Tirien Kal-Di was a male Pantoran Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the New Sith Wars. Though a Jedi Consular, his experience as the Padawan of a Jedi Sentinel and his combat prowess saw him routinely deployed in a variety of roles, including stealth infiltration and combat. He was the master of Narasi Rican, and had an ongoing rivalry and increasingly complicated relationship with the Sith Lord Darth Alecto. The first Jedi Knight to defeat a Sith Overlord in direct combat, Tirien was one of the New Sith Empire's foremost public enemies.
Initiate and Padawan[]
Born in Azreigia on Pantora in 1,413 BBY, Tirien was recruited by the Jedi Watchman of the Sujimis sector, Harshee Nefkin, at the age of five. Harshee delivered Tirien to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training. He did well in the Jedi Temple Apprentice Tournament when he was twelve before ultimately being defeated by Jheno Jaray; shortly thereafter, the Jedi Sentinel Suwo Tolp selected Tirien as a Padawan.
Suwo and Tirien served together for a decade, and Tirien acquired both many of his master's uncommon skills and Suwo's taciturn nature. Because Suwo preferred stealth to direct combat, Tirien devoted extensive time to studying swordsmanship with other Jedi at the Temple, including the Boltrunian Jedi Master Argus Z'dar; he eventually chose to specialize in Makashi. Tirien resolved to become a Jedi Consular and spent much of his free time honing his Force skills. Because of his increasing introversion and the fact that he and Suwo were often absent from Coruscant for months at a time, Tirien had few friends in the Order and began to feel most comfortable in solitude.

Suwo and Tirien sabotage a building
Tirien considered not getting Pantoran tattoos as an adolescent, but Suwo counseled him that it was both harmful for subtlety—Pantorans without tattoos stood out—and a mark of pride in trying to distance himself from his culture. Tirien ultimately agreed and got his family tattoos when he was nineteen.
In 1,391 BBY, Tirien and Suwo were sent on a mission to to root out a suspected Sith effort to spread the Candorian Plague. Suwo's old contact Sorin Ruy'the directed them to Thisspias, and they succeeded in destroying the plague, but Suwo was killed in combat with the Trandoshan Sith Lord Zygro. Though disarmed and struck with Force lightning, Tirien summoned enough focus to telekinetically manipulate his master's fallen lightsaber and cut Zygro in half. Zygro's Sith acolytes, Alecto and Churka, escaped Thisspias, but Jedi Grand Master Ogan Broze knighted Tirien for his ingenuity and strength in the Force.
Early Knighthood[]
For the next two years, Tirien primarily worked alone. He earned a reputation as a skillful Knight, thwarting a sabotage attempt at the Kuat shipyards and defeating three Sith warriors on Woostri. He continued to hone his fighting skills, becoming an increasingly skillful swordsman even as he worked to incorporate the Force into his fighting style. In 1,389 BBY a Jedi Shadow attempted to recruit Tirien into the secretive order's ranks, but he refused.
In his final solo mission, Tirien infiltrated the territory of the Sith Lord Valin Aresh, managing to arrive undetected on Aresh's capital world of Ciutric IV. He arrived to discover his Republic Intelligence contact dead, but tracked down the assassins, So So Hokan and Taree Hyde. In a brief duel, he killed both dark side adepts and recovered their prize—defense codes for the Republic stronghold of Gizer.
Tirien and Narasi[]
Upon his return to the Jedi Temple, Tirien was directed to take a Padawan apprentice; Jedi Seers had informed the Council that destiny required him to take the Zygerrian Narasi Rican as his apprentice. Craving solitude and fearing a Padawan would interfere with his ability to work effectively, he resisted the Council's directive, but ultimately conceded rather than exercise the Right of Denial when the Council promised to give the matter further thought.
Relations between Tirien and Narasi were strained initially; Narasi had high hopes for a fulfilling apprenticeship, while a reluctant Tirien was unused to having to account for an inexperienced partner. The two were assigned to protect Senator Glavial Iltek during a pro-Republic speech on Taanab. Though they successfully protected Iltek from an assassination attempt by Alecto, Narasi's attempt to protect Tirien from backup shooters nearly got her killed, and Tirien faulted her for the deaths of two of Iltek's guards who fell before she got back to him. Despite the strain in their relationship, Tirien intervened twice to protect Narasi on Taanab, cutting down the shooters who tried to kill her and shielding her from the shrapnel of a grenade.
Tirien and Narasi rested in the Jedi chapter house on Taanab after the assassination mission, and Tirien spent much of his time in meditation with the chapter house's resident Jedi Knight, Saotu. After a week, Tirien was given a mission by the Reconciliation Council: the renegade Jedi Karr Shadeez was meeting with Republic Admiral Herqilius Arstyn at Gizer, and the Council wanted Tirien to bring the wayward Shadeez back to the Jedi—and ensure Arstyn was not leaving the Republic fold. In gratitude for his life, Senator Iltek gave Tirien and Narasi a freighter he owned, GX-521-A3, which the two Jedi took to Gizer.

Tirien converses with Rhosa on Gizer Battlestation
At Gizer, Tirien met with Shadeez aboard Gizer Battlestation and the two debated the proper role of the High Council in managing the Jedi. Shadeez had assumed the rank of Jedi Master after training a number of Padawans to Knighthood, and Tirien felt a connection with Rhosa Xei, one of Shadeez's Knights. He eventually drew out of the group that Rhosa had the gift of battle meditation. After the conference, Tirien spoke privately with Rhosa, and realized she had tipped off Republic Intelligence to Shadeez's movements, hoping the Jedi would invite Shadeez back and bridge the gap.
With Rhosa's tacit support, Tirien met with Shadeez and Arstyn, who agreed to collaborate so Arstyn could pursue a punitive expedition into Sith space. Tirien ultimately convinced Shadeez to share intelligence with the Republic, and the Kel Dor left the door open to further collaboration in the future.
The next day, Tirien and Narasi attended the signing ceremony along with Rhosa and Jylo Naki. Tirien and Rhosa both sensed something off, but neither was able to prevent a disguised Alecto from striking down both Shadeez and Arstyn. She threw Shadeez's lightsaber at Tirien, too; Rhosa Force pushed him and Narasi out of harm's way, but Jylo deflected the blade right into Rhosa. As she lay mortally wounded in Tirien and Narasi's arms, she begged Tirien to protect Jylo.

Tirien duels Alecto
Leaving her in Narasi's care, Tirien managed to save Jylo's life after Alecto downed him, entering a duel with the Mirialan Sith himself. The two were evenly matched, and their duel ranged over the Gizer Battlestation concourse. After Rhosa died begging Narasi to save Tirien, the Zygerrian came to her master's aid, but was quickly overwhelmed by Alecto and knocked over a railing. Forced to decide between continuing his duel with Alecto and rescuing Narasi, Tirien ultimately saved Narasi, though he was embittered at both the utter failure of his mission and Alecto's escape. He and Narasi argued later, and in the heat of the moment Tirien admitted he had not wanted her as his Padawan. As the shock was still setting in, Gizer came under attack from Darth Saleej's fleet.
The Battle of Taanab[]
Have you changed your approach to your missions, or have you gone on like you didn't have a Padawan and made Narasi scenery? That girl has great potential, but you'll never know what she can do unless you let her show you.
—Elata Cazars criticizes Tirien for his poor mastery of Narasi
The Republic lost the Battle of Gizer, and Tirien and Narasi retreated to Taanab along with what remained of the Republic fleet. As Admiral Zuuli Ok-Majan sparred with Darths Saleej and Hokhtan in orbit, Tirien and a handful of other Jedi led a rearguard fight to prevent the Sith ground forces from conquering Taanab or damaging it enough that control became meaningless. Tirien and Narasi's relationship deteriorated; she often accompanied him into combat and obeyed his direct orders, but the two felt awkward and uncomfortable around one another.
Master Elata Cazars eventually arrived and assumed command of the Battle of Taanab, and Jedi and Republic reinforcement continued to trickle in even as the Republic lost ground. In the last week of battle, Mali Darakhan and his apprentice Aldayr Nikodon arrived too. Despite their different personalities, Tirien and Mali worked well together, and Tirien was all too willing to allow Narasi to fight alongside Mali and Aldayr instead of with him, although it made Mali uncomfortable.
In a battle for a bridge in an outlying city, Tirien used his powers to deflect missile fire from a Republic walker. When the Sith Lord Darth Sarnan attempted to Force crush the walker, Tirien used his powers to hold it in shape until Cazars distracted Sarnan. As the dazed pilots were too distraught to fire, Tirien allowed his frustration to leak into the Force and telepathically compelled the gunner to shoot Darth Sarnan. The Sith was dismembered by the blast and the Sith forces retreated, but Tirien was horrified by having mind-controlled another sentient being.
