Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Carapar in his military uniform.

The Last Barraki (colloquially known simply as the Barraki, also known as The Traitors) were a group of six male Rakata warlords (Barraki) who together dominated much of the known galaxy in an alliance known as the league of the six kingdoms, prior to the rise of the Rakatan infinite Empire.

The final beings to hold the title of Barraki were Takadox, Kalmah, Carapar, Mantax, Ehlek and Pridak, with the latter being their leader. They lead a failed rebellion against the architects and were subsequently imprisoned on Gahlon Mahri for over 50,000 years. After an asteroid impact shattered their prison they escaped, but due to severe mutations, were unable to return to the surface. They started building a new empire made up of thousands of savage sea monsters.

Over 40 years later, the underwater empires of the Barraki were well established, when a second asteroid strike sunk many surface cities of the colonists on Gahlon Mahri, including Mahri Nui, the capital, which landed right on top of the Barraki’s fortress. Although furious at their stronghold’s destruction, the Barraki soon realized that the technology available in this city might be their key to leaving Gahlon Mahri, so they did not destroy the city as they had first intended to do. After 5 years the Barraki learned that the legendary Mask of Life had somehow found its way to Gahlon Mahri’s abyss. They competed with many other groups in order to acquire it. They finally got hold of the mask and entrusted it to Nocturn, whom they believed to be too stupid to try to steal it. They then struck deals with other groups, pretending to trade the mask in for large capital ships that could bring them offworld. Meanwhile, Nocturn wondered off, taking the mask with him, and when the Barraki discovered this, they started an all-out undersea war. While their armies clashed, the Barraki themselves managed to use their connections to escape the planet. Nocturn also managed to achieve this, and he is still in possession of the mask.


Barraki (plural: Barraki) was a title in old Rakatan meaning warlord or conqueror. The Barraki themselves were the last to use it, the later Rakatan rulers preferring to use Daritha, meaning emperor.

Biology and Appearance[]

The Barraki where Rakata warriors living during an era even earlier than the Rakatan Infinite Empire. Originally, they were no different to any other Rakata, but due to the ancient mutagenic water in the Gahlon Mahri abyss their experience in the pit transformed them into monstrous creatures. One major mutation was metallic bony jaws growing out of the cheeks of each warlord. The mutations have since not been reversed. The jaws, aside, the Barraki were still a force to be reckoned with. They each developed various mutations that gave them powerful natural weaponry, including venom, electric stings, tentacles, massive claws, razor sharp blades and, in the case of Takadox, hypnotic powers. After exposure to the pit they were able to breathe water but no longer breathe air. After escaping they each wore special breathing apparatus.


Around 50,000 BBY, Pridak and his allies attempted a rebellion against the last of the Architects, an ancient race of powerful beings, and their protectors, the Makuta. The rebellion failed, and the Barraki were sentenced to death. But before this sentence could be carried out, a bizarre alien by the name of Botar appeared, who seized the Barraki, and teleported them to the depths of the remote water world of Gahlon Mahri, where he put them into stasis and imprisoned them. Since they were already water breathers, the Barraki had no problem in the aquatic environment, but at this great depth, the seawater proved to be highly mutagenic, transforming the Barraki’s bodies into monstrous shapes. One major transformation affected all six: Two massive bony jaws grew out of the sides of the skull in each Barraki. Apart from this trait, each Barraki underwent unique mutation patterns. The Barraki would spend over 50,000 years in suspended animation, until the impact of a massive asteroid on Gahlon Mahri in 10 BBY awoke them from their sleep and shattered the walls of their prison, releasing them into the water. With almost no technology and unable to breathe air or survive atmospheric pressures, the Barraki were unable to escape Gahlon Mahri, let alone reclaim their former empires, so they started to build new ones in the deep ocean, amassing thousands of vicious, semi-sentient creatures to form their new armies. Kalmah would discover a race of Bizarre, force sensitive polyps that could drain a beings life force quickly. He would then design launchers from which they could be shot at enemies.

In 30 ABY, over 40 years after the original asteroid impact, a piece of the original asteroid that had been orbiting Gahlon Mahri at a distance, struck the planet. This asteroid strike would devastate the large Nautolan colony that resided on the planet, sinking many of their cities, including their capital, Mahri Nui. This became cause for aid by the new republic and the new Jedi order. The city of Mahri nui would sink to a depth of over 80 km (50 miles), before hitting the sea floor, and landing right where the Barraki had build a massive undersea fortress, destroying that building. Infuriated, the savage Ehlek and Carapar planned to attack the city, but were stopped by Pridak, who insisted that the technology available in the city was to valuable to destroy. The Barraki would, however, capture and torture any colonist who ventured outside the city. They would also destroy many republic task forces attempting to provide relief effort. They also attempted to create technology advanced enough to escape the planet or at least make it to the surface.

For 5 years, the Barraki terrorized the depths of Gahlon Mahri, until a rumour went around that the legendary mask of life, an ancient treasure of the Architects, had been found beneath the pit. Mantax discovered that a Nautolan known as Dekar was in possession of the mask, and was trying to smuggle it offworld. The Barraki tracked down and nearly killed Dekar, and took the mask back to their dwelling. Pridak agreed that, to make sure no conflict developed, the mask was to be kept safe by an outsider. The Barraki turned to Nocturn, a fellow prisoner who had escaped with them, and assigned him the task, assuming he wouldn't think of taking the mask for himself. He agreed to keep the mask of life safe. The rumour about the mask spread around the galaxy, and would reach many who took an interest in it, including both the Jedi and the Sith. Pridak knew that no one would suspect Nocturn of having the mask, so he knew he could afford to toy with those interested in it.

The ancient Makuta Maxilos, a former agent of the Sith, arrived on Gahlon Mahri. Pridak struck a deal with him: The Mask of Life in exchange for a capital ship that could not only allow the Barraki to escape, but also allow them to begin conquering the galaxy anew. Maxilos, who trusted Pridak, duly brought an Imperial-class star destroyer to Gahlon Mahri. Meanwhile, Ehlek struck a deal with Hydraxon, an ancient servant of the Jedi, to exchange the Mask of Life for another star destroyer. The various Barraki offered the same deal to the agents of various organizations, including Lesovikk, a member of the Aquus Knights, Brutaka, a member of the Hand of Atharka, Karzahni, and Gilad Palleon of the Imperial remnant. They became aware of each other’s plans when they were informed that a small fleet of Imperial star destroyers was in orbit around Gahlon Mahri. This created tensions amongst the warlords.

Amid all this confusion, Nocturn, who had no idea what was going on, left his dwelling in search for Ehlek, seeking answers, and taking the Mask with him. When Ehlek himself discovered Nocturn had vanished with the Mask he was incensed. At first he blamed Nocturn, but then began to suspect one of his fellow warlords had killed Nocturn and taken the mask. Ehlek began making accusations, and eventually the warlords started an all out undersea war. Nocturn would accidentally discover the mask's great power by accidentally mutating a harmless sea creature into a massive monster (Gadunka). Nocturn then struck out by himself. While their armies fought one another, the Barraki themselves each managed to acquire one of the star destroyers orbiting the planet and fled the system. Their present whereabouts are unknown, but it is thought they are still searching for Nocturn, he then fled Gahlon Mahri as well, and his present whereabouts are also a mystery.

Personality and Traits.[]

See individual entries:






