Tomac Moorcé was a male Purpilian and the Grand Master of the Jedi Order following the death of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious in 19 BBY. The former Barsen'thor of the Order and heralded as the savior of the Order, Moorcé can be attributed for sparking a 500% increase in the Order's ranks within just twenty years of taking office.
Early life[]
A Force-sensitive Purpilian, Tomac Moorcé was born to the last monarch of Purpilia in 64 BBY. Detected to be Forceful at birth, Moorcé was taken the Coruscant Jedi Temple for training in the ways of the Force. While in his clan of fellow Initiates, Moorcé became close with the Devaronian female Maladi Guidicelli, developing a friendship which would last for decades. Following a successful performance during the Apprentice Tournament of 51 BBY, Moorcé was selected as a Padawan by the Elomin Jedi Shadow, Indot Sheni. Traveling the galaxy together, Sheni encouraged the Purpilian to explore his own strengths and weaknesses during their journeys and to pick the specialization which best suited his talents.
Ultimately Moorcé chose to follow in his master's footsteps and study as a Jedi Sentinel alongside his long-time friend Maladi Guidicelli. Completing several missions together on behalf of the Council of First Knowledge, the two worked in tandem through a close bond in the Force. When time came for Moorcé to craft his own lightsaber, he traveled with his master to his homeworld of Purpilia to have an audience with the king; his father. Welcoming his Jedi son into the royal palace, King Moorcé presented his son with two priceless Purpilian crystals, one carved into a flawless sphere, and the other a mere shard, perfect for use in a lightsaber. Fashioning a hilt of violet metal around which was wrapped a root from the mighty Tree of Kings which fronted the Royal Palace, Moorcé's blade shone violet like the sun refracting through the crystal mountains of Purpilia. Keeping care of the spherical crystal, Moorcé decided to take up the rare art of fighting with a longstaff. Using a weathered purple-barked branch from a mighty tree, Moorcé set the crystal at the top of the staff in the embrace of the branch's talon-like grasp. Imbued with the Force much as the ancient staff of Vodo-Siosk Baas, the staff served Moorcé as a weapon and walking stick in later life.
In the final years of Moorcé's apprenticeship, a war broke out on the Outer Rim which called for the attention of the Jedi Shadows. An ancient evil left over from the New Sith Wars had been released from their prison and sought to seek control of their old holdings. A group of fallen Jedi, formerly members of the Ansion Enclave's Council before forsaking the Order and joining the New Sith Empire had been encased within a floating prison by the Enclave Council's remaining members, casting them out into the void where they would spend eternity contemplating their fall. Reestablishing their armies upon release, the Dark Jedi Masters unleashed a Shadow Army which drew upon their leaders' use of Sith alchemy to reanimate them after each defeat. As the Jedi Shadows struck down each fallen Jedi warrior, they realized that the Dark Jedi Masters could recreate them and send them back into battle in new bodies. Seeking out the lost academy on Ansion, Moorcé and Master Sheni discovered that the last member of the Council, a wise Sage Master, had been trapped within a time warp where he was forced to live out eternity far from the galaxy but still able to maintain contact with the Enclave. The Sage Master revealed that destroying his connection to the galaxy, while it would kill him, would also enable him to unleash his light side energy and cleanse the galaxy of the Dark Jedi Masters. With no other option available to them, Moorcé smashed the Master's prison and a wave of light washed across the strongholds of the Dark Jedi Masters, reducing their armies to sand and ending the conflict. The Masters themselves were purified, and became one with the Force finally free of their own dark dreams. Returning to Coruscant, the Shadows were victorious though losses were heavy. The war, known as the Silent War within the Order, was kept secret from the galactic community to avoid the attention of the growing anti-Jedi movement.