While Tirien was meditating on his brief foray into the dark side, Master Cazars sought him out. She was confident he would make good on his promise to avoid the temptation in the future, but took Tirien to task for his failure to teach Narasi. She pointed out that he had continued on as if he was alone, leaving Narasi unable to learn and giving her no opportunity to demonstrate what she could do.
Tirien was still considering the Twi'lek's admonishment when a Sith raid struck the chapter house and Saotu and Finja were killed. Tirien gave the eulogy at their funeral, and afterward counseled Narasi about the temptation of anger and vengeance. The two fought side-by-side throughout the night and into the morning, eventually linking up with Mali and Aldayr. When word came that Darth Vandak and Darth Alecto were striking toward the planetary shield generators, Tirien and Mali went to intercept them, leaving their Padawans to hold a crucial intersection.
On the way, the two Jedi received comm contact from Narasi; she and Aldayr were under attack by three Sith. Tirien and Mali briefly debated who should go which way, eventually deciding that Mali would confront Vandak and Alecto and Tirien would rescue their Padawans. Tirien found Aldayr missing an arm and Narasi disarmed, but intervened in time. As he dueled Churka and Ondar Vargh, Master Cazars, who had also received Narasi's summons, fought Nerlus Zedum. In the ensuing duel, Tirien beheaded Churka while Elata cut off Zedum's sword hand. Left alone, Vargh elected to continue fighting rather than surrender, and Tirien impaled him through the head.
Shortly thereafter, Republic reinforcements arrived and Darth Hokhtan commanded a retreat. In the aftermath, Elata sought Tirien's views on Narasi's continuing apprenticeship, and both Jedi decided to continue together. As they prepared to leave for Ilum so Narasi could build a new lightsaber, Tirien let her borrow Suwo Tolp's weapon to tide her over, which she took as a sign of trust and affection. At Narasi's suggestion, the Jedi renamed their freighter, GX-521-A3, the Second Chance.
In 1,388 BBY, Tirien and Narasi were dispatched to Toprawa to investigate reports of Sith activity and find a missing Knight, Gennic Forgey. Because they were in Sith space, Narasi acted like a Zygerrian slaver, but after she got a hangover from drinking a Flameout, Tirien sensed she had a great deal of disquiet. The pair successfully located an excavation site controlled by the forces of Valin Aresh, but after infiltrating the subterranean caves, they were apprehended by a member of the Dark Vanguard.
Matters went from bad to worse when Tirien was locked up in the same cell as Darth Alecto, who had also infiltrated and been captured. The two fought briefly, but agreed to a grudging stalemate when they realized they were too restrained for a decisive battle. The next day, the Vanguard came for them both, promising to experiment on Tirien and take Alecto to Eviar Seldec. However, Tirien heard two of the Quarren guards discussing the orders; they had been under the impression that they were to kill Alecto. Tirien considering letting them murder Alecto, but after great internal conflict covertly warned her of the plan.
Taken before Seldec, Tirien sensed Alecto's escape. Tirien himself was subjected to the Betrayer's Heart, a Sith artifact which caused a Jedi's Force powers to lash out randomly. After Alecto cut the power to the caves, Narasi and Gennic Forgey escaped and inadvertently started a brawl in the cave below, where Aresh's slaves were working to free the Architect of Betrayal. When Seldec attempted to use the Betrayer's Heart on Narasi, Tirien tackled him down to the lower levels and kicked the amulet away.
Cut free by Narasi, Tirien dueled Seldec and one of the Vanguardians while Narasi sought the amulet. Tirien was wounded in the two-on-one fight, but managed to hold his enemies off until Gennic secured the amulet. At Tirien's urging, the Human Knight destroyed the amulet, killing himself and triggering a cave-in. With the assistance of Cssarti Chawa, Tirien and Narasi escaped the caverns.
Aboard the Second Chance, Narasi expressed her frustration with Forgey, who had treated her with condescension because she was a Zygerrian but also been noble enough to sacrifice himself. She and Tirien discussed her concerns about how she had enjoyed causing fear during her slaver act; Tirien assured her that the impulse was not an inborn trait of Zygerrians, but the temptation of the dark side, and counseled her to be on guard against its lure. Almost immediately after, the two were contacted by Elata Cazars and rerouted to Denon to board the Crescentia, which was itself being assigned to the Seventy-Second Republic Battle Group.
In the Shadows[]
Tirien and Narasi served aboard the Crescentia for some time, assisting in the fight against Zirist Lakalt, and both befriended the Melitto Jedi Knight Slejux Nissatak. Tirien began the slow process of upgrading the Second Chance; it became a shared activity with Narasi, and he often taught her shipboard mechanics. On occasion the two worked with Givin ExplorCorps Jedi Soolorl Throkhab on specialized systems.
Some nine weeks after their arrival, the Crescentia 's praxeum council sent Tirien and Narasi to Byblos to aid Jedi Shadow Javrin Flek. Tirien was uneasy with the mission, as he felt Shadows strayed too close to the dark side, and their meeting with Javrin did not allay his fears; he felt the Shistavanen Jedi was jumping at shadows and becoming paranoid. The three Jedi found what Javrin alleged was a black market deal in Sith propaganda only to discover that the "conspirators" were a group of teenage boys; Garrin Althos had stolen a Sith holocron and scroll from his father, a professor of history at the University of Byblos. Though Tirien castigated the boys, turned them over to the Judicials, and confiscated the artifacts, he defended them against Javrin's attempt to forcibly interrogate them, and ultimately disarmed Javrin when the Jedi Shadow threatened him. Tirien turned Javrin over to fellow Jedi for transport to the Jedi Temple, but was disquieted by the mission; though Narasi pointed out he had saved the boys, Tirien wondered if he had driven Javrin deeper into his danger.
A Friend in Need[]
The Seventy-Second continued to fight Lakalt, and Tirien and Narasi served as gunners for the Battle of Malastare that wrested the planet out of Lakalt's grasp. About a month later, Mali and Aldayr arrived on the Crescentia. Mali gave Tirien two pieces of bad news: Argus Z'dar had left the Jedi Temple, and Master Tyson Dumiel had called a conclave of Corellian Jedi to propose that the Corellians concentrate on protecting the Corellian system rather than serving the broader galaxy. Tirien was troubled by the developments, but patient enough to await further developments, and tried to counsel Mali to the same end.
A week later, Mali received word that both Lakalt and Sith Overlord Vedya Gasald had launched invasions of Milagro, a world on the Corellian Run. At Mali's request, Tirien joined him in attempting to convince the praxeum council to authorize a mission to Milagro, but the council voted the idea down, with only Master Sil Kadych in favor. When Mali planned to go anyway, seeking to assassinate Gasald, Tirien tried to dissuade him, but Mali argued that losing even a neutral world so close to Corellia would give more fuel to Master Dumiel's arguments than Mali could out-argue; Gasald's successful conquest might drive the Corellians away from the Jedi Order. In a brief but intense meditative session, Tirien came to believe Mali was integral to the future of the Order and the light side, and that he would likely die on Milagro without help. Tirien reluctantly agreed to go, even recruiting Narasi and Slejux; to their shock, Master Kadych joined them as well. Tirien volunteered the Second Chance for the mission.
The Jedi landed on Milagro, but Tirien and Mali frequently butted heads on tactics as the Jedi became enmeshed with the Milagro Resistance. Tirien also tried to keep Narasi safe, worried that her willingness to face the Sith in combat stemmed from ignorance (either innocent or willful) of their lethality. The Jedi were disturbed to find Darth Vandak, who served Darth Saleej, in league with Gasald, and Tirien appreciated how dangerous the Anzat was. He gradually began to give Narasi more leeway, although she got a broken nose fighting an Anzat assassin with Aldayr; Tirien helped to partially heal her nose. Tirien was conscious of the increasing discontent with the Jedi among the Resistance members, though he sought to abate it by either a perfect strike or branching out from them, where Mali took on as much as he could to help them.

Tirien and Narasi confront Darth Alecto
The Resistance's frustration came to a head when Darth Vaszas, leading the occupation force, began executing hostages by Anzat and promising more such deaths until resistance stopped. The Jedi attacked Milagro's government center, and Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux were tasked with rescuing the hostages while Mali, Aldayr, and Kadych eliminated Vaszas and Vandak. When he sensed Alecto's presence, however, Tirien and Narasi rerouted to confront her and found her with the Sith Acolyte Zeff Rogu. Narasi fought Zeff while Tirien and Alecto dueled for the first time since Gizer. Evenly matched, they exchanged quips throughout the fight, though Tirien hinted at his suspicion that Alecto had some good in her, given how she had aided the Jedi on Toprawa. He tried to defeat her non-lethally, but when Aldayr arrived and reported Mali needed help, Tirien accepted the need to kill Alecto. He was able to avoid it at the last second, however, opening a pipe to create a makeshift flamethrower and wall her off.
