My dominance is galaxy-wide! Numerous other species bow down to me, I am the master of our galaxy!
—A N'Akkiarlian sovereign on the Star Empire
Background and History[]
The Third N'Akkiarlian Star Empire was the third, and largest, galaxy-spanning empire of the N'Akkiarla, it was established in the year 32,950 BBY with the signing of the Treaty of Zraax'Niulko which finally ended the N'Akkiarlian-Jussk'Ravgarok War, restoring the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire, the previous Star Empire having being dissolved as the N'Akkiarl Kingdom Commonwealth quarantined itself from the rest of the galaxy during the Great Galactic Plague in order to protect itself from the deadly contagion, and was finally completed 140 years later after the N'Akkiarlian completed their conquest of the N'Akkiarl Galaxy, the Star Empire was quite a rare case, whilst most would-be galactic conquerers failed to conquer their galaxy the N'Akkiarlians succeeded in conquering their galaxy, they were so successful they even tried to conquer another galaxy.
It was ruled by the N'Akkiarlian King (or Queen depending who was on the throne) with the help of his/her aides, there was only one Head of State - the King/Queen but there were to Heads of Government, the King/Queen and his/her Supreme Aide. The Supreme Aide was the second-highest person in the Empire and helped the sovereign run the government effectively. He had quite a lot of power over Imperial affairs and was even able to take control of the Empire through emergency powers should the sovereign die or be assassinated with no heirs to the throne until a new sovereign was crowned. One of the titles of the N'Akkiarlian monarch was "Son/Daughter of the Dragon" (N'Akkiarlian: Zon/Zona ab dze Drako), in addition, the royal guard was the Imperial Dragonguard.
Through the Empire they maintained their dominance over their galaxy and maintained their positions of masters of all sentient species in the N'Akkiarl galaxy. Whenever the sovereign toured their empire every member of their servant races who set eyes on the sovereign had to bow down and pay homage to their master.
In 2,370 BBY the empire founded the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire-N'Akkiarlian Star Empire Alliance with the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire
The furthest reach of the empire from 987 ABY onwards was the ice planet of Huukeltelax, which was located on outer part of the Galactic Rim area of the galaxy.
In 1,100 ABY, due to the alliance with the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire the N'Akkiarlian Star Empire was one of the three members of the Imperial Tripartite Alliance (Ingzan-Bregaran Empire, N'Akkiarlian Star Empire, House of Dezendyan) and fought the Allied Armies Against Ingzan-Bregaran Imperialism and its allies during the 1,129 ABY-1,130 ABY Rebellion against the Ingzan-Bregaran Empire and concurrent Dezendyan-Vás Feud.
The Third Star Empire was defended by the Army of the Third N'Akkiarlian Star Empire, N'Akkiarlian Imperial Navy, N'Akkiarlian Imperial Marines and the N'Akkiarlian Imperial Air Force. The Air Force was a more localised defence force, whose garrisons defended solely the planets they were stationed on, the Army almost always acted similar to this as well, but on rare occasions like war Army soldiers were transported round the battlefront on personnel transports, something which was usually reserved for the Marines, in this case reserve garrisons defended the planets whilst their respective front-line garrisons were away.