the year 5 BBY. He was created using genetic material from the ancient Sith Lord on the planet Korriban. Using this as their template, they grew several clones on Kamino. Only one clone survived. Much like his genetic template, the clone was very strong with the force. As soon as he was old enough, he began training under the tutelage of the cruel Cael Barnost—who was secretly Sith Lord Darth Nero. For the first five years of his life, all the clone knew was the brutal training at the hands of Barnost.
Then he was discovered by Jedi Knight Nolan Hawke, who was on a mission to destroy the cloning facility. Hawke sensed the boy's true identity and rescued him from the facility. He then took the clone as his apprentice and named the boy Tristan. Tristan grew close to Nolan and eventually came to see him as a surrogate father. Together the two went on missions for the Rebel Alliance. After Hawke's death at the hands of Darth Vader, Tristan left the Rebel Alliance. He took possession of his master's starship, the Templar, and departed to the far reaches of the Galaxy. What he did after that is unknown.