Although exhausted from fighting Alecto, Tirien joined Mali in a burning room against Vandak, who had already seriously injured Kadych. The two Jedi Knights struggled against the Anzat Sith Lord, sustaining numerous lightsaber and other wounds, but Tirien finally managed to graze Vandak's cheek and cut away one of his brain-eating proboscises. Made with rage, Vandak attacked without control, and Mali cut off his other proboscis and part of his ear. The two Jedi threw Vandak through a wall, then escaped the building with Kadych. Narasi successfully piloted the Second Chance through the blockade, and the Jedi escaped to Corellia, where Tirien healed from his injuries in a bacta tank. Once he recovered he spoke to Mali, each admitting that the other had a point in how they had handled their trials on Milagro; at Mali's offer, they entered into a Concordance of Fealty.
To Go to Rest?[]
Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux returned to the Crescentia to face the Praxeum Council. The Council, now headed by Master Multiqi La'altac in the face of Kadych's debilitating injuries, decided to keep the three Jedi aboard for a time of meditation and consideration of their actions. Over the following months, which he spent as an assistant instructor in addition to training Narasi and refining his own skills, Tirien tried to see things from the Council's perspective, though he was aware that Narasi was struggling more with what she viewed as incarceration. The Crescentia's Jedi were split between supporting and opposing what Tirien had done, and Tirien tried to rein in Narasi's annoyance to avoid causing even more stress. Tirien kept up holo contact with Mali, the two offering one another bits of advice and counsel.
Some three months after Milagro, Harshee Nefkin came aboard the Crescentia. Tirien was delighted to see her and a bit amused by Narasi's reaction, but he was more surprised by the Council's instruction—Harshee had failed in an attempt to recruit a Pantoran Force-sensitive boy, and the Council tasked Tirien with completing the mission. He and Narasi journeyed to Pantora, but found the planet's defense force unreceptive to more Jedi visits; out of options, Tirien dropped his own name to get them downside.
As he had expected, his fame among other Pantorans bought him access to the capital city of Isalius and even some grudging tolerance for Narasi despite Zygerrian incursions into the Sujimis sector, but Tirien was uncomfortable with the media circus that followed him. His and Narasi's first attempt to recruit Ayson Sokos was disastrous; Ayson's father Dorje not only refused, but let Tirien wrongfooted by accusing the Jedi of raising Padawans as child soldiers. Since committing to their master-apprentice relationship, Tirien had never actually considered Narasi as anything other than a fellow Jedi, and thinking of her as the pre-adult young woman she actually was was disconcerting.
Tirien had little time to recover, as he was approached by Samaya Otarosi and invited to a meeting with the Chairman of the Pantoran Assembly. Tirien found himself feeling oddly at home on his homeworld despite having been absent for two decades, and all the more confused for that feeling. That night Tirien brought Narasi up to speed while she told him of a day roaming Isalius and meeting its people. Narasi also happened on the insight that Ayson's mother must have died, and Tirien tasked her with finding out the details while he met with the politicians.
The next day, Tirien met with Samaya and Chairman Thius Korfadda. He was stunned when Korfadda asked him to take over leadership of Pantora—and potentially the entire Sujimis sector—at the head of the Sujimis Collective. Korfadda even offered Tirien the opportunity to build a corps of Jedi Knights including Narasi and Ayson. Too flabbergasted to answer, Tirien returned to the hotel, spending hours in meditation that was half-reeling. When he talked it out with Narasi, however, he recovered his commitment to the Jedi Order and the Republic at large. Narasi counseled him that his concerns about attention on Pantora boosting his pride were themselves a type of pride—the people looked to him as a hero not to boost his ego, but because they needed heroes.
Narasi had also found out that Hera Sokos had been killed by pirates. Armed with that knowledge, the two Jedi returned to visit Dorje and Ayson. Tirien argued his perspective, but was surprised when Narasi asked to speak with Dorje alone. Sensing it was the will of the Force, Tirien left them to it, and was pleased and impressed when they emerged and Dorje agreed to surrender Ayson, though Narasi begged not to discuss what she had said.
Waiting for Dorje in the lobby, Tirien finally accepted media attention long enough to give a press conference, in which he urged his fellow Pantorans to do what they could to defend themselves and their galactic neighbors while also vowing to continue the fight from a distance. Tirien and Narasi returned to the Crescentia with Ayson, but seeing the need of galactic bystanders for protection gave him the motivation to privately address the Praxeum Council and convince them that he and Narasi belonged in the field, not stuck on the ship. The Council had heard of Tirien's press conference and approved, and granted his request.
Guarding the Chancellor[]
Toward the end of 1,387 BBY, Tirien and Narasi were assigned to Anaxes for the graduation ball at the Republic Navy War College; Supreme Chancellor Phnyong would be attending, and Republic Intelligence had received reports that the Sith were targeting him for death. Tirien was aware of Narasi's eagerness to meet Phnyong at last, and while he tried to keep her focused on the mission, he also taught her to waltz so she could blend in if needed.
On Anaxes the two Jedi met Kenza Rowkwani, a Miraluka Knight who was just as eager to meet them. Tirien allowed Kenza to take Narasi dress shopping while he responded to a mysterious message on his beacon transceiver from Arlya Kesk, one of Karr Shadeez's Knights. Arlya asked about Argus Z'dar and sought a meeting, to which Tirien agreed. When he discovered that Kenza and Narasi had discovered Antifol Wolt's FastLane Couriers company was running supplies into Sith territory and tried to flip Antifol as a spy for the Republic, only for Antifol to commit suicide when she left him alone, Tirien tried to counsel Kenza not to let regret eat her.
When the Chancellor arrived, Tirien and Narasi reconnected with Senator Glavial Iltek and met Prince Taylo Organa of Alderaan. Tirien noticed his apprentice was slightly taken with the prince, but was distracted when Khofin of Knylenn, the Chancellor's First Secretary, sought to remove Narasi from the official holo, correctly intuiting that the man did not want the Chancellor seen with a Zygerrian. Tirien braced for the fight, but Narasi voluntarily declined her chance to meet the Chancellor and went to talk to Kenza instead. Seeing Phnyong helped Tirien relax, and he discussed security preparations with Raven Kaivalt, a Tapani Knight and descendant of Donarius Kaivalt.
The night of the ball, Tirien and Narasi arrived and split up. Surveying the crowd, Tirien was horrified to hear a familiar laugh: Darth Alecto had infiltrated the ball in disguise. Pulling her away from her date and Senator Iltek, he waltzed her across the floor, but ultimately took her out onto a balcony to prevent her summoning reinforcements. He began to realize her plan when she fell ill and injected herself with an antidote, but only when he started coughing too did he understand that she had poisoned them.
Alecto gave Tirien a second cure before escaping. Her Anzat minion Ikkyn attempted to kill him, but Tirien called to Narasi with his mind, and she blew the Anzat over the balcony with the Force. Relieved to discover that Narasi had not been poison, Tirien gave her the cure, ordering her to save the Chancellor and counseling her to be a Jedi—to sacrifice Tirien for the greater good. Tirien braced himself for death, but Narasi returned with Kenza; the Chancellor was already dead, and before a dazed Tirien could come up with a new plan, Narasi injected him with the cure.
Tirien's symptoms evaporated, though he was still checked out by medical droids as the grim Jedi catalogued the evening's many casualties. Shortly after, however, Tirien discovered to his horror that he had lost his connection to the Force.
A Knight Disarmed[]
The Ghost of the Jedi Temple[]
Tirien and Narasi returned to Coruscant, where Tirien sought help from anyone and everyone he could, but every being he consulted for aid, from Grand Master Tem-Fol-Rytil to Master Healer Culum, was unable to cure him. Despondent at the lack of a quick fix, Tirien nevertheless had enough focus to provide for his apprentice. At his request, Slejux was recalled from the Crescentia to Coruscant, and Tirien entrusted Narasi to Slejux's instruction. The two left to hunt down leads on Alecto, leaving Tirien in the Temple.
As option after option panned out to nothing, Tirien took to avoiding his fellow Jedi and roaming the Temple at irregular hours. He tried to maintain his fitness and skills, but found his swordsmanship depressingly compromised without the Force to guide it. Eventually Tem-Fol-Rytil took pity on him and instructed Robulg, Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, to assist Tirien in viewing holocrons secured in the Holocron Vaults. Tirien learned of morichro and a few other unusual powers, but apart from tantalizing hints regarding Ulic Qel-Droma return to the Force after Nomi Sunrider cut him off from it, the Archives yielded no solutions. Worse, the continued detention of Khofin of Knylenn at Tirien and Kenza's order had driven a wedge between Kuat and the Republic.
Taking Matters Into His Own Hands[]
Slejux and Narasi returned after a few weeks with no more than Republic Intelligence had known—no one, including the Sith, knew where Darth Alecto was. Tirien tried to comfort Narasi, who blamed herself for Tirien's condition (as she had injected him with the "cure"), but was unable to lift her spirits. Mali and Aldayr also returned from the northern campaign, but Mali had no more insight than anyone else. One day, however, Mali found Tirien in the heart of the Temple Spire with the news that Narasi and Aldayr had vanished, taking the Second Chance with them. Mali deduced that they had followed a false lead to Alecto, laid by the Sith as a trap, to Skorrupon.