Agent of the Council[]
Completing his Trials of Knighthood in 44 BBY, Moorcé was knighted and continued to study as a Jedi Shadow, taking assignments from the Council of First Knowledge to hunt down Sith artifacts and dark side cults along the Outer Rim. Using his connections to Purpilian government, Moorcé reestablished a Jedi Academy on his homeworld. On the nearby moon, Ansion Council member Master Oozian had once trained Purpilians before falling to the dark side. Having defeated Oozian during the Silent War, Moorcé saw fit to rebuild what was destroyed on a new site on Purpilia itself. The new academy would specialize in training new Sentinels for the Jedi Order, replacing those who fell during the Silent War. A massive construct of shimmering Purpilian crystal, Moorcé named his old friend Maladi Guidicelli as headmistress, an appointment the Council of First Knowledge quickly approved. While Purpilia was loyal to the Republic, the world was closed to visitors and the establishment of the academy caused anti-Jedi groups such as the People's Inquest to voice their disapproval on Coruscant.
During this time, Moorcé had selected the Human Nadia Abduli to train as his apprentice. Like his master, Moorcé allowed Abduli to find her own path, encouraging to fulfill her desires to study as a starfighter ace with the Jedi Starfighter Corps. After seeing her complete her green-bladed lightsaber during the Gathering on Ilum, Moorcé recommended her to the High Council for knighthood and was pleased to see her successfully attain the rank of Jedi Knight. While not often on Coruscant, Moorcé did occasionally visit the Galactic Senate to keep informed with the growing threat of Separatism, often times meeting with Senators Mina Bonteri and Fang Zar to discuss their systems' problems and efforts to keep other planets from seceding. Upon the eve of the Clone Wars, Moorcé selected his second Padawan, an Umbaran Wraith he had rescued from persecution while on a mission with Master Sheni and Jedi Diard Vads during his apprenticeship. The young Qui Zulu, unlike others of his species, had grown up within the safety of the Jedi Temple and was not malnourished like his mistreated species on Umbara. A Force-sensitive species, the Wraiths lacked legs and used the Force to float in the low-gravity pockets of the Umbaran underground. Under Zulu's long dark robes was an insectoid abdomen with a long venomous stinger, a built-in weapon he was discouraged from using in battle by his master. Zulu was also gifted with Force sight, like all members of his species, due to his lack of eyes.
When Master of the Order Mace Windu gathered all able-bodied Jedi to Geonosis, Moorcé and Zulu joined their colleagues in the Petranaki arena as they attempted to liberate Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Following the battle, Moorcé returned to Coruscant with his student and was given the rank of Master by the High Council. Taking up the rank of Jedi General, Moorcé was placed in command of a secret legion of Special Operations troops and worked to track Count Dooku and his cadre of Dark Acolytes. Placed in command of the Temple's detention facilities, Moorcé turned to his homeworld for assistance in establishing a secret satellite prison. While the Order operated the ancient station called the Prism, the loss of Citadel Station on Lola Sayu caused Moorcé to seek a more secure facility. Crafting a space station armored with the energy-absorbing Purpilian crystals, the Purpilian government secretly moved the station near to Coruscant inside an asteroid field in the Quenk system. An anomaly in the asteroid field allowed the prison to lie undetected, despite the heavy traffic in the densely populated Core Worlds allowing Moorcé to operate in plain sight.
Leading his troops to the darkest regions of the galaxy, Moorcé's special ops teams worked completely off the grid; evading even the eye of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. In a joint operation with Master Coleman Kcaj, Master Moorcé was able to capture the notorious Dark Acolyte Shaala Doneeta, the Twi'lek responsible for enslaving the minds of several planetary leaders through the use of advanced dark side sorcery. During the fighting, Moorcé damaged Doneeta's tattooed lekku destroying the Eye of Darth Nox which was surgically embedded in her head-tail. Along with several prolific Dark Jedi and cyborgs, Doneeta was imprisoned in the Purpilian space station for the duration of the war. Known officially as the Warden of the Order, Moorcé was not fond of titles and was more playful then any of his predecessors. Young and in shape, Moorcé maintained his positive attitude throughout the war, despite the ravages of the conflict. In 19 BBY, Chancellor Palpatine finally discovered the location of the Purpilian station, though the Prism remained hidden. Frustrated with the Chancellor's meddling in what Moorcé viewed as strictly Jedi business as the prisoners at the facility would ultimately be tried by the Jedi Order whether they were at war or not, Moorcé reluctantly agreed to escort the Chancellor's private and newly formed Secret Service members to the station in the wake of the Chancellor's failed kidnapping by General Grievous. En route to the station, Moorcé felt a massive shift in the Force as the dark energies which had shrouded Coruscant collapsed in upon itself and vanished from the galaxy. Arriving at the station, Moorcé rushed to determine the origin of the disturbance but was delayed by the sudden attack from the Secret Service agents. With the assistance of his loyal clone troopers, Moorcé successfully defeated each of the agents and determined that the Sith suspected of infiltrating the Chancellor's office must have ordered the attack. Rushing back to Coruscant, Moorcé was shocked to learn that Master Windu had slew Chancellor Palpatine, the true Sith Lord and mastermind behind the war.
