Star Wars Fanon
This article is a fanon expansion of a topic from the Expanded Universe. For the canon page entry, see here.

We were brought to Tython, generations ago, by the Tho Yor ships. All but nine of the twenty-six ships left after we founded this Order, becoming the Nine Temples. I do not know where they went. I do not believe anyone knows.
Rivos sal Cyros[src]

The Tho Yor Awakening, also called the Tho Yor Arrival or the First Migration, was a galaxy-wide event which saw a massive number of Force-sensitive individuals herded on to the Tho Yor ships, and brought to the Deep Core planet Tython. Soon after their landing, and all of the individuals' departure from the ships, all but nine of the twenty-six ships left Tython and the galaxy as a whole, disappearing entirely.

The Force-sensitives brought to Tython soon organized the Je'daii Order, from a small grouping of Dai Bendu monks who traveled alongside the Force-sensitives. The Je'daii Order was founded on Dai Bendu scriptures, regarding The Force, as well as manuscripts discovered within the Tho Yor ships.

A millennium later, a second migration occurred, in which the non-Force-sensitive individuals living on Tython were driven off-planet and to the other habitable planets and moons in the system.

The Je'daii Order would thrive on Tython, eventually evolving into the Jedi Order.



A battle of the Celestial-Rakata War, between the Kwa and the Rakata

The cosmic-ships will one day be awoken, and their final function will be realized. All those sensitive to the Power of the Cosmos shall be brought on board, and taken to the Green World [Tython]. If we still remain: we shall uplift them to the Power's full potential.
—Excerpt from a manuscript found on a Tho Yor ship[src]

Millennia before their awakening, the Tho Yor ships were constructed by the Kwa, a species native to the planet Tython. The Kwa wrote in the manuscripts discovered within the Tho Yor ships that the original name, translated into Galactic Basic, was "cosmic-ship." They were programmed by the Kwa to collect Force-sensitive individuals and bring them to Tython for training.[2]

Some years after the cosmic-ships were constructed, the Kwa were involved in the Celestial-Rakata War, in which the Celestials and their vassal species, including the Kwa Holdings, fought the Rakatan Infinite Empire and their slave armies.[3] As a result of the conflict, the Kwa were driven to near-extinction, escaping due to their Infinity Gates. A vast majority of the surviving Kwa either devolved into the Kwi,[4] or were enslaved by the Rakatans.[3] However, the Kwa A'nang entered hiding on Tython and created a holocron for later generations.[5]

The cosmic-ships were sent to the Kwa holdout on Thape, in the Mid Rim, many years prior to the beginning of the Kwa's war with the Rakatans. The ships were hidden beneath the snow of the planet's high mountains, and would only awaken by the presence of a Force-sensitive individual.[2]

The Tho Yor Awakening[]


A Tho Yor ship emerging from the ice of Thape

Emerging from the snow[]

The Dai Bendu discovered the Tho Yor ships, and soon after, they were spread across the galaxy, gathering Force-sensitives and their families.
Rivos sal Cyros[src]

The cosmic-ships remained, deactivated, beneath the snow of the Andobi Mountains.[2] The Dai Bendu, a religious organization based on Thape, eventually discovered one of these strange ships, poking out from the snow. A small detachment of the Dai Bendu boarded the ship, which launched the other twenty-five ships. The Dai Bendu called the ships "Tho Yor," roughly translating to "great mystery."[1]

The twenty-six cosmic-ships departed Thape, and traveled around the galaxy to different worlds, gathering Force-sensitive individuals, as well as their families and any other individual who boarded them. Each ship appeared to travel to a different, unique planet—such as Korriban, Ryloth, Manaan, Kashyyyk, Coruscant, and Shili. However, all the ships eventually converged in the Deep Core, at Tython.[1]


Jedaii vs TythanCreatures

The wilds of Tython were home to dangerous Force-sensitive creatures

All of the now completely full ships landed in a large valley on the largest of Tython's four continents, Talesska, and deployed the people within. Nine of the Tho Yor ships spread throughout the planet, embedding themselves within the surface, while the other seventeen ships departed Tython and traveled to an unknown location, never to be seen again. The Dai Bendu who had awakened the Tho Yor began to train the groups of Force-sensitives about "the Force," which they discovered that many of them were imbued with.[6][1]