Mali and Slejux pursued their Padawans, but refused to take Tirien, considering his Forceless state a liability. Incensed and worried both, Tirien tracked down a local criminal contact, Acroaka Trenton, who gave him Sorin Ruy'the's current location. Though Tirien swore to himself he would only get involved if Mali and Slejux failed, when they reported from Skorrupon that the Padawans had been captured, Tirien took matters into his own hands.
Hitching a ride to Kwenn Space Station, Tirien found his way to Sorin and traded seven illegal shipments into Corellia for what he had deduced Sorin alone knew: Alecto's location. Sorin's courier took Tirien to Bogg 14, and Tirien reached Rosstark's, where Alecto had holed up, only minutes ahead of others pursuing Alecto. Bribing Rosstark, Tirien reached Alecto's room and confronted her. The two fought their way to a standstill until they each realized, almost in unison, that the other was without the Force too.
Enemy Mine[]

Tirien and Alecto at an impasse
Alecto, who had believed she had simply mistaken the cure needles, was outraged when she realized she had been betrayed by Kai Latra, the Sith alchemist who created both the poison and the spiked cure. With a common enemy, and with his restored powers a path toward saving Narasi and Aldayr, Tirien reluctantly persuaded Alecto to join forces with him, and she led him to Vjun, Kai Latra's personal world.
Tirien and Alecto infiltrated the Palace of Happiness, Kai Latra's citadel, saving each other's lives repeatedly along the way, including in a tense clash with Cuddles, Kai Latra's mutant acklay Sithspawn. Both realized with distaste that they were softening toward one another, and though Tirien was outraged at Alecto's indifference to the maltreatment of slaves, he also thought he saw just a second of conflict in her. They tracked down and confronted Kai Latra, but were driven off by Ugor, Kai Latra's Sithspawn Ugnaught. Realizing he was the better swordsman without the Force, Tirien left Alecto to deal with Ugor while he challenged Kai Latra to a duel.
Kai Latra's madness won out over practicality, and he fought Tirien, who eventually disarmed him. Alecto killed Ugor, and the two forced Kai Latra to hand over the cure, but Tirien discovered Kai Latra had Narasi and Aldayr as prisoners. Realizing the two were in immediate danger from Kai Latra's Sith Acolytes and there was no way to get the cure from Alecto without each of them killing the other, Tirien left it to her and raced to rescue the Padawans. He drew Sanno Casa and Xargo Dejuth into a duel, but was completely outmatched without the Force. When Narasi spotted them, she tried to return to his aid; realizing she would never leave him, Tirien surrendered to death to free her to run.
In abandoning his desire to recover his powers and submitting to total self-sacrifice, Tirien embraced the light so completely that it shattered the alchemical effects of Kai Latra's poison and restored his Force powers. Now returned to his prime, Tirien dispatched Sanno and Xargo, then joined Narasi and Aldayr to flee Vjun with a group of slaves they had liberated; Mali and Slejux had tracked them to Vjun in the Second Chance and took the rest of the group back to Coruscant.
Tirien and Narasi recovered from their ordeal in the Temple, but both rejoiced in their reunion as master and Padawan and were eager to return to the field. When they were called before the High Council, Tirien declined a request to pursue Alecto; Republic Intelligence put her back in Sith Space, and Tirien did not want to pursue what he considered both a suicide mission and an assassination order. He was more conflicted over a chance to teach at the Temple, but deferred his decision for an immediate diplomatic mission to Alderaan. He also persuaded Master Robulg to allow him to borrow the holocron of Jedi Master Giffis Fane.
Though King Rosulus Organa had threatened to recall Alderaan's delegation in protest of the Republic's handling of his nephew Taylo's murder, Tirien ultimately persuaded him not to. Narasi, meanwhile, befriended Princess Elyria Organa, and the Jedi and the Organas grew fond of one another. As Tirien weighed the idea of teaching at the Temple, he and Narasi set out to consult the Force and experienced a number of visions. The most pressing was a threat to the Organas; Tirien and Narasi returned to the Aldera Royal Palace just in time to prevent a kidnapping plot. When mercenary captain Himmel Rotef accused Senator Jerex Antilles of hiring them, Tirien sensed he was lying, but King Rosulus planned to detain Jerex as a precaution anyway. Remembering how Khofin of Knylenn's arrest had splintered Kuat, Tirien forcibly ripped the truth out of Rotef's mind—he had been hired by Darth Shakelli.
Antilles was cleared, but Tirien remained uneasy about what he had done. He and Narasi conferred and decided to return to the Crescentia; they had each had multiple visions, but the only one they had shared—and the only one that featured them both—put them on the Crescentia. Before they could leave, however, they received word of a series of assassinations throughout the Republic by Alecto's Anzati, and the Jedi Council ordered them to remain on Alderaan to protect the Organas.
When the Council issued an Emergency Code Nine-Oh-Five to apprehend or kill Darth Vandak on Gyndine, Tirien declined to respond, as they could never reach Gyndine in time. Narasi was ecstatic at the news that two Padawans had slain Vandak, but Tirien was more concerned, realizing the HoloNet news had omitted any mention of the many other Jedi Tirien assumed had to have been involved.
Before the Storm[]
Once the High Council concluded that the Organas were safe, Tirien and Narasi returned to the Crescentia, departing almost immediately on a classified, five-month mission to Darkknell. Before leaving, Tirien advised Mali, who was planning to retake Milagro. He continued to offer his friend advice after returning from Darkknell, though he did not approve of all of Mali's actions.
In the penultimate month of the year, Tirien received a beacon message warning him of a slaver raid on Carosi IV. Though he could not identify the Jedi from whom the message had originated, Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux responded anyway. They managed to disrupt a Zygerrian slave raid, but encountered Argus Z'dar, now at the head of what remained of Karr Shadeez's fleet and faction. Each side tried to convince the other to join, but when they both failed, they parted amicably.
Immediately after Carosi, Tirien was sent to Columus to negotiate with the Columi for the use of their cloning technology; the Republic sought to clone livestock to make up for food shortages resulting from the fall of Taanab. The Columi were unreceptive to Tirien's entreaties, and he and Narasi returned to the Crescentia in defeat.
Tirien and Narasi had no sooner returned from Columus than they were immediately dispatched to Circumtore, where Runganna the Hutt had plans to auction off a nuclear bomb. Though Tirien ingratiated himself and Narasi into Runganna's court, they were not alone—aside from other kajidics, both the Empire of Ryloth and the Guardian Mandalorians had sent emissaries as well. Under Runganna's orders not to engage in hostilities, Tirien was left to prepare for the auction as best he could; his attempt was complicated by an assassination attempt on Narasi, though she survived.
A distraction arrived in the form of San Pavac, whom Narasi nearly murdered in cold blood. When Tirien forced her to admit what she had been holding back from him, she broke down and confessed that her father, Shaelo Rican, had been a slaver who enslaved Sith citizens and was condemned to death for it; Pavac had tracked the Ricans down and killed them for the bounty. Though he tried to comfort her, Tirien also told her in no uncertain terms to resist the dark side's temptation. He was aware of growing tension between his Padawan and her Sith opposite number, Zaella Sabir, but trusted Narasi to defuse it.
After Tirien, Izkara Raltadus, and Damis Myragon prevented an assassination attempt on Runganna, she finally proceeded to the auction. The three bid back and forth, but were all ultimately suckered into a Koboskya no Jankpa, in which their seconds would fight. Narasi agreed to the duel, and Damis and Arkyr Rentol withdrew, but as Narasi prepared to fight Zaella, Runganna introduced her own Dashade champion, Ghrond Farshyk. Tirien was forced to watch as his Padawan and Zaella fought Ghrond, then each other. Though Narasi emerged victorious, slaying Ghrond and sparing Zaella, Runganna made her fight Pavac too. She strayed into the dark side and nearly killed Pavac once he was defenseless, but restrained herself at the last second.
Pavac tried to murder Narasi, but Arykr shot him. When Runganna tried to withhold the bomb anyway, Tirien killed her Gank guards, then Izkara when she attacked him. Taking Zaella as a prisoner, Tirien and Narasi took the bomb from the palace.
Not What It Seems[]
Tirien and Narasi took Zaella with them to Guudria on a tip from Circumtore that the planet was ruled by a Jedi queen. En route, the two both tried to connect with Zaella—Narasi directly, Tirien by maintaining calm and compassion in the face of her volatile emotions. On Guudria, Tirien was appalled to find a society that had been conditioned to worship Jedi. He settled their group into the village of Marekka to learn more about Guudrian culture and the Jedi queen while slowly breaking the Guudrians of habits he found antithetical to Jedi beliefs. The village boss, Mukka, was unsettled by the contrast, while Tirien had many long conversations with Jebba, the local priest of the Church of the Jedi.
