Trebor Horan was a human male who served as an admiral in the Imperial Remnant.
Trebor Horan was born on Coruscant during the height of the Galactic Civil War. His father was a member of the Imperial Security Bureau while his mother was a clerical worker at the Imperial Palace. He was set to join his older brother Rav at the Imperial Academy on Arkanis when Emperor Palpatine perished at the Battle of Endor. Fearful for their family's safety as unrest broke out across Coruscant, Horan's parents took him offworld and retreated to the Outer Rim Territories, settling on Muunilinst.
While the Horans remained loyal to the Empire in spirit, they largely stayed out of the infighting that ensued between the various warlords that rose and fell and did not join the Crimson Empire of Darth Vorath. It was not until the Imperial Remnant emerged from the aftermath of the Imperial Sith War that the Horans deemed it safe to emerge from hiding. Trebor, now in his twenties was quick to enlist in the Imperial Navy and make his way through the ranks.
By the time of the Glorian War, Horan had attained the rank of captain and served in the Obtrexta Sector Fleet, commanding the Star Destroyer Harbinger. In 36 ABY, he assisted the Galactic Alliance in fighting the Glorian forces on Rhen Var.[1] He later participated in a battle at Ringo Vinda, where he first met Poe Dameron.[2]
After the war, Horan was promoted to the rank of admiral. In 40 ABY, he agreed to carry a team of Jedi to the Esstran sector to locate and eliminate remaining Sith artifacts to prevent their return.[3]
Following the collapse of the Imperial Remnant and the rise of the First Order, Horan ended up deserting after learning of the massacre of Tuanul Village on Jakku at the hands of Kylo Ren. Along with the crew of the Harbinger, he ended up going into hiding on Darkknell.[2]
- Change of Tide (First appearance)
- The Elusive Shadow
- The Balancing Act