Realizing that the betrayal of the Secret Service agents was not an isolated threat, Moorcé realized that the Chancellor would have had authority to execute the Contingency Order 66 and wipe out nearly all Jedi in the field. With renewed urgency, Master Windu issued an immediate recall of all Jedi from their battlefronts as chain of command placed clones in charge of all ongoing operations. Hacking the databanks of the Chancellor's computers and dispatching all remaining Shadows and their black ops troopers to the homes and offices of Palpatine's aides and supporters, the Jedi were able to detain and question those implicit in Palpatine's attempted takeover and discern the location of the Confederacy's corporate leadership. When word came from Mustafar that the Separatist Council was in custody and the droid army deactivated, a message was sent to Raxus calling for a peaceful transition into peaceful negotiations. While Master Windu joined Senator Bail Organa and Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin in forming a temporary triumvirate to govern the Republic and end the war, Moorcé hastened to question and imprison Palpatine's closest confidants. While the likes of Sate Pestage, Mas Amedda and Kinman Dorianna were released to the galactic courts for treason charges, Forceful individuals such as Sly Moore, Cronal and the traitorous Anakin Skywalker were detained at the Jedi Temple and prepped for rehabilitation should they chose to forsake the dark side.
A new Jedi Renaissance[]
As the war wound down and the Republic made peace with the Confederate Systems, Grand Master Yoda announced to the High Council that he would stepped down from the Council and go into self-imposed exile for failing to detect the Sith so close to the heart of the Order. Additionally, the seats of four Council members needed filling with the deaths of Masters Kolar, Fisto and Tiin, and the arrest of Jedi Skywalker; Master Windu would also step down in able to participate in the reformation of the Galactic Constitution and the Senate. With a total of six seats open, Master Windu offered his seat to his old friend and teacher Master T'ra Saa who humbly accepted though refused the title of Master of the Order and leader of the High Council. To the surprise of all, Master Yoda suggested Master Moorcé for his expertise in tracking a destroying that which is associated with the dark side, as well as his young heart and love of the Order. While Master Ki-Adi-Mundi strongly dissented, the Cerean eventually backed Master Yoda's recommendation and Moorcé took the title of Grand Master. Humbled by the appointment, Moorcé graciously accepted and quickly fell into the stride of the title. Prepared to lead the Order into a Golden Age not seen since the time of Grand Master Fae Coven, Moorcé saw the appointment of K'Kruhk as Leader of the High Council; a seemingly odd choice as the Whipid had left the Order early during the war after invoking the Right of Denial. Along with K'Kruhk, Moorcé championed the appointments of Old Guard Master Tsui Choi, a conservative Master to serve as the Council's moral compass in conjunction with K'Kruhk; the controversial Quinlan Vos for his contact with the dark side and his return to the light; and Djinn Altis, possibly the most radical appointment due to his status as an exile from the Order. Moorcé's sought to consolidate all Force-sensitives within the Order to ensure another Palpatine did not slip through the cracks of the Order's recruitment system. The appointment of Altis was meant to demonstrate the High Council's ability to break with tradition in order to accommodate those loyal to the Order even if their practices may be unorthodox.