The tip of Zaella's left lek became infected where Ghrond had flattened it with his warhammer, and eventually Tirien amputated it at her request; he did not cut off a millimeter more than necessary, and Zaella slowly developed some trust for the Jedi as a result. Tirien encouraged Narasi to work with Zaella, though when she started learning Juyo from Zaella over his direct order, the two argued and Zaella quibbled with him too. Trying to meditate to clear his head, Tirien perceived the taint of the dark side in Guudria, and felt the Force warn him, It is not what it seems.
When Maia Kyss, the Jedi queen, arrived in Marekka with Bras Kozondo and Jirdo Yushari, Tirien, Narasi, and Zaella opposed them, and continued to counter them over a multi-day standoff. Tirien attempted to show them mercy, both in hopes of redeeming some of them and to show Zaella that violence was not the right first solution. When Bras broke ranks and tried to kill Mukka's son Barka, however, Tirien had had enough. Maia met with him privately, imploring him to leave Guudria to her protection, but he refused. Soon after, Tirien, Narasi, and Zaella were confronted by a living shadow; Tirien managed to drive it off with the Force, but was unsettled by the encounter.
Maia returned to Marekka the next day, wielding a host of new dark side powers, though Tirien cut off her sword hand and forced her to withdraw. Hours later, Jirdo surrendered himself, begging the Jedi to intervene before things got completely out of hand. Only moments later, however, Bras arrived, laying waste to the town center and killing several Guudrians. Tirien, Narasi, and Zaella all opposed him, though Tirien only managed to drive him away by straining his Force powers near their limits. When Narasi deduced that a Sith tomb lay in the "Cold Lands" where the Guudria Jedi had made their home, Tirien ordered a strike on the location.
The quartet descended into the Tomb of the Brokkodds, discovering Maia and Bras's dead bodies along the way. When Chelshgodrû Brokkodd possessed Narasi, Tirien was forced to fight his Padawan until Zaella and Jirdo managed to destroy Chelshgodrû's sarcophagus. After helping the Guudrians rebuild Marekka, Tirien took his comrades from Guudria. When they reached Vondarc, however, they discovered the Crescentia and its entire battle group had been destroyed at the Battle of Eriadu.
The Penumbra of the Dark Side[]
Defying Raven Kaivalt's pleas for the group to take shelter on Pelagon, Tirien commanded a mission to Eriadu to search for survivors, though he took Jirdo and Zaella only when they agreed. En route, however, he realized Ayson Sokos—whom Tirien had taken away from his father—had been killed, and entered a state of catatonic despair so bad that Narasi had to assume command of the mission. Tirien snapped out only just in time to save Narasi and Yan Razam, the sole survivor.
The Jedi took shelter at Inimă Eserzennae, but when the High Council refused to authorize a counterattack and planned a defensive strategy instead, Tirien, Yan, and Raven planned a targeted assassination against Gasald. Despite opposition from Raina Kaivalt and the twins' father, Miklato, Tirien secured an audience with Lord Chiron Brascel, who allowed (but did not command) House Pelagia's Jedi to participate. In the end, six Tapani—Raven; his cousin Gaebrean; Lord Lezascan Wisté, his son Amaani, and his former Padawan Kobold Baliss; and Brascel himself—agreed to join Tirien, Yan, and Narasi. Tirien successfully, although reluctantly, convinced Harshee Nefkin to join the group as well, after Mali Darakhan and Argus Z'dar were unable. Zaella also joined the mission.
Over the following weeks, Tirien assumed leadership of the mission, feeling he was more committed than the Tapani Jedi, while also able to keep a broader perspective than Yan and remain less divided than Raven. He participated in and orchestrated most of the group's training, while also working with Zaella to patch "holes" Tarni Hadan had carved into her mind's natural shields. Tirien had more than one conflict with Raina, who distrusted Zaella and made it obvious, and Jirdo, who felt he was useless to the mission. Tirien also clashed with some of the Tapani Jedi over Zaella.
When Republic Intelligence Captain Cynan Oraska arrived, Tirien gave him the go order to Allanteen Six to acquire information, and launched the mission when Oraska provided the access codes and schematics to Gasald's flagship, the Kiss of Death. Tirien, Raven, Zaella, and Bernius boarded the Allanteen shipyards, where they discovered that Gasald expected them, though Jarkun'eir'saikal, one of Karr Shadeez's Knights, joined them. The group boarded the Kiss of Death and reached Gasald's throne room, where a battle ensued.

Tirien deflecting Gasald's Force lightning
Tirien fought Gasald as she killed other Jedi around him, rebuffing her attempts to telepathically imprison him in his own mind. The two fought a war of their Force powers until Tirien finally turned her Force lightning back on her, seriously injuring her. He struck off her sword hand as she reached for her lightsaber, but when Yan cut off her other arm, Tirien nearly strangled her to death with the Force, stopping only when Narasi intervened. Horrified, Tirien stopped Yan from murdering Gasald, though when the Kiss of Death took fire in the Battle of Allanteen that had erupted outside, Gasald managed to escape.
The Jedi retreated to Pelagon, where Tirien struggled to come to terms with how close he had come to falling. After dropping Harshee off in her sectors, Tirien stopped at Pantora to tell Dorje Sokos of his son's death, and made no move to defend himself when Dorje punched him and broke his nose. Tirien swore a Barash vow, but despite giving all three of them freedom to go whither they would, Narasi, Zaella, and Jirdo all agreed to accompany him into exile.
Tirien and his colleagues managed to Force astrogate through the Deep Core and past Galactic Center before the Second Chance emerged at Tython. They landed at the Jedi Temple near Kaleth, where they encountered a mysterious being calling itself the Keeper. During their initial weeks on Tython, Tirien tried to devote himself to meditation while Narasi sought to help Zaella and Jirdo. However, Narasi's impatience intruded on his contemplations, and Zaella, who was clearly suffering over the crimes of her Sith life, needed guidance as well.
Tirien eventually agreed to accompany the group to the lost city of Kaleth, where they journeyed underground. After another conversation with the Keeper, Tirien saved Narasi from a mind-shattering vision of the entire history of galactic warfare, but experienced a good deal of it himself. On their way out of Kaleth, the group found and raised an ancient Tho Yor, which revealed details about the original Je'daii Order and the locations of the other Tho Yor. Narasi and Zaella decided to embark on a Great Journey, while Jirdo went on foot toward Vur Tepe, leaving Tirien alone with his contemplations.
Over the following months, Tirien wrestled with the Je'daii teachings and the nature of attachment, while the Keeper tried to guide him toward a balance between light and dark rather than committing to either. Only when Narasi, Zaella, and Jirdo returned did he accept the need to return to the galaxy. Zaella, who had committed to the Jedi, asked to be Tirien's Padawan along with Narasi, but he deferred answering. He led the group to Akar Kesh, where he had a vision of Rhosa Xei and Darth Alecto. Still struggling with the implications, he assisted the team in astrogating back to the main galaxy. Jirdo left the group at Borleias, but Tirien led Zaella and Narasi to Galactic North. For both Narasi's and Zaella's benefit, he declined to take Zaella as a second Padawan, but persuaded Elata Cazars to take her on instead.
The Northern Campaign[]
Tirien and Narasi at last arrived at the Eighth Republic Expeditionary Fleet and joined Mali Darakhan's war against the Supreme Modality. They participated in the ceremony when Mali awarded Cynan Oraska and his team the Distinguished Intelligence Star, and Vesta the Cross of Glory.
Tirien served as one of Mali's principal advisors in the northern campaign, as well as a diplomat. He attempted to bring Ketaris onto the Republic's side, but an attack by bounty hunters interrupted the mission. Tirien asked Mali to train Narasi in Form V, as well as to help her understand his perspective on war; they were both still suffering nightmares from the vision in Kaleth, but Narasi had the worst of it. Mali attacked the problem by giving Narasi military training, and initial battlefield exposure at Phaeda. After she succeeded, Mali transferred her to officer training and gave her a Republic Marines platoon to lead. Tirien supported his Padawan in her training, but also took her on a visit to a herdship at Ithor for a brief spiritual retreat and a reminder of why they fought.
When Mali outlined Operation Liberator, Tirien accompanied Lieutenant Kyjo and his Republic Marine Force Reconnaissance team to Cademimu V, infiltrated the Cademiman Cultural Tower, and engaged a force of Vanguardians. Tirien dueled and defeated First Dorn, though not without injuries. The team exfiltrated as Second Aurek blew up the tower, but crashed. As Kyjo lay bleeding out, Tirien used his elementary knowledge of morichro to slow Kyjo's bodily functions. He recovered enough to cross the city and aid Marius Zyndec and the 99th Rocket-Jumper Division in their assault on the Boslestin Memorial Justice Center.
