Triskal: “Ha! This is normal, Lux! Everything without me is just boring!”
―Lux Korran and Triskal Star running for their lives from a mutated, giant rancor.
Triskal Star originated from a small planet called Estheria, much like Correlia, from a system so small that it went unnoticed for many years. The people were passionate and free spirited, acting on their convictions and often impulsive. Estherians were fair skinned and fair featured, it was rare that an Estherian have hair darker than a dirty blonde and even more rare for an Estherian to have a tan of any kind.
Estherians were very dependent on stars, some for religious purposes, some for navigational, some for mythical but always for survival. The stars had kept Estheria alive for centuries, warning them against celestial attacks since the small planet was in a bad area for meteor showers.
Not much was ever known about this tiny, obscure planet. Her people were content to remain on her surface, never leaving. On the rare occasion that an Estheria did leave the planet, they were never gone long and only returned with horror stories of the outside realm.
Soon the Anoat enclave became the primary learning and staying place for the jedi as Darth Virtra, took on the two jedi seeing the exile off. At the same time, with help from Virtra, Darth Vader and his clones of the 501st, descended upon Degobah, destroying the temple, leaving Yoda supposedly dead. Few padawans survived, fewer knights and only Master Obi-wan and Master Shaak-ti.
Triskal Star was a Jedi Padawan during the Rise of the Empire, the Rebellion, and New Jedi Order eras, and a member of the Unknown Jedi temples on Degobah and Anoat. The Jedi padawan of An'ya Kuro, and Yoda.