Entering into a secret conclave, the new High Council began planning their new strategy to bring peace back to the Order. In a bold move less then a month from the death of Sidious, Moorcé and the new Jedi High Council called for a conclave during which they announced that scouts had already been sent to both the Jedi homeworld of Tython and the ruined fortress world of Ossus to see if re-habitation was possible. When positive feedback came back from both planets, funds were allotted by the Senate Special Committee on Jedi Budget and Funding to help in the process of reconstructing the lost city of Knossa and the nine Great Temples on Tython. Employing artisans from across the galaxy, the Order caused an economic upswing in the surrounding sectors as construction workers and stone masons poured into the region from across the galaxy eager to aid in the rebuilding process. Overseeing the reconstruction of the Great Library, the Grand Jedi Temple and the planning of new museums and plazas, Moorcé and the High Council encouraged the war-weary members of the Order to travel to Ossus and contribute in their own way to the rebuilding after each member was carefully interviewed in the Chamber of Judgement to ensure that their mental health was intact after the stresses of war. A year after the initial survey, Knossa was habitable and the Jedi relocated the academy to a new structure set back along the southern end of the city near to the jungle. To run the academy a lesser council subservient to the Council of First Knowledge was formed and led by the Thisspiasian Headmaster Rassad Cospicitis.
As the Acquisition Division increased its enforcement of Republic law to test all infants for Force-sensitivity, the Council of Reassignment sought to open the Jedi Service Corps to older Forceful individuals who had not been picked up for Jedi training when they were younger, as well as accepting non-Forceful applicants including the disgraced former Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala to work in the newly formed Diplomatic Corps. As Moorcé's work on Ossus continued to flourish, work progressed on Tython as the Order rebuilt the nine great temples of the Je'daii Order using schematics preserved within the old Temple preserved from the Great Galactic War. The blue prints, recovered from collection of records organized by the ancient Jedi Master
Yuon Par, showed a detailed layout of the nine temples and work began through the use of local resources and craftsmen from a large Twi'lek colony flourishing on the planet. Upon the completion of the temples, Moorcé instituted a new practice which would have all Jedi Padawans report to Tython for additional training during the later stages of one-on-one training with their master. Taking on the title of Jedi Journeyer, the students would complete studies at each temple just as their Je'daii predecessors, before taking their Trials of Knighthood and ascending to the rank of Jedi Knight on the steps of Padawan Kesh.
As the Order flourished so to did Moorcé's reputation. As Grand Master, Moorcé was invited to several worlds to receive the praise of some of the galaxy's most powerful individuals. Remaining humble, Moorcé shirked extravagance and reminded the galactic populace that the life of a Jedi was one of simplicity and generosity. Continuing to train Qui Zulu as his apprentice, Moorcé was proud to send the Wraith off to Tython and see him made a Knight at long last. Remaining on Ossus for much of the next decade, carefully devising the end to the Hutt Empire through a conflict which would be known as the Hutt Offensive when it finally was launched. Aside from this careful planning, Moorcé was preparing to take on a new apprentice, one whom he had already swore to train as part of a compromise with the boy's father at the end of the Clone Wars. Seeking out young Galen Marek at the Apprentice Tournament at the Grand Academy in 7 BBY, Moorcé took the boy as his Padawan and taught him the ins and outs of the Order's politics, the ways of the Force and how to embrace the fun in life. Never one to take himself too seriously, Moorcé devised a training regimen which focused on the joys of being surrounded by the strength of the Force and the lushness of the planet Ossus. While Marek was quite shy around some of the high-ranking officials he constantly came in to contact with and the media coverage and pressures which came with being the apprentice of the Grand Master, the boy was able to take comfort in his friendship with fellow apprentice Damon Carlye. Moorcé quickly picked up on their closeness and encouraged the boys to enjoy their friendship but to ensure that their strong affections for each other did not stray too close to attachment. In conjunction with Carlye's master Yohn Lahk, the Grand Master planned many missions which would test the two apprentices' abilities to separate their feelings for each other from the mission. Never failing to excel at every test their masters threw at them and demonstrating that they could think clearly even when the other was in danger, Masters Moorcé and Lahk agreed that the relationship between their Padawans was healthy and not a threat of leading either to the dark side so long as it continued to be kept in check. Having bonded with Lahk during the initial resettling of Ossus, Moorcé frequently consulted with his friend and was often seen in public together with the Human Master and their two Padawans. The addition of Master Guidicelli and her apprentice Mara Jade solidified the group's unofficial title of Moorcé's Court.
