Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Third Cresh was a member of the Dark Vanguard and one of the senior members of the Third Rank. He fought with a double-bladed lightsaber, though he could use one blade with equal skill.

Third Cresh was sent to Cademimu V shortly after the Supreme Modality acquired the planet. He was technically one of First Dorn's advisors and aides, but spent the majority of his time administering the Boslestin Memorial Justice Center death camp. His role in the prison was little-known by outsiders, but non-Humans interned in the prison lived in terror of him and the Purifier battalion who staffed the prison for him.

At the onset of Operation Liberator, Third Cresh was at Boslestin when the Republic attacked the Cademiman Cultural Tower and killed First Dorn, and so was spared from the hit mission. Apprised of the danger, he put the prison on high alert and hung 183 prisoners from the walls in gibbet cages, which he was prepared to release if the prison was assaulted. He executed three such prisoners throughout the day before Marius Zyndec ran the gauntlet to the prison and challenged him to a duel.

Though Third Cresh was unfazed by Zyndec's taunts to his own pride, he took more seriously the Jedi's threat to just snipe Purifiers until he killed them all. Leaving the security of the fortress with orders to execute all the prisoners if he died, Third Cresh confronted Zyndec and fought the Jedi pistoleer in a duel. He wounded Zyndec several times, but was eventually overcome and disarmed. Feigning surrender, he signaled the Purifiers to drop all the prisoners, and Zyndec shot him in the head, killing him instantly.

