The Misadventures of Mikah, shortened as Misadventures or TMM, is series of Star Wars fan fiction created by Mikah. A solo project, the series spans several different timelines, though thus far only one story has been published whilst two others currently face the final drafting stage. The stories cover a wide range of events, from the Great Jedi Purge and its aftermath to as far back as approximately 3,900 BBY, when Darth Revan's Sith Empire reigned supreme.
Stories in Misadventures include Star Wars: Plight of the Padawan, as well as the two mentioned above—Lover's Night and Hunter's Chase.[1] Additional stories include Fate's Hand, the last in a trilogy chronicling Quixtin-Vay Sunfell's life,[1] and a currently untitled Elen Santori novel.[2]