After the battle, Tirien was disturbed to realize Kyjo had been conscious in most of his physical freeze, suffering a form of locked-in syndrome.
Enemy Within[]
In the wake of Operation Liberator, Tirien served as one of Mali's foremost diplomats, and so was often absent from the Coronet's Jewel. However, he was present for the Second Battle of Agamar, wherein Mali repelled an attack by Valin Aresh himself and Aldayr Nikodon escaped the Purity. He was disquieted by Narasi's obvious romantic attraction to Aldayr, but acceded to Mali's suggestion to let the matter go temporarily.
Over the following weeks, as Mali attempted to return Aldayr to Jedi service, Tirien grew increasingly concerned about the bond between his apprentice and Aldayr, particularly given Aldayr's apparent reticence to share his full experience in captivity. While dealing with diplomatic work and beginning to learn Force sight from Kenza Rowkwani, Tirien eventually caught Narasi kissing Aldayr and insisted she break off the relationship. Days later, while he was off the Jewel, Narasi and Aldayr slept together, only for Aldayr to flee the Jewel to return to Aresh, whose apprentice he had become. Narasi was brokenhearted; Tirien and Mali initially tried to triage, but when Kenza took him to task for the way they had ignored Narasi's grief, Tirien realized his own failure and comforted her.
The Line Between Friend and Enemy[]
Extended Family[]
In the wake of Aldayr's defection, Tirien allowed Narasi to join the Republic Marines' Close-Quarters Combat Training while he tried to help Mali prepare a continued assault on the Modality. After a month, however, the Supreme Chancellor contacted Tirien to report that Argus Z'dar and his Crusaders were believed to have destroyed Deep Storage Facility 214-Peth with a nuclear strike, killing a Sith infiltration team and the site's Jedi and Judicial complement in the process. The Chancellor initially ordered Tirien and Kenza to hunt down the bomb makers, but was persuaded to allow Tirien and Narasi to conduct the initial investigation.

Casparin leads Tirien and Narasi through Kwenn Space Station
With no leads, Tirien decided to seek out Sorin Ruy'the on Kwenn Space Station. He arrived to find Sorin long gone, ahead of a bounty on his head from the Anjiliac kajidic, but encountered his "cousin" Casparin Borador, whose master Roston Fel Kobrel had the same master as Suwo Tolp. Casparin enlisted Tirien and Narasi to perform a prison break to rescue one of her informants, with the promise that another prisoner was a contact of Sorin's. The break was mostly successful, though Tirien and Narasi wound up having to rescue Casparin and Vidir Kro'zhey in space. They fled to Keldooine, where Tirien loaned Casparin Suwo's lightsaber and Vidir promised to connect them with Sorin.
Nal Hutta[]
Unwilling to wait a week with Z'dar potentially destroying more sites, Tirien took Narasi to Nal Hutta in search of Runganna. Intelligence Chief Ivalo Cerwyn connected them with the Hutt Ruling Council, which agreed to host the Jedi while considering their request. Narasi threw Tirien an unexpected obstacle when she asked him to help free Daji Geiss and Kasell Sozzo from slavery. Though feeling increasingly burdened by the expectations of all around him, Tirien finally acquiesced; he disabled Daji's slave tracking device, but Kasell's malfunctioned, and Tirien barely managed to contain the explosion.
Moments after the slaves departed, Parsi Gorensla Depchak summoned the Jedi to her, offering to connect them with Runganna in return for their immediate departure. Though Tirien had hoped to meet with Dorunga Anjiliac Zundun to get Sorin's bounty lifted, he took the offer. Narasi and Tirien successfully coaxed Runganna into sharing information, which led them to Darqyren Valt, her majordomo from Circumtore, who had connected her with the bomb makers.
When news of the bounty on Qerriz reached Tirien and Narasi, they followed Republic Intelligence's intelligence to Bogg 14. They connected with fellow Verpine Rozytch, who directed them toward Qerriz with the aid of Nelsi Mooldun. En route, Tirien got caught in a duel between a fellow Jedi and Kol'bui Lardt; he was unable to save the Jedi, but mortally wounded Lardt. Upon discovering that she had sent a short-range transmission, Tirien realized the likely outcome and fled the planet with Narasi; they were briefly waylaid by Darth Alecto, but Tirien talked their way out of a fight.
In orbit, Tirien hailed the newly-arrived Crusader and unsuccessfully tried to persuade Z'dar not to bomb Bogg 14. Even as he considered trying to stop the missile with the Force, he realized Z'dar had not launched one to destroy the city, but several to destroy the entire moon. He was powerless to intervene, and could only watch in horror as Bogg 14 and its entire population died.
The Wildfire and the Lightning Bolt[]
Tirien and Narasi returned to the Jewel, deeply affected by the death of Bogg 14. They met with Sorin days later and finally obtained the name and location of the Breld Syndicate. As they prepared to lead a strike on the Tenara campus with Kenza, Tirien received a beacon message from the same source which had informed him of the raid on Carosi years before, this time reporting that Z'dar and the Crusaders were hiding at Malachor. Delegating the Mission to Tenara to Kenza, Tirien took Narasi to Malachor to stop Z'dar.
They arrived at Malachor Base to find Alecto was there ahead of them, but captive. After talking Vol Aldauk into letting them pass, Tirien dispatched Narasi to rescue the imprisoned "true Crusaders" while he went after Jylo Naki and Alecto. When he found Jylo torturing Alecto, he dueled the Togruta, freeing Alecto in the process. Tirien disarmed Jylo, and Alecto killed him while he was defenseless. They realized they were both present to fight Z'dar and agreed to a one-day truce.

Tirien and Alecto duel Z'dar, C'niki, and D'Natragan
Narasi was appalled at the development, but Tirien sent her and the freed Jedi to retake the Crusader and seize its remaining nuclear arsenal while he and Alecto confronted Z'dar, C'niki Fereenil, and D'Natragan. Realizing they were outmatched, Tirien and Alecto opened themselves up to each other, forming a Force bond which empowered them both and connected them deeply, enabling them to kill all three of their enemies. Both Alecto and Tirien held to their truce, though both felt an unusual reluctance in parting, and Alecto kissed him before fleeing in the Scourge.
Tirien arranged for Crie Homarza, Yan Razam, and Zuuli Ok-Majan to be taken into Republic custody, though he let the remaining Crusaders go under Farwel Jodurk's leadership. Back in Mali's fleet, Tirien meditated on the entire mission, but was struck to the core by the realization that there really was good in Alecto, and at a loss as to what he could do about it.
War Crime[]
Some weeks later, as Tirien was watching the debates on the Conscription Act, he and the other Jedi received an Emergency Code Nine Thirteen from Zaella. He and Narasi rescued her, discovering that Elata Cazars had been slain by Valin Aresh himself at a deep-space base. He took over Zaella's instruction temporarily to justify keeping her in Mali's fleet and tried to comfort her, as he knew what it was like to lose a master. Zaella's sketch of the site led the Jedi to contact Dil-Faan Ravaydi, who horrified them by identifying it as a cathedral ship. Tirien and Mali realized Aresh's real target was the BoSS virus which had sent the cathedral ship fleet to hyperspace at the Battle of Uquine. Tirien took Narasi to the BoSS chapter house on Cademimu V, where the idrisi confirmed the virus could potentially be resurrected and deployed against modern starships.
Tirien returned to the Jewel to find Mali seriously considering Zaella's suggestion to employ the nuclear bomb from Circumtore against the cathedral ship; aware that Aresh's plan could devastate galactic civilization, Tirien did not try to dissuade Mali, and agreed to support whatever decision he made. Mali eventually formed a team of himself, Tirien, Narasi, and Kenza; at Tirien's insistence, Zaella remained part of the group too. They retrieved the bomb from the Valor and set off to the cathedral ship.
Aboard the Redeemer, Tirien tried to persuade Mali to go after Aldayr, leaving Aresh to Kenza and Tirien himself, but Mali insisted on fighting Aresh personally. Tirien accompanied him, trusting Kenza to protect the Padawans. Tirien fought three First Rank Vanguardians to give Mali an unobstructed shot at Aresh; he was mortally wounded in the process before Mali killed Aresh and struck down the Vanguardians. Evacuated to the Second Chance, Tirien suffered cardiac arrest five different times in the escape, but Narasi's military first aid and Kenza's Forceful ministrations kept him stable long enough to return to the Jewel and enter a bacta tank.
Tirien convalesced for nearly two weeks before Ropenn pronounced him stable enough to return to Coruscant, where Supreme Chancellor Thini awarded the five Jedi the Chancellor's Service Medal. Knowing he needed to return to the Eighth Fleet but understanding Narasi was deeply grieving having had to kill Aldayr, Tirien arranged for her to emotionally recuperate with the Organas on Alderaan.