The wilds of Tython were a dangerous place for the new arrivals, who were dubbed "Je'daii" by the Dai Bendu, a word meaning "mystic center." The new Je'daii formed an order of their own, the Je'daii Order, and began to organize to try and survive the dangerous environment. One of the Tho Yor ships embedded itself in the valley, then called the "Valley of the Arrivals." The Tho Yor ship contained weaponry and robes, which the Je'daii warriors equipped and began to explore their immediate surroundings.[1]

The Je'daii warriors encountered dangerous creatures in Tython's wilds, such as Tythonian raptors[6] and silik lizards. In the Valley of Arrivals, the non-Force-sensitive individuals assisted with the construction of the first Je'daii Temple around the landed Tho Yor starship, named Akar Kesh, or the Temple of Balance. The Je'daii Order thrived within its first millennia on Tython, expanding throughout the world and learning much about the Force.[1]


Second migration[]


The Je'daii constructed many temples around the Tho Yor ships

The Tho Yor ships which landed across Tython were then the sites of the eight other Je'daii Temples, which expanded Je'daii influence across the world. The eight temples other than Akar Kesh were Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science; Bodhi Kesh, the Temple of the Arts; Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing; Kaleth Kesh, the Temple of Knowledge; Padawan Kesh, the academy; Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts; Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills; and Vur Tepe, the Forge.[7]

At the conclusion of the first millennia of Je'daii inhabitancy on Tython, leading members of the Je'daii began to believe that life on Tython was far too dangerous for non-Force-sensitives, as many were dying from the Force-sensitive creatures attacking settlements and temples. As such, the second migration occurred, which saw all non-Force-sensitive individuals banished from Tython, and they then colonized the other planets and moons in the system.[6]

Other than the non-Force-sensitives, the Dai Bendu who had lived alongside the Je'daii departed Tython for Kalimahr, deeming that the Je'daii Order was straying too far from the original Dai Bendu ideals. Those monks formed the Kali Bendu, following original Dai Bendu ideals and constructing monasteries in Kalimahr's vast mountain ranges.[1]

Fall of the Je'daii[]

Force Wars-TEA

The Force Wars saw the Je'daii Order replaced by the Jedi Order

Everything good must come to an end, and this applies to the Je'daii Order as well. The Je'daii Order fell apart as a result of the Force Wars, a schism between the followers of the Ashla, and the followers of the Bogan.
—Rivos sal Cyros[src]

The Je'daii Order survived for over ten thousand years, up until the Je'daii began to see two different sides of the Force, the Ashla and the Bogan, named for the differently-colored moons of Tython, the light Ashla and the dark Bogan. A group of Ashla followers formed another splinter faction, called the Jedi Order. They wished to only protect the weak and disenfranchised, and fought both the weakened Ashla followers, and the Bogan followers. Thus, the Force Wars began.[8]

The Jedi Order quickly took control of all temples except Kaleth Kesh, which was seized by the Bogan leader, Rajivari. Subsequently, the remaining followers of Ashla joined the Jedi Order's side,[8] and Rajivari's group was killed, ending the Force Wars, and also replacing the Je'daii Order with the Jedi Order.[9]

Post-Force Wars[]

Great Schism - JMGD

The Second Great Schism, a conflict far after the Force Wars' conclusion

The new Jedi Order would rise to galactic prominence, regarded as the galactic peace-keepers. Numerous wars would dot the Jedi Order's history, however even through several purges of the Jedi, the Jedi Order returned and continued to serve the galaxy. However, after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, Tython would be abandoned by the Jedi Order in favor of a more centralized location: the Jedi Temple on the galactic capital world, Coruscant.[9] In a more galactic sense, the Tho Yor were forgotten to much of history, all records of it hidden deep within the Jedi Archives.[1]




Notes and references[]
