Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

The Clone Wars Season 1 is a 2001 computer animated television series on the FOX network taking place in the Star Wars Film Universe. Occurring between the events of Attack of the Clones and The Phantom Menace, with the premiere airing September 19th 2001 and the finale airing May 10th 2002.


Main Cast[]

  • Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker
  • Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Natalie Portman as Senator Padme Amidala
  • Ashley Eckstein as Ahsoka Tano
  • Nalini Krishan as Barriss Offree
  • Frank Oz as Yoda
  • Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu
  • Ian McDiarmid as Chancellor Sheev Palpatine
  • Amy Allen as Aayla Secura
  • Ray Park as Darth Maul
  • Christopher Lee as Darth Tyranus
  • Charlize Theron as Asajj/Darth Ventress
  • Matthew Wood as Darth Grievous

Supporting Cast[]

  • George Takei as Viceroy Nute Gunray
  • Lloyd Sheer as Nakil Tano
  • Lauren Tom as Pavti Tano
  • David Acord as Minalod the Hutt
  • Adam McArthur as King Lee Char
  • Artt Butler as Nossor Ri
  • Erik Bauersfeld as Senator Gial Ackbar
  • Corey Burton as Dac Tikkes
  • Silas Carson as Ki-Adi Mundi
  • Alan Ruscoe as Plo Koon
  • Ben Cooke as Kit Fisto
  • Maya Oyaya as Luminara Unduli
  • Kenji Oates as Saesee Tiin
  • Anthony Phelan as Yarael Poof
  • George Takei as Viceroy Nute Gunray
  • Orli Shoshan as Shaak-Ti Kurona
  • Blair Bess as Even Piell
  • Dave Fennoy as Pong Krell
  • Corey Burton as Ziro the Hutt
  • Temura Morrison as Jango Fett
  • Daniel Logan as Boba Fett
  • Dipika O'Neill Joti as Depa Billaba
  • Alethea McGrath as Jocasta Nu
  • Matthew Lillard as Sha-Gi Raagers
  • Dee Bradley Baker as Coleman Trebor
  • Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks


The Clone Wars[]

September 23rd 2001

The series starts on Raxus Secundus where a Neimoidian named Nute Gunray is elected as Viceroy for the Confederacy of Independent Systems by Congress. He gives a speech shortly after promising to never stop fighting for the freedom and equality that's been unjustly kept from them by the Republic all these years. His first act as Viceroy. to liberate all those pleading for their help as it then cuts to the factory on Geonosis working to assemble huge numbers of Battle Droids before they're equipped with weapons and shipped all over the galaxy. Chancellor Palpatine on Coruscant is desperately trying to reassure the Senate that the Clone Army and the Jedi are pushing back these invasions on their homeworlds, assuring them the Republic has stood for thousands of years, it will not collapse from insurrection.

Cutting to the Jedi Council, Plo Koon confesses to the other Jedi that they're struggling to keep these Droids at bay. Ki-Adi Mundi adds on that even with the Clones at their disposal, their numbers are simply too great. Mace Windu suggests they shouldn't be sitting in their high tower while other Jedi risk their lives, it's time to take a more proactive stance in these wars. Yoda disagrees saying the Council's place is for guidance and wisdom, war is perhaps the most important time for it. Obi-Wan Kenobi insists to his master wisdom won't save lives, Anakin's been anxious to fight since the war started, he'd enjoy the chance to go with him into battle again.

In the Temple courtyard, Anakin Skywalker is by himself practicing with his lightsaber until Obi-Wan arrives. He deactivates his lightsaber and greets him while Obi-Wan tells him that they've been sent by the Council to Shili, Anakin guesses it's a Droid invasion and Obi-Wan insists his intuitions remain as sharp as ever. He explains that they'll be leaving tomorrow, in the meantime find something to cover that up, nodding towards Anakin's exposed mechanical arm.

On Shili, an Assault Gunship arrives in the middle of a Togruta village that's being used as a temporary military fort. Cutting to inside the Republic field station, Anakin and Obi-Wan are being brought up to speed by the Clone Troopers who explain that what's left of the Togruta government has been forced to retreat into villages like this one. They think their men can turn the tides back in their favor, but only if they can slow down support from the Droids. Obi-Wan asks surely that's more complicated than just hunting them down and deactivating them one by one with the Clone Troopers bluntly replying the goal is to cut off their primary points of entry onto the surface, but they need leadership.

Later, it cuts the the town square of the village where a little Togruta girl named Ahsoka is told by her mother to buy some squash from the stand, warning her not to wander off. Ahsoka unenthusiastically says okay but her mother repeats her name and Ahsoka more loudly says alright, she won't! Now trusting her, Ahsoka runs off near the squash stand until going the opposite direction to where Anakin is walking by himself until Ahsoka goes up to him and asks if he's a Jedi.

Anakin playfully responds wondering why she thinks that and Ahsoka says because of his laser sword. Anakin playfully says she doesn't know that, maybe he killed a Jedi and stole it from them but Ahsoka insists nobody can kill a Jedi. Anakin chuckles claiming if only that were true and introduces himself with Ahsoka doing the same. Anakin afterwards bending down to her level before telling Ahsoka that the Force is inside all of them, Jedi or not. He then gets up but Ahsoka keeps following him as Anakin looks around asking where are her parents.

Holding her hand, he takes her to a small hut where Ahsoka's parents, are overjoyed to see her back. Ahsoka's mother, Pavti, Thanking Anakin for bringing her back while her father, Nakil, explaining she just loves the Jedi so much when they all heard he was coming they knew Ahsoka would want to catch a glimpse. Nakil afterwards stating he hopes she didn't cause too much trouble but Anakin says none at all, not everyone in the galaxy appreciates them, it's always nice to meet those who do. Obi-Wan from behind then calls out for Anakin, telling him let's go while Anakin turns his attention back to Ahsoka's family saying he'll see them again before he leaves.

While they're leaving, Anakin asks what's going on and Obi-Wan tells him an attack, the Droids are more familiar with the terrain than they thought, they need to act now before they get to the village. Obi-Wan and Anakin both getting into an A-A5 Speeder Truck before cutting to the middle of the multicolored forest where the Clone Troopers are in the midst of a skirmish against Battle Droids. Anakin and Obi-Wan both work to assist them, doing well at first, until a blast from a Homing Spider Droid blasts Anakin, knocking him unconscious. Once he starts waking up after a series of bright flashes and loud noises, he notices himself being carried on a gurney by Clone Troopers, reaching for his lightsaber only for Obi-Wan to tell him easy there, explaining that they're retreating.

Anakin insists he could've taken them but Obi-Wan assures him that they were vastly outnumbered, they have to evacuate the village and travel further inland to wait for the reinforcements he ordered. Once they make it to the village, all the Clone Troopers and Obi-Wan all stop in their tracks, Obi-Wan muttering by the Force as Anakin gets up to see the entire village in ruins. He starts investigating all the Togruta casualties only to find Pavti and Nakil among them. Sorrowfully closing his eyes, he demands to know where's Ahsoka, the Clone Troopers ask who that is and Anakin angrily explains their daughter, they had a daughter, where is she!?

The Clone Troopers respond they haven't found any younglings nearby, there are more than a dozen civilians on their records who are still unaccounted for, commenting they suspect political prisoners, Anakin's expression changing once he hears the news. In a Droid prison system built underground, Ahsoka is trapped inside an electrified cell with the other Togruta prisoners where she starts to become hysterical under the stress of the situation and is able to cause the cell to break open using the Force, all of them being able to escape. Cutting to the village, Anakin prepares to lead a rescue party until the prisoners arrive having found their way back.

While Anakin comforts the grieving Ahsoka before learning that she used the Force, Obi-Wan and the Clones interview the other escaped prisoners learning the location of the underground prison. The underground prison the next day shown being raided by Anakin and Obi-Wan where they find information inside which reveal the location of Droid compounds all over the planet. As the Clones start preparing, Ahsoka is about to be placed in the care of a tribe elder but begs Anakin to take her with him and teach how to become a Jedi, which despite being resistant at first, is even persuaded by the tribe elder who insists that even she can sense that "Ahsoka is one with the Force".

It then begins showing a montage of the Clone Troopers raiding and bombing all the Droid forces on Shili while Chancellor Palpatine proudly announces to the Senate much more optimistic news of multiple worlds, including Shili, being liberated from the Confederacy's control. Meanwhile, inside the Jedi Temple, Anakin is speaking to Master Pong Krell at the training center arguing that he wants to take Ahsoka as a Padawan in spite of just becoming a Jedi. Krell explains that the Council wants Jedi Knights to take Padawans younger on account of the war and approves her. After leaving and the two of them excitedly discuss their training they run into Obi-Wan with his own new apprentice, Barriss Offree, an applicant from Mirial, Ahsoka politely saying hi while Barriss only shyly waves.

Criminal Ways[]

September 30th 2001

The episode starts with mechanical legs and a lower torso being attached to Darth Maul, gritting his teeth during the process in both pain and anger. As he's then shown arriving with his at the Sith Temple on Raxus Secundus he finds Darth Tyranus standing over his new Kaleesh apprentice bowing to him, Darth Grievous. Darth Maul says he must relearn to battle with his new adjustments but Tyranus assures him he has another task for him before saying there's an ongoing spice dispute in the systems occupied by the Vermilic Hutt Clan. If the Confederacy can help resolve this and earn good graces with Minalod the Hutt it would grant them access to the Kaaga Run hyperlane, and take them from the Republic. Maul insists to his master it will be done as he and Darth Grievous both exchange harsh glances.

Arriving on the planet Carnovia, Darth Maul walks over a bridge through a large lake to an island where Minalod's palace is built. Once he enters the palace, past the Carnovian eel pens, Gamorrean guards are about to attack him for entering uninvited only for Maul to Force choke each of them as he passes by. Eventually making it to the main chamber where the guards inside prepare to attack him too but Minalod gives the signal for them to stop, recognizing in Huttese that he is here for free passage.

Darth Maul bluntly asks who he needs to kill to make this all go away and Minalod laughs before telling him to come, let them feast first. Cutting to them all dining together, Maul gets served Carnovian eel while Minalod explains a slave rebellion. Led by his favorite slave, beautiful Asajj, do what he must with the rest, but he wants her back. Darth Maul simply bites into his live eel acknowledging his demands without muttering a word. Inside the Sith Temple on Raxus Secundus, Darth Tyranus is speaking to Maul through his holoprojector who tells him he'll be spending a sun cycle putting down a Vermilic slave rebellion, it'll earn Minalod's favor.

Tyranus responds to contact him when it's done, their friends in the Nar Kaaga system will join the rest of the Confederacy soon enough. That night in the highlands of Carnovia, Darth Maul is warming himself up by a fire, looking into the flames causing him relive flashbacks of being cut in half and the surgery until he's ambushed by a squad of escaped slaves. He ignites his double bladed lightsaber and fights them off only to lose his footing on account of his new mechanical legs before he's able to kill them all. He uses the Force to quickly put out his fire and in the darkness makes his escape.

Back on Raxus Secundus, Darth Tyranus informs Viceroy Nute Gunray that Darth Maul's limitations are a mere flesh wound, he is still more than capable of securing relations with the Vermilic Hutt Clan. Viceroy Gunray observes he will do this by settling a slave mutiny, it still troubles him greatly they would fight on the side of the oppressor and not the oppressed. Tyranus asks if that's not the cost of freedom, planetary autonomy, cultural co-existence.

Gunray points out but this is not the will of the Carnovians, these are the Hutts, but Tyranus argues regardless this war cannot be won off principles alone, they must also thinks in terms of means and ends. Reiterating to Viceroy Gunray he is making the right choice only for Gunray to affirm the Hutts have the potential to become as burdensome to their cause as the Republic, this relationship must only be tentative.

In the highlands of Carnovia again, Darth Maul wanders by himself in the darkness hearing noises all around him as he ignites his lightsaber, using the glow to illuminate in front of him until a Dathomirian slave lunges out and attacks him, Darth Maul able to defeat and hold her down under his cybernetic foot. He compliments that she fights well, actually give him a little bit of trouble. She begs him to do it, promