Star Wars Fanon
It is the duty and sole mission of this Party to de-centralize the power of the Union Government and to prevent any unnecessary conflict in our world.
—King Daniel III

The Traditionalist Party was a political party that existed within the Union of Earth States, and the lesser party of the Union Senate, being overshadowed by the Federalist Party. Unlike their rivals' security, the Traditionalist Security served primarily as a voluntary security force. It's leader was known as the Chairman of the Traditionalist Party of the Union States.

Notable members of the party included the Grand Family, Alice Ward and her House, and Ida Fearn, among many others. The party were political enemies with the Federalist Party since their founding.

Throughout much of the Union's history, the Traditionalist Party rarely had their own members serve as Union President or Union Secretary of State; the two positions were always held by Federalist Party members, until Alice Ward was elected President in 64 BBY.



The Traditionalist Party was founded in the hopes of de-centralizing the Union into an alliance of nations rather than acting as a single-government. Many of the Grand Family and their allies agreed with this, though they became enemies with members of the Federalist Party.

64 BBY Presidential Election[]

In 64 BBY, when the second Presidential election had come up, Alice Ward had announced her run for the Office of the President of the Union States, and gave up her position as leader of the Traditionalist Party to King Daniel Zarkan IV. In the first few months of her campaign, Alice had gained the majority of the public's support, as she made numerous promises to decrease the military power of the Union Council and create a council that would oversee the Union Armed Forces, effectively neutralizing the High Council's direct role in military affairs. Because of this, she became a target for the Federalist Party, as this endangered their power. At the start of her campaign, her home nation Kalland were 100% in her favour, and later all of the Traditionalist Party member states.

Throughout her campaign, two assassinations were made against her by assassins hired by the Federalists. This not only boosted her popularity but also granted her more support from even citizens of Federalist Party member states. She eventually overshadowed fellow Traditionalist Ida's campaign who later postponed her campaign and redirected her supporters to Alice, further increasing her popularity with the public. She continued to make promises to the people of the Union States, such as increasing the executive power of the Armed Forces Marshal to better lead the Armed Forces, although this was seen as dictatorial, she eventually explained why, and that was to limit the High Council's grip on their office and power.

One of her most popular slogans "No more Feddy decisions!", which mocked the Federalist Party, was seen as a clever insult to her rivals. Not only did they notice this, but also began to hate her even more. A third assassination attempt was discussed but ultimately was not executed to avoid public suspicions that they may be behind it. This decision also allowed Alice a home run to winning the election.

At the end of the presidential election, Union Secretary of State Delwyn announced the results of the election, stating that Alice Wards had the most votes out of all candidates, standing at 42% against Melton's 25%, Hardwin's 19% and Denton's 14%. She then became the President-Elect of the Union States and gave her inaugural address at the Union States Capitol building in downtown Williamtown, she mentioned that all of the promises she made during the campaign was going to happen and that she would make sure. The address was attended by almost all of the city of Williamtown as well as members of both the Federalist and Traditionalist Parties. The former saw this as a significant defeat as Alice Ward was the first Traditionalist to have held the office of the President.

Assassination of Alice Ward[]

During the three years of her presidency, Alice Ward had been hard at work to establishing the Union Armed Forces Council. She discussed with her Secretary of State Delwyn numerously about this decision. Because the Union States was a republic and had a Senate, she needed the Senate's approval for this to happen. For three years, almost all Federalist Party senators opposed this course of action, stalling the act as the plan to assassinate Alice was discussed behind closed doors. Despite that, most of her fellow Traditionalist senators supported her decision but could not move forward as their rivals outnumbered their support 46/73. The Marshal of the Armed Forces even supported her, as they were tired of the High Council's grip on their power.

