Star Wars Fanon

Trebor Ecnal in a Force Trance.

Trebor Ecnal was a Sith Minion of Darth Realgar.

Ecnal began life as a slythmonger selling ixetal cilona death sticks and Sedative H4b amongst the criminals in the Coruscant Underworld. He made a fair amount working the streets but every so often would be found by authorities and confiscated for all of his drugs.

Ecnal turned to self-mutilation when he did not possess his drugs to curb his addictions. It was only through a turn of events did he end up under the influence of kik-dust and on a large freighter destined for a trip around the stars. At one of its stops, he left the vehicle in a daze and watched as it took off into the sky. He could not make out where he was for many hours and trudged through dirt and sand to a shaded spot. Only then did Ecnal hear his name called to him.

What Ecnal had not realized was that a dark lord had brought him to this planet and that he was under a Force Trance, and no longer under the influence of drugs. He wandered to another ship that had been placed there by the lord and he jumped inside. The instruments on the ship activated and Ecnal was transported to another planet some light years away from where he had been dropped off. As he traveled through hyperspace, Ecnal was mesmerized by the lights, nearly entering a state of epilepsy, however the trip ended as soon as it began.

Ecnal saw a new planet, mysterious and dark, and his ship flew down towards a clearing. There he met a series of Force ghosts whom followed him down a long hallway which led to a secret room. There he encountered Darth Realgar.

Realgar told him of his great importance as a Minion of the Sith, not quite as trained as a Force practitioner, but capable of becoming molded into a skilled fighter and loyal bodyguard. Knowing that he did not possess much of a life back on Coruscant, he reluctantly agreed with the Sith Lord. Over several years, Realgar harnessed Ecnal's strengths in persuasion and overpowering of the mind, and coupled this with a rigorous regimen in bulk building, allowed Ecnal to tower over even large opponents. Realgar may have called on Dark Sith magic in order to assist Ecnal's physical challenges.