Tirien took over negotiating Muunilinst's re-entry into the Republic, but found himself struggling when not actively in negotiations; in the wake of his quasi-death and resurrection, he found himself losing hours at a time by inadvertently sinking into meditation. Even when Muunilinst agreed to join the Republic, Tirien had little opportunity to sit down and reconnect with Mali, as he was assigned other diplomatic tasks in the north. He did, however, keep in touch with Narasi via beacon message.
After the passage of the Conscription Act and Nawsa Arodion's assassination, Tirien and Narasi were assigned to help keep draft-related protests in check. Once he retrieved his apprentice from Alderaan, the two visited Commenor, then met Mali on Quellor, but relations were tense among the three; Tirien tried to counsel Mali through his concerns over Corellian separatism and his own inadequacy about being promoted to Jedi Master, but perceived Mali's unwonted distance from Narasi. The situation soured throughout their stay, but came to a head after Mali admitted doubting whether Narasi had done all she could to save Aldayr; Tirien, who had been counseling Narasi through her lingering grief, threatened Mali and nearly came to blows with him. Tirien and Narasi also fell into an ambush by a group of bounty hunters, after which they finally discovered the eight-figure bounty the New Sith Empire had posted for their deaths.
The three Jedi sought to root out a Flame of Retribution cell on Quellor, but their camaraderie deteriorated further when Mali pressured Tirien to break Mavin Rizzi's resistance with a mind trick; he succeeded, but also shattered her sanity, and only kept her from dying by using morichro to put her in a coma. The three managed to acknowledge their tensions without actually resolving them before Mali delivered a speech in Terrina Square which was interrupted by Yodess's suicide bombing; Tirien and Mali prevented the bomb from harming anyone on the surface, while Narasi stopped Inido Hass from detonating a secondary explosive.
Feeling Narasi needed broader experience as a Jedi than just service in war, and that their presence would endanger more civilians if they lingered overlong anywhere, Tirien opted to leave the Eighth Fleet. Mali was deeply hurt by the decision, perceiving it as an abandonment, and though Tirien vowed to remain in contact and to return if Mali found a way to break the Celanon Standoff, they parted with a strained friendship.
The Defector[]
Tirien and Narasi remained close to the Corellian Run their first month away from the fleet, in case tensions between Corellia and Osarian escalated into violence. While they were on Spirana, the High Council contacted them, ordering them to Onderon to escort a defector to safety. They arrived in Iziz only to realize they were trapped by the Demon's Kiss; when Narasi had a premonition that warned Tirien away from searching for the defector with the Force, they elected to proceed by traditional search. Eventually making contact with Riga Chirazi, they received direction to Vemna Grace and Shim Dujus.
The four Jedi met, Vemna and Shim bringing both the defecting Sith Lord Targere and word that they were being pursued by someone far darker. Tirien reluctantly accepted Vemna's plan that she and Shim would distract the pursuer, allowing Tirien and Narasi to escape with Targere. Tirien and Narasi developed quick antipathy for Targere, intuiting that, his protestations to the contrary, he had no moral objection to the Sith and was defecting solely to save himself.
The day Iziz was to lower its shields, Kuira Suerves finally caught up to the trio, having killed Vemna and Shim. The group fought, but Kuira's use of the Void technique allowed her to keep up with them and impale Narasi through the stomach. Tirien overpowered and decapitated Kuira, but refused to leave Narasi behind as Targere suggested. The group made for the Iziz Starport, hampered by Narasi's injuries, but came under sniper fire and attack by a QD-11 battle sphere. Tirien sensed Alecto's presence a second before she reflected a shot off the QD-11, killing Targere.

Tirien carries Narasi through the Starport
Tirien managed to disable the battle sphere and escape with Narasi, but her injury had become aggravated and immediately life threatening. They infiltrated the Starport with assistance from a pair of sympathetic Iziz Starport Authority officers, and Tirien helped Narasi induce a hibernation trance. He transported her to the Jedi medcenter on H'ratth, where she recovered after immersion in a bacta tank. Tirien contacted the Council, weathering its disappointment and reporting on Kuira's unusual and disturbing powers.
A Moment of Weakness[]
Two weeks after leaving H'ratth, Tirien and Narasi discovered that Mali had accepted appointment as Lord Protector of Corellia. Outraged, Tirien argued viciously with Mali, and the two refused to speak to one another going forward. Two days later, Tirien received beacon message from the same informant who had directed him to Carosi and Malachor, requesting a private meeting in Farport on Terminus. Against Narasi's advice, Tirien went, though he allowed his Padawan to explore the city.
At the Comfort Pods, Tirien was shocked to discover Alecto, who was behind all the beacon messages. They quarreled and spoke tensely over a dinner Alecto had prepared, but their Force bond amplified by proximity, and each endured emotionally vulnerable moments as they spoke. Their argument briefly became a fight, but morphed into desire and sex. Tirien was disgusted with himself, but could not deny an attraction to Alecto deeper than the physical. They parted with an agreement on secrecy for their mutual safety; wandering Farport bitterly, Tirien endured many dark intrusive thoughts before morning. He reconnected with Narasi in the morning, discovering to his bewilderment that she had not only found a family of anti-slavery Zygerrians, but been directed to the Invisible Hyperlane. Desperate for any path that did not involve Mali or Alecto, Tirien decided to take Narasi to the Rim and aid runaway slaves as they were able, but made the decision not to tell Narasi about Alecto, out of a combination of shame and desire not to saddle her with the consequences of his mistakes.
The Cortosis Conspiracy[]
Murder Mystery[]
Over the next year, Tirien and Narasi traveled the Outer Rim, defending innocents where they could and freeing slaves whenever possible. They joined forces with Casparin more than once, and though Tirien and she maintained their somewhat testy relationship, he developed an understated but genuine affection for her. They avoided contact with the High Council, though Tirien arranged with Gavhys Narfulk for Narasi to attend some military training courses. He and Raven Kaivalt conducted a mission together to repay Narfulk, but at least three times, Tirien used Narasi's time away as cover to rendezvous with Alecto.
While being pursued by bounty hunters through the Zchtek worlds, Narasi sent the Second Chance into a blind jump; they emerged from hyperspace only to discover a hyperspace beacon with an encoded distress call, which itself led to an asteroid mine. The Jedi boarded the mine only to find a crew of miners with a murder victim among them. Tirien worked with Narasi to unravel the killing; they not only found the killer, but also discovered the miners were in the employ of Black Sun and mining cortosis.
Clashing Cousins[]
Tirien surrendered control of the mine to Haleya and the Shadow Commandos, but called together six other Jedi—Dil-Faan Ravaydi, Zilq Riega, Kenza, Zaella, Zine Cudac, and Trizane Caprioana—to plan a response. At Tirien's suggestion, the Knights and Master sent their four Padawans to Nar Shaddaa to follow up on Black Sun. Tirien himself was tempted to liaise with Alecto to compare notes, but suppressed the temptation and journeyed to Manda to team up with Casparin instead.
Casparin agreed to help Tirien eventually, but first enlisted him in an effort capture the Jebble Box, which was slated for auction at the Tsarmiacten Auction House. He had her fence a Corusca gem he had obtained at the asteroid mine, giving her a third of the resulting credits—ostensibly so she could better protect the innocents under her care, but also out of cousinly affection. The two successfully infiltrated Tsarmiacaten, but failed to capture the Jebble Box. Casparin next took Tirien to the Boundless Bazaar on Daluuj, where they met with Jibosh Curgol; though unable to provide much detail, he made clear the conspiracy was not just against the Jedi, but involved the Empire too.
Out of ideas, Tirien and Casparin returned to Keldooine to meet with Vidir Kro'zhey and find Sorin Ruy'the; when some of Vidir's men tried to kidnap them, Tirien put the two assigned to him into morichro comas. He found four more holding Casparin at gunpoint, and forced the leader to hold himself at gunpoint until Casparin escaped. Vidir was willing to arrange the meeting with Sorin, but it would take several days.
Legitimately out of options, Tirien surrendered to temptation and met Alecto at Pusat Station. He warned her about the cortosis, which concerned her, but the two nearly came to blows before being overtaken by passion instead. They spoke only a few moments the next day, tension returning, before Tirien left to return to Kashyyyk and Narasi.
The ten Jedi—the eight who had met previously had been joined by Casparin and Jedi Watchman Nichad Rey'sarabi—learned from the Padawans that Mar'sebbin (killed on Nar Shaddaa by Kharda Deghrin) had been smuggling cortosis throughout the galaxy. Narasi and Zilq had retrieved Mar'sebbin's datapad, which provided detail about many of the recipients. Closing on time for his meeting with Sorin but anxious to forestall several points of trouble, Tirien persuaded the other Jedi to divide up and the targets in the Republic, vowing to inform the High Council (and, at Kenza's prompting, Mali Darakhan and the Green Jedi) after his meeting with Sorin.