Battle of Yavin[]
Nineteen years after the death of Darth Sidious, a new threat arose which promised to destroy the Republic if not controlled effectively. Unleashed on the distant moon, Yavin IV, was the restless spirit of the long-dead Sith Lord Exar Kun. Capable of raising entire armies from the wilderness of the moon, Kun and his Massassi warriors threatened to leave the confines of the moon and spread like a plague across the galaxy. While Kun's spirit was confined to his Temple, his call was felt by five Force-sensitives who sought him out through the compulsion of the dark side. Arriving on the world, these five Humans were imbued with the strength and power of Kun's dark side spirit and were sent out into the galaxy to decimate the Republic and return with the body of the Supreme Chancellor and the Order's Grand Master so that the Sith could possess both and conquer the galaxy. Before the ships could launch from the moon, the Order had received word of the imminent attack and the High Council dispatched a strike team to crush the Sith forces before the plan could be carried out. Arriving in the system before the Sith ships jumped to hyperspace, the Jedi mustered a fighting force from both the Republic and the Confederacy which quickly engaged the Massassi-manned starships.
Taking a ship down to the moon, Moorcé and his strike team fought their way into the Temple proper before heading straight to the burial chamber to comfront Kun's spirit. Accompanied by Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon, Moorcé left Padawans Marek and Carlye in the exterior chamber to defend against the onslaught of Massassi defenders. Upon entering Kun's chambers Massassi warrior attacked Mundi and Koon, decapitating them as Grand Master Moorcé strode forward unabated to confront the spirit of Kun. Requesting that Kun willingly let go of the dark side and become one with the Force, Moorcé met the specter's refusal with a show of force. Brandishing his staff and lightsaber, Moorcé unleashed a wave of pure Force energy upon Kun's spirit, vanquishing it once and for all. With out their Master's mind to guide them the Massassi fled into the jungle and his five generals were killed simultaneously as a result of psychic backlash. As the Republic and the Confederacy recognized how severe the consequences of not backing the Jedi could have been at this critical juncture, both governments approved to resynchronize the galactic calender deeming the year of the Battle of Yavin Year 0 and thrusting full support to the Order's effort to destroy the Hutts and their criminal and slave empire.
Stopping a schism[]
Having taken down Jabba the Hutt a decade before the attack on Yavin, Moorcé had been subtly laying the groundwork for a full on invasion of Hutt Space. While many Jedi were anxious to see the collapse of the slave empire, Moorcé understood that in order to be effective in the region of space under Hutt control, he would need to safeguard against high civilian casualties. Because the Hutt armies were largely composed of slaves, conventional warfare would be difficult and costly, and the galaxy was still healing from the Clone Wars. Covertly dispatching Shadows to infiltrate slave camps and the palaces of the Hutt Council, the Grand Master hoped to encourage a slave revolt that would cost the Hutt's their armies as well as their territories. While the Hutt Council had recovered following the removal of Jabba in 10 BBY, a constant unease drifted between the seven kajidic leaders and their client states. By playing to this, the Jedi High Council hoped the Hutts would build an army of droids to guarantee their survival.