In the summertime, she planned a visit to her home nation Kalland where she would give a speech to her people, and the Second Federalist Crusaders' Party chose this as the perfect time to assassinate her, as they were given the schedule of her public appearances throughout Union States territory. In the capital city of Kalland, the citizens, and entire Union States through television, had attended Alice's speech. She told everyone of her progress on decentralizing the High Council's executive power, but before she could have told that the Armed Forces Council was nearly established, she was shot twice in the body. Traditionalist Security and police forces were able to arrest the shooter who then revealed their allies and were arrested. Secretary of State Delwyn was sworn in as President two days later, immediately ordering the executions of the Crusaders to tie up loose ends.

In the investigation of Alice Ward's death, the police forces were told that they were hired by the Federalist Party. Because of this sudden revelation, the Traditionalist Party protected them and stalled their executions for a while. During this period of time, they were told enough information that the Crusaders were going to testify against the Federalist Party and Union President Delwyn in the Supreme Court, however this was halted when Federalist Security forcibly removed Traditionalist authority over the custody of the Crusaders and proceeded to execute all of the Crusaders in public for the assassination of Alice Ward. As a result, the Traditionalist Party opposed Delwyn's call for more military action.

Defection of Edward Bridger[]

In 59 BBY, Federalist Party member and senator of Amerika Edward Bridger planned to defect to the Traditionalist Party as he could no longer deal with his Party's corruption and criminal ventures to remain in power. He openly announced his defection to the them in one of their monthly meetings and stormed out of the room. He threatened to expose their role in the First Crusade, Alice Ward's assassination and many of their criminal decisions. Although, he was seen as bluffing, they became paranoid and took him seriously after news of him meeting with King Daniel IV reached out to the public. Edward explained to the Daniel IV about his Party's doings but the King was skeptical about his claims. The rest of the Traditionalist Party believed him, as they mentioned during Alice Ward's death investigation, the Crusaders' truth was enough evidence that the Federalist Party were involved. Daniel IV eventually believed him.

After two weeks of discussion with Traditionalist Party senators, Edward was asked to openly testify against the Federalist Party and Union President Delwyn to prove their corruption to the public, at which he agreed. Because they knew their rivals would make a move, Edward was protected by Traditionalist Security. The public attention he received also caused his former Party members to hire an assassin named Henley Onyx to assassinate him. Many news and media outlets discussed about what truths his testimony would reveal. He was sure about what he wanted to reveal, as he had told Daniel IV all about it a day earlier. While on his way to the Royal Court building in downtown Williamtown, Onyx was able to ambush his convoy with explosives, killing everyone and Bridger. Onyx was able to escape and left no evidence of his or the Federalist Party's involvement as they were present at the Royal Court.

This sudden turn of events convinced Daniel IV and Traditionalist Party members that their rivals were indeed corrupted. In their act to oppose them, they discussed with sympathizers in the Union States Special Operations Command on staging a civil war to get their rivals to come to an agreement and end their corruption. While this decision was said to possibly backfire, they went through with the plan and two days later, the current General of the Union Army announced his secession from the Union and its Armed Forces, stating that the Union States was a corrupted government that relied on violence to solve its problems. This baffled the Federalist Party.

Union Civil War[]

At the start of the Civil War, the Traditionalist Party called the secession an act of treason, at which the Federalists agreed with. A day later, the entire Party was called into an emergency session of congress at the Union States Capitol where they discussed with their rivals on how to handle the threat. Throughout the civil war's duration, the Traditionalist cleverly got their rivals to admit their corruption and the Federalist Party leader confessed to them. Because they saw this as a redemption, they did not reveal this to the public as to avoid further conflict than they planned. In the following weeks, they discussed with their rivals to dealing with the rogue General, coming to an agreement of a peaceful resolution.

Daniel IV told the public near the war's end that the Senate was moving for a vote to deactivate the Union Armed Forces after the conflict was resolved. This was seen as a positive gesture from the public, however some Federalist Party members did not like the direction they're leadership was taken and opposed this.


When the Galactic Empire invaded in 18 BBY, the Traditionalist Party was dissolved and after William Crest was appointed Emperor of the Earth Empire, he ordered that all members of the Traditionalist Party to be executed for treason and war crimes, forging evidence they, and the Federalists, were responsible for everything that plagued the Union States.
