Signs of life in the stench[]By the time of the Seswenna Crisis, Denon had earned the reputation of being overpopulated and polluted. Visitors to the planet often complained of a foul stench that drifted through the most densely-populated portion of the planet—the Akermal District. This area, known colloquially at the time as Dura-City because of its duracrete and durasteel towers and corridors, was the home of many corporate headquarters and towering apartment complexes. The odor that drifted through this area was a combination of emissions, from transports and personal craft, and a sewage system that was at times inefficient to meet the demands of the district. Much of Denon, however, did not face these particular problems. One such area of the planet that defied its galactic perception was the Greenground District. This area was the last open flatlands of the planet to be developed. The planetary government of Denon feared uncontrolled development and sought to improve the planet's image. 276 years after Ruusan, the Denon leadership decided that all new constructions in this district were to be very strictly regulated. No building over 25 stories was permitted unless certain environmental conditions could have been met, and no building could exceed ten levels if its neighbor was taller than fifteen. Buildings were required to have a certain amount of natural light, via transparisteel or an equivalent glass, and all lots had to include a certain amount of native foliage and grasses to prevent the entire area from being paved over. The Greenground District, as a result, featured some of the most exquisite housing that was available on the planet and many high-tech biology-based laboratories that were emissions-neutral. Czerka Arms led the development in the Greenground District with the construction of its bioweapons research building and laboratories. The building known as 123 Czerka Place, the principal research building, is one of only ten buildings in the entire district that exceeds 25 floors—topping out over 55. In order to achieve this, seven floors are entirely open-air with large trees planted, a reflecting pool and park were built the level below the landing pad, which itself includes two circular reinforced-transparisteel windows to allow for light to penetrate the park below. The entire facing of the cylindrical tower is also transparent, allowing for natural light. Across the street, however, is a long duracrete building that houses the laboratories. This building is only three stories tall, but it sprawls an entire square block. It was one of only fifteen buildings built before the regulations were put into place. |