While planning continued on the High Council, Moorcé happily saw his Padawan ascend to the rank of Jedi Knight in 7 ABY following his completion of the Great Journey on Tython. Despite the jubilant time, Moorcé appeared to be severely withdrawn from his usual activities, beginning the year before and continuing to worry many on Ossus. Many began to openly criticize the Grand Master for shutting himself in his chambers for days on end with the mysterious High Councilor Keith Varté. The Kiffar Jedi Master Varté was one of Moorcé's own appointees to the Council and was regarded as many to be licentious and unworthy of his rank. Having a troubled past, the Kiffar was shunned by many of his peers and openly ridiculed in the streets of Knossa as the Order became uneasy. Many began to question Moorcé's competence in such an important time; Who would lead the Order to war with the Hutts if not the Grand Master? Even his own companions did not know the reasons behind Moorcé's odd behavior but outright dismissed the notion that the Purpilian had taken his protegé as his lover. By the end of the year the frenzy around the Grand Master's behavior had hit a crescendo and threatened to tear the Order asunder. And all at once, the madness ended; Varté was no where to be found and Moorcé was back to his work with the High Council. Not a word was said of the Kiffar's disappearance until the first anniversary of his departure when a conclave was called by Moorcé himself. Gathering the Order into the Great Temple and broadcasting to all Jedi installations around the galaxy, Moorcé addressed the Order on the nature of his relationship with Master Varté. Explaining how he had detected Varté's connection with the Spirit World over two decades before, together they had been working to seal the alternate dimension created by the Dark Jedi that the Order had destroyed during the Silent Wars. On the eve of his disappearance, Master Varté had memorized a ritual needed to seal the Spirit World and vanished from Ossus with a book of incantations. Moorcé did not know what transpired during the ceremony that the Kiffar preformed within the confines of a hidden dungeon within the Temple of Alchemy on the Rogue Moon of Taris, but he sensed that the Spirit World was destroyed, the spirits of those Jedi held there released, and Keith Varté's spirit sacrificed in the process. Reprimanding the Order for not trusting in him and the Force to see them through the War, Moorcé dismissed the Conclave leaving all in attendance to reflect on their own mistakes and misjudgments.
Run in with a Force Vampire[]
While war was set to break out at seemingly any moment, Moorcé kept busy on missions that promised to bring about justice to those enslaved by the Hutts. Traveling to the Thalassian system to cause instability among the slaving operations there, Moorcé was accompanied by Master Lahk and their former Padawans. As the four were heading back from a meeting with a major resistance movement on the planet of Kater, the Jedi were ambushed on the streets by a Force Vampire who attacked Jedi Carlyle. Slitting her own throat, the demon's blood spilled onto Carlyle and with lightning-fast reflexes she drew his own lightsaber and impaled him through the heart. Allowing for her blood to gush into his open mouth, the Vampire's work was done in all of three seconds. Attempting to flee, the Vampire leaped into the air but was caught by a wave of Force energy channeled through the Grand Master's staff. As the wave of light washed over her, the Vampire was reduced to sand, retaining her form before her body his the ground and scattered into millions of particles. Rushing to Carlyle's side, the group stood in sad silence as they realized that Carlyle was dead. Carrying his lover and dearest friend back to the Grand Master's ship, Marek wept openly at losing his longtime companion. Laying him down in the small medbay, the Grand Master consoled his friends and reminded them that the Force gives and takes without cause at times; the only thing they could do was rejoice for the times they had enjoyed with Carlyle and carry on. Naturally all parties involved were shocked and amazed when, hours later, Carlyle inhaled sharply and bolted upward. Rushing in to inspect the man, the Grand Master questioned Carlyle on what his condition and was unnerved to discover that he felt no pain only a deep hunger.
Consulting with Lahk, the Grand Master shared with all of them his fears that Carlyle had some how been transformed into a Force Vampire himself. Horrified, Carlyle began to suffer a breakdown, causing Moorcé to urge him to look within himself and recall his Jedi training. The Way of the Jedi was not an easy task for anyone to walk, but it excluded no one willing to walk it, not even Force Demons. As Carlyle began to feel the changes occurring within his own body he quickly found his hunger was for blood. While not clear on the matter, Moorcé hypothesized that a Force Vampire fed on the midi-chlorians found in blood cells and that feeding was part of the transformation process. Unwilling to let Carlyle die, Marek slit his wrist open and forced the man to feed off of him. Controlling the urge to keep drinking, Carlyle stopped before killing Marek and sobbed in the corner until the group arrived back on Ossus. Unable to walk in the bright light of Ossus' twin suns, the group waited for sundown to rush Carlyle to the Institute for Jedi Healing where his brother Stevan's Master, Jak Kepar received him. Despite being Chief Healer, Kepar's knowledge of Carlyle's ailment evaded him. Medically Carlyle's body was fine, all of his organs were functioning and his wounds were healed. As for his Force abilities, every single nerve of his body seemed to explode with Force energy, allowing him to call on the Force with no effort and allow for greater ease of use. The only apparent downside to the attack was that he could not be exposed to sunlight or curb his hunger fully.
