Star Wars Fanon

This war will be fought forever, and we will all burn together.
—Mandalore the Conqueror

The Second Mandalorian War was a conflict that occurred 17 years after the fall of the Galactic Empire. Mandalore's surprise revolt caught the Order of Revan reeling in the beginning years, nearly pushing it to complete collapse. Supreme Commander Xur Eon rallied his forces after lifting the Siege of Ord Mantell, and with the help of the New Jedi Order, eventually forced the Mandalorians back to their home planet.

The conflict served as the first conflict in which Xur's daughter, Petra Eon took part in, even at the young age of 16. Other notable Revanite supporters include Ahsoka Tano and her apprentice, Jaina Solo, as well as Kyle Katarn, Kyp Durron, Luke Skywalker, and the young ace pilot Jagged Fel.

(under construction)


The event[]


Behind the scenes[]

See also[]