The meeting never took place. Tirien, Narasi, and Casparin arrived at Skyhook C-09 over Sennatt only to run into Deghrin; Tirien and Casparin pursued her, but she escaped. The Jedi found everyone dead aboard Sorin's corvette except Teluzah Ruvate, who had hidden. She gave him Sorin's bequest: a datacron with five highlighted planets. After overthinking for hours, Tirien finally realized it was a simple substitution cypher spelling out BRELD.
Stopping the Second Chance in the Corellian system, Tirien made an uncomfortable call to Mali, which only grew worse when he argued Mali should inform First Aurek of a conspirator in the Supreme Modality. In a call no more pleasant to Coruscant, Mar Towla did not allow Tirien to explain his and Narasi's full findings, but instead commanded them to report to the Council, promising the Jedi Temple Guard would "escort" them. Convinced the Council would not listen in time to be helpful, Tirien decided to break into the Temple and confront Darqyren Valt instead.
Using a path Suwo had taught him, Tirien and Narasi scaled the sacred spire and reached the Jedi Temple detention center, where Tirien reluctantly subdued his old Clan mate Sigend Gyvessint. Valt was cagey, but when a sabotaged droid nearly killed him, he agreed to help the Jedi find Nebel Oldrunin in exchange for his freedom. The trio escaped the Temple, but Tirien, sensing they would be caught, sent Narasi with Valt, remaining behind to confront Kesirch, Juddic Orkog, and Cairaichyl Eonon. After a brief clash, he brought a holoboard down on a bridge and escaped.
Tirien fled to the lower market districts, where he survived an assassination attempt but deduced the involvement of Republic Intelligence. He broke into Glavial Iltek's apartment to get Nulu Thini's contact frequency, and reluctantly allowed Iltek to warn other trusted senators of the plot. Tirien himself contacted Thini to alert him, then traveled to Black Sun's territory at Eminetsa Starport in hopes of drawing them out.
His ploy succeeded; Black Sun agents arrived and escorted him to a meeting with a male Human claiming to represent Black Sun's Underlord. The Human claimed responsibility for Mar'sebbin's death, but not Sorin's or the Temple bombing; in exchange for the Order's understanding, he gave Tirien Nebel Oldrunin's name and location at Vital Connections Group. Broadcasting the information to the Order, Tirien reached VCG just in time to prevent Damrin Karneal from assassinating Dreth Kilsex. Kilsex provided the Jedi Nebel's location, though they arrived only to find Narasi had captured Nebel and killed Darqyren when he turned on her.
Tirien remained in the Temple while Narasi convalesced from serious injuries. None of what Zaella deemed "the Conclave on Kashyyyk" died, though several were also injured, and Tirien's counter-conspiracy generally succeeded across the Republic (and, Alecto informed him, in the Empire); these facts, combined with subtle pressure from Thini (who survived an assassination attempt due to Tirien's warning), restrained the Council in disciplining him, though the Council Masters made no secret of their disapproval. Tirien nursed a suspicion that Saersic Ji—found hanged in his cell—had been killed rather than committing suicide, and when the Council did not allow him to investigate, he was only too eager to leave.
Powers and Abilities[]
Have you ever seen a hydroelectric dam? ... You're like that. The Force is the water, and you're the dam. You transform all that raw potential into incredible power, and it's very carefully managed and controlled. But that power could enliven or destroy, depending on what you choose to do with it. And if the dam broke…I wouldn't want to be standing in the way.
—Kenza Rowkwani describing her perceptions of Tirien Kal-Di
Jedi Battlemaster Argus Z'dar considered Tirien an adept and skillful swordsman. He dedicated himself to Makashi, and as such was specially trained for lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat. He was sufficiently skilled to equal Darth Alecto and to fight Churka and Ondar Vargh simultaneously. After the Battle of Taanab, he began consciously devoting more time to blaster bolt deflection to enhance his skills in that area, in which Makashi was particularly deficient. Tirien and Alecto together were able to defeat Argus Z'dar and two Jedi Knights simultaneously.

Tirien levitating four of the Muntuur stones
Even before his apprenticeship ended, Tirien's master Suwo was willing to defer to Tirien's skill in the Force and mind tricks. Despite having been physically beaten and struck with Force lightning, a twenty-two-year-old Tirien still had sufficient focus to telekinetically levitate a lightsaber and cut Zygro in half with it. In the same fight, he displayed the ability to partially deflect Force lightning, though he was quickly overwhelmed; by the time he faced Chelshgodrû Brokkodd (in Bras Kozondo's body) and Vedya Gasald, Tirien could deflect lightning much longer. He was able to deflect flames along a chosen course in midair, and by 1,386 BBY could stop a blaster bolt in midair, though only for a few seconds. He occasionally deflected individual blaster bolts by hand. His telekinesis eventually expanded to a Force grip of considerable precision, though a skilled enemy, like Kharda Deghrin, could break his concentration.
Beginning in 1,385 BBY, Tirien began to study the esoteric discipline of morichro. After some false starts, including putting Kyjo in locked-in syndrome for a week, he learned to safely put down and revive others. By 1,383 BBY, he even put fellow Jedi Sigend Gyvessint in a coma, though only after Narasi nearly knocked him unconscious. Some Jedi, including several High Council Masters, harbored deep concerns about him learning the power.
As the apprentice of a Jedi Sentinel, Tirien acquired a number of atypical Jedi skills, including stealth infiltration, demolitions, and ship mechanics. He spoke Basic and Quarren fluently, was conversational in Huttese, and could read High Galactic, though his pronunciation of the latter was imperfect. By 1,384 BBY, after seven years without regular practice, Tirien's Quarren had gotten rusty.
Appearance and Personality[]
Like nearly all Pantorans, Tirien had blue skin and yellow eyes. He had yellow clan markings on his face, which he had applied at age nineteen so as not to stand out from other Pantorans and to honor his heritage. He had purple hair which he kept relatively short. He had a fit, athletic build, and stood 1.75 meters (5'9") tall. He carried a curved-hilt lightsaber with a green blade. Tirien's Coruscanti accent in Basic was slightly skewed toward the marginally different Pantoran accent.
Already independent by nature as a Pantoran, Tirien became more so as Suwo Tolp's Padawan, as well as developing considerable introversion. He enjoyed solitary meditation and found it relaxing to spend hours contemplating the Force, but also kept fit and devoted extra time to swordplay to be an able warrior against the Sith. Though many Jedi respected his skill, few knew him well and many found him distant. He could be frustrated when forced out of his comfort zone, as he was in taking Narasi as his Padawan; the two experienced early friction in their relationship, though they eventually settled into an easier dynamic and became very close.
Although closest with Narasi after Suwo's death, Tirien also had friendships with Slejux Nissatak and Mali Darakhan, and was very fond of Harshee Nefkin. Though he occasionally butted heads with Mali, he accepted that his style was not ideal for every situation, and entered into the masterless, mutual learning relationship of a Concordance of Fealty with Mali, who eventually became his best friend. Despite their closeness, however, Tirien made plain to Mali on Quellor that, if Mali forced him to choose between Narasi and himself, Narasi would win every time.
Tirien's relationship with Darth Alecto, though a major facet of his Jedi Knighthood, was more complex than he admitted to anyone. He dueled her nearly to the death on two separate occasions, but also saved her life on Toprawa and joined forces with her on Vjun and Malachor. As early as Toprawa, Tirien nursed a suspicion that, unlike many truly irredeemable Sith Lords, Alecto had good in her; his belief grew on Vjun, but came to certainty on Malachor, where he formed a Force bond with her which did not dissipate once they parted ways. He was aghast on Terminus when the bond grew so strong that the two had sex, but was unable to entirely deny his attraction to her. Their continued relationship thereafter brought him both joy and misery, particularly because he hid it from Narasi.
- "The Price of Knighthood"
- Shots Fired
- Twist of Fate
- Second Chance
- Who You Are in the Dark
- The Devils Inside the Walls
- The Fog of War
- A Certain Point of View
- Abattoir (Vision)
- Danse Macabre
- Desperate Times
- Desperate Measures
- A Flow'r, Once Fallen
- Igniting the Stars
- The Liberator (Appears in hologram)
- Grim Tidings
- Ascension (Mentioned only)
- Sins of the Father
- Moments of Truth
- Revenge of the Jedi
- Loyalty (Mentioned only)
- A Bittersweet Homecoming (Mentioned only)
- Taken at the Flood (Mentioned only)
- The Heirs of Mizra (Mentioned only)
- The Will of the Force
- "Bearing the Cross"
- Vendetta I: The Tuk'ata's Den (Mentioned only)
- The Way of the Krayt Dragon
- Vendetta II: Felinx and Rodus (Mentioned only)
- Countdown to Destruction (Mentioned only)
- Behind Enemy Lines
- The First Cut
- Lightning and Fire
- The Hundredth Day
- Vendetta III: The Void (Mentioned only)
- Fault Lines
- Vulnerabilities
- A Moment of Weakness
- Shackled (Appears in hologram)
- The Adventure of the Mysterious Mine
- Underworld
- Rebirth