Calling a secret Council within the Institute's lower levels in order to keep Carlyle's condition private, Moorcé summoned all three Chief Healers, Master Guidicelli, his friend Master Udonna Isamu and the mysterious Force Demon Shachath. Calling upon the collective wisdom of the healers and other specialists, Moorcé was determined to discover all he could of Carlyle's condition and take every precaution to ensure he did not fall to the dark side. The first order of business was in regards to whether Carlyle posed a threat to other members of the Order. Master Guidicelli argued that Carlyle was essentially no different from an Anzati; if their thirst for "soup" could be curbed, so too could Carlyle control his. In agreement, the Chief Healers began to pose questions to Carlyle and examine his body, determining that he was not impervious to pain, but could heal himself quickly. To remedy his inability to walk in the sun Master Isamu, a Force Witch from Dathomir, used an arcane type of Force magic to create an enchanted ring which would protect the wearer from the harmful effects of stars. Late to the meeting, Shachath appeared to inform those gathered that young Carlyle was dead in the conventional sense and only kept alive by consuming blood. Shocked, the Chief Healer attempted to disprove her theory but were convinced when Shachath snapped Carlyle's neck. After nearly thirty minutes of anxious waiting, Carlyle regained consciousness without any sign of injury. Shachath continued on by saying the nature of Force Demons was that they were immortal, robbed of their mortality and, in Carlyle's case, his Humanness. Assuring Carlyle that he was not doomed, Shachath explained that while rare, there existed a group of Force Vampires who fed only on non-sentient creatures and lived nearly normal lives. Encouraging him to remain true to the Jedi teachings, the Council adjourned and Carlyle began his long journey to adjustment.
Hutt Offensive[]
As the Republic and the Confederacy began to close in on the Hutts, the Grand Master decided to strike in 8 ABY, with Jedi leading Republic and Confederate troops along the fringe of Hutt Space before making a hard drive into the region. As part of his initial strategy, Moorcé unveiled the fine web-spinning he had undertaken over the two decades since Jabba the Hutt was destroyed. In a move which stunned the galaxy, the Zygerrian Slavers' Guild, the Thalassians, the markets of Orvax IV and the Karazak Slavers Cooperative came to a grinding halt as they prepared to come to the aid of the Hutts. Having stirred slave revolts on each of the major slaver corporations' homeworlds and secretly smuggling weapons into slave camps, long undercover Shadows emerged as the slaver fleets prepared to leave orbit and detonated explosives engineered into the hyperdrive cores of their fleets, crippling the bulk of the Hutt Council's reinforcements. Fearful that more uprisings may occur, the Hutt Council purchased a massive droid army off the Invisible Market from Vigo Lannik Racto, a member of Black Sun's elite. The Hutts, happy to call upon the Black Sun and the homeless Shadow Collective, made generals out of the Vigos, Lom Pyke, and several ranking members of Death Watch. Privately, the Grand Master could not have been more pleased that the Hutts had brought in the Shadow Collective; while the group had been chased out of the Mandalorian system decades ago, it continued to be a problem along the Outer Rim. Black Sun too was a continued annoyance, especially under the leadership of Prince Xizor and his insistence on remaining in the Core Worlds despite attempts to drive him and his thugs out. The Grand Master's next secret weapon was Lannik Racto; the Order had long ago bought Racto's compliance by promising him a pardon at the end of the war; he would retain his life and his freedom to live out the rest of his days on Ossus if he sold the Hutt's assassin droids with faulty programming. In order to make the sale however, the droids needed to be free of a centralized droid brain. To make this work, the Vigo simply installed a fail safe program which would activate after receiving a set verbal command: "Execute Order 66." The order name, a defunct contingency code from the Republic military, was originally Darth Sidious' secret weapon against the Jedi Order; Moorcé found the infamous order's use as the code to help redeem it of the taint of the failed Sith plot.
As the war ground on, the Hutts surrounded themselves with the droids that had been mass-produced for them by Racto's benefactors in the Tion Hegemony. Jedi and military soldiers fought valiantly through Hutt Space, taking planet after planet though unable to strike at the Hutt Council's Palace Worlds. Despite the loss of Tatooine decades ago and the constant border wars, the Hutts had maintained most of their holdings until losing several planets in 8 ABY. As the skirmishes seemed to drag on into 9 ABY, it wasn't until the following year that the Jedi pushed inward and took Nal Hutta, the "Glorious Jewel" of Hutt Space. Having fled deep into the ''Bootana Hutta'' months prior to the taking of their capital world, the Hutt Council was sealed off from the invaders for the time being. Decimating the Hutts' holdings on Nal Hutta, Republic and Confederate soldiers claimed the world for the Evocii people, the race who had long since been enslaved by the Hutts of Nal Hutta, originally called Evocar, the Evocii homeworld. With the Hutt Council withdrawn into the ''Bootana Hutta'', or the ''Garden of Hutts," Hutt Space collapsed. Hutt warships and droids quickly retreated from their masters' former holdings to defend the throne worlds. The Hutts who remained outside the protected region of the Garden were arrested and tried; those found not guilty of slaving were ordered to make way for elections on longtime slave worlds. Those who were found guilty of slaving were stripped of their wealth and put to death. While the Jedi avoided these trials, the Grand Master did not personally object to the removal of the slavers as he believed that if allowed to regroup they would definitely pose a threat to any fledgling government attempting to establish itself. As the Jedi Service Corps and reconstruction organizations descended upon the newly freed systems, the Jedi and Galactic Armies regrouped to mount a final assault on ''Bootana Hutta''. Moorcé understood that the cluster of star systems was the most heavily fortified area of the Hutt Holdings and would be the most difficult to take. Thankfully, when the Hutt Council withdrew within the Garden they brought with them their allies in Black Sun and the Shadow Collective. As the Jedi and the Galactic Armies began to lay siege to Mulatan and Gos Hutta, the Hutts fired back with all of their strength. While casualties existed in their ranks, the Jedi and their troops held strong, with Jedi High Councilors fighting on the front lines beside Confederate and Republic troops.
After nearly a year of fighting at the borders of the ''Bootana Hutta'', the Jedi cracked into the Garden when Mulatan fell to the Jedi Order's might. The defense platforms and Hutt Cartel warrior ships were left in ruins surrounding the world; Death Watch generals were hunted down and killed while their troops scattered. Black Sun was nearly bankrupted and only five of its Vigos remained. The Hutt Council, each of its members remaining separate on their throne world, coward in their palaces behind lines and lines of assassin droids. As Jedi and Galactic troops flooded the Garden, the Hutts were confused as the Jedi rushed first to the aid of the slaves on the market planet of Bootana Shagwell. In one final move, the Hutt Council prepared to launch an assault on the planet and kill off the slaves and the Jedi in one final blow. During the Council meeting, Grand Master Moorcé infiltrated the palace of Gorga the Hutt on his throne world of Kor Desilijic. While the holoconference was in session, Gorga ordered his assassin droids to open fire on the Grand Master. As they raised their weapons however, Moorcé shouted out the phrase "Execute Order 66" and the droids quickly reveresed their position and slaughtered Gorga. As the holoconference comm was still open, the droids surrounding the other Hett kajidii obeyed the verbal command as well, slaying the Hutt Council in one brief instant. By the hand of the Grand Master, the final threat had been removed, and the war concluded. When the fighting ended in 12 ABY, the Jedi remaining long enough to ensure the former slave species could hold fair elections and establish the government of their choosing. Jedi and diplomats from both the Republic and the Confederacy assisted in the process, with the Order ensuring that new planetary constitutions outlawed slavery and declared proudly universal rights of sentients. Petitioning planets were given representation in the Galactic Senate or the Confederate Parliament, while those systems which wished to remain neutral were given the well-wishes of the Republic Chancellor and Confederate Chief of State. The end of the Hutt Empire had finally come to an end, and the surviving Hutts permitted to live in peace and equality with their former slaves.