Hektor Scrios, a well-known tracer of the Thrall Caste prior to his sons' appointment to the Savant Caste
A tracer, also called finder or runner, was an unofficial title attributed to a member of the Thrall Caste of the Charon Dominion that operated within the Nightyards. Tracers existed on Erebus as a result of the constantly fluctuating electromagnetic fields emenating from the Nightyards, which made electronic communication near-impossible, save for several "beacon zones".
Tracers appeared to be an amalgamation of dispatchers, scouts and messengers, typically traversing the massive region of the Nightyards in order to retrieve specific components, carry and coordinate messages for communications, and delivering whatever required items they were assigned to.
Krovo Scrios was a tracer, as was his father, Hektor Scrios.