Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era
This article is a fanon Legends adaptation of a topic appearing exclusively in Canon. For the canon entry, see here.

Trilla Suduri was a Human female Jedi Padawan who fell to the dark side and served as an Inquisitor of the Galactic Empire.


Trilla Suduri was brought into the Jedi Order at an early age and eventually taken on as an apprentice by the Jedi Knight Cere Junda. When Order 66 was issued at the end of the Clone Wars, Suduri and her master managed to flee with a group of younglings, only for Junda to leave them in order to draw Imperial forces away. Junda was ultimately captured by the Empire and tortured into giving away Suduri and the younglings' location. As a result, Suduri was captured and forcibly indoctrinated into the Inquisitorius.


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