Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rebellion eraDeath Watch Revival Series

«I don't fight; I'm a very peaceable kind of person. I just kill people. Especially creatures who mess around with me.» ―Trhin in Mando'a

Trhin Voss'on't was a stormtrooper commander who had been set-up by the Galactic Empire to destabilize the Bounty Hunter's Guild in 0 ABY. His reward for doing so was to be sentenced for execution, but instead fled to Onderon's moon: Dxun. There he lived his life out, learning the ways of the Mandalorians. However in 16 ABY, he was forced into Theta's army known as the Death Watch. Trhin would turn over to the Wolf Star Coalition after suffering a crippling defeat by Silas Skirata in 18 ABY. He would become a prominent figure head in the battle against the Death Watch in 19 ABY.



[Xixor] thought the Mandalorians would tear me apart on Dxun, he was wrong.
—Trhin, describing how he survived Xizor's betrayal

Voss'on't was a strike force leader in one of the Corps' Strategic Insertion Battalions, when he was hand-picked to participate in Xizor's Palpatine-backed plan to destabilize the Bounty Hunters Guild. Xizor had a large enough bounty placed on Voss'on't to attract every bounty hunter in the galaxy. With such a large price on his head, the already weakened Bounty Hunters Guild would shatter as the bounty hunters turned on each other to collect the prize, and only the strongest hunters would be left. Xizor had Voss'on't kill everyone on board an Imperial Star Destroyer and then flee to parts unknown.

The plan was perfect, Voss'on't appeared to have stolen the useful parts of the Star Destroyer and sold them on the Black market. He was caught on a desolate mining world by Fett and his temporary partner, Bossk. The stormtrooper would fall into only Fett's hands. When Boba delivered him, Xizor took him into custody. he found out that he was to be executed. He then began to plot his escape. Xizor learning of this, launched the escape pod Voss'on't had boarded, to the Mandalorian controlled Dxun.


Upon landing on Dxun, he was taken in by the Mandalorians. But instead of ripping him limb from limb, they gave him a place to call home. As time passed he showed his worth as a Mandalorian and was gradually accepted as their brother. Voss'on't would live the next 16 years of his life learning the ways of combat, gaining the skills he would need to get his revenge on the Empire who had betrayed him.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Unification of Dxun
For the glory of the Death Watch, we shall join as one clan under the banner of your great Overloard, me.
—Theta, giving a recruitment speech

In 16 ABY, a man who went by the name Theta, was exiled from the Mandalorians of Dxun for exchanging services to the Imperial Remnant in return for funding. Soon after, Theta returned, and killed the clan elders. Taking control of the clan, he dubbed it the Death Watch. Trhin was conscripted as apart of the army, and helped in the unifying battle with the rival clans. Under Theta's command, the Death watch had gained control of both Dxun and Onderon.


After suffering the crippling defeat of his entire platoon, at the hands of Silas Skirata and his son Myles, he surrendered and was kept a hostage until he proved he was not only willing to join their cause, but had been planning on it for years. Joining the WSC only a few weeks into captivity. He quickly rose up in the ranks until he was directly under the control of General Dagger.


Though he was present for the battle of M478 he saw no combat being aboard the Zero Gravity. He was still in training at the time, learning how to use his new Katarn Battle Armor and the various technologies the WSC had at it's disposal. After completing his training above M478, he was dispatched to his new quarters on the Zero's sister ship.

Behind the scenes[]

Trhin Voss'on't was a character in the story Slave Ship. His death was fanonized so that instead he was sent to the planet Dxun.


The Death Watch Revival Series
Major Conflicts
Conquest of the Death Watch
Aurea Hali - Echon Kenobi - Silas Nesneros - Myles Nesneros - Trhin Voss'on't
Cloak - Dagger - Celeste Ial - Redneb - Skoll
Davrel Hokan - Kex Hokan - Lucian Orca - "Theta"
Siena - Helms
Frayed Hunter - Secret Destiny - Shadowstar
Red Barchetta - Teroch-1 - Zakkeg - Zero Gravity
Outside Media
Failure at Cerea
In Progress
Star Wars: Conquest - Imperial Treachery