Tizgo V was a planet in the Xoquon sector of the Unknown Regions. It was a military depot of the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob before being captured by the Golden Empire in the Battle of Tizgo V during the Great Liberation. It was the homeworld of the Gruhhzes.
Tizgo V was a world of atypical geological stability. The overwhelming majority of its surface was level, with few locations more than 50 meters above sea level. Most of the planet's land was plains and prairies, and much of this was steppe, with shrubbery and grasses but few trees. Forest were generally linked and isolated. Most of the fauna of the plains were pack herbivores, with a few overwhelmingly physically powerful or unusually stealthy predators managing to flourish in the absence of natural cover.
The oceans of Tizgo V were deep and wide, although much of the surface water was also rivers which flowed through the plains. Though some of these began in Tizgo V's few mountain ranges and flowed to the sea, others started from natural springs and drifted out to sea with slow currents due to the lack of major elevation changes.
Tizgo V was the fifth planet of eight in its system and had a single, airless moon. Given the method of naming the system's planets (Tizgo I through Tizgo VIII), offworlders sometimes mockingly referred to the moon as "Tizgo Five Point One", although the native Gruhhzes called it Soombog.
Society and culture[]
While the Gruhhzes of Tizgo V possessed modern technology, the world was largely agrarian, and foodstuffs were its primary export. Tizgo V's generous rainfall and large areas of fertile soil enabled it to grow many crops, both native and exotic. After the Tetrarchy turned the planet into its third military depot, Tizgo V also began to build and export heavy weapons, an industry which continued into the reign of the Golden Empire.
Gruhhz society placed great emphasis on communal responsibility, and opportunities for volunteerism were plentiful. From an early age, Gruhhzes were taught to devote at least some spare time to charity work or community enhancement projects, and this behavior was usually expected of resident aliens who hoped to become part of the society.
Tizgo V was most famous in the rest of the Empire due to the Battle of Tizgo V. Military historians visited with some regularity, and many Centurions of the Order of Keltrayu made pilgrimages to the site where Keltrayu died as a way of honoring their predecessor.
Geological historians among the Gruhhzes, Tetrarchy, and Empire all believed Tizgo V had demonstrated atypical geological stability even in its early days. Its few mountain ranges were examples of the rare exceptions, but even these were generally wider than they were high. There was some seismic activity beneath the oceans, leading to irregular typhoons.
The pack Gruhhzes evolved into Tizgo V's sentient species, and developed societies everywhere on the surface where arable land could be found. Warfare among the Gruhhzes was fairly common, but internal strife much less so. By 100 BBY, the Gruhhzes had developed automatic projectile weapons and were beginning to explore the rocket propulsion theories which would eventually have led to primitive spaceflight.
At roughly that time, the Tetrarchy of Mezlagob, fresh from the annexation of nearby Xoquon, arrived at Tizgo V. The Tetrarchs offered the planet membership in the Tetrarchy and developed it as the sector's military depot, with Xoquon as the sector capital. Tizgo V became an important producer of foodstuffs and heavy weapons for the Tetrarchy, and frequently housed up-and-coming Tetrarchy military officers looking to make names for themselves in the conquest of the new sector.
During the Great Liberation, Tizgo V was vital to the Tetrarchy's initial campaigns, as it was the launch site for all incursions into the territory of the Golden Empire. Tetrarchy fleets from Tizgo V recaptured Wemod and sacked Tershin after the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Hudrel. The garrison was gearing up for a concerted invasion when the Empire attacked preemptively. At the Battle of Tizgo V, the Tetrarchy suffered a stunning and brutal defeat, with its land army massacred to the last being and the ships in its orbital fleet either captured or blasted out of existence.
Military production facilities on Tizgo V were nationalized by the Golden Empire, but the rest of the planet was largely left alone. Popular opinion toward the new government was largely grudging resignation; most Gruhhz viewed the Tetrarchy as their community, but knew resistance to the Empire was futile. This attitude relaxed somewhat after the Tetrarchy was finally crushed and the Empire asserted firm control over all the Tetrachy's former systems.
During The Tribulation, the deserter Centurion Farantis hid on Tizgo V. After the war's end in 143 ABY, she was hunted down and killed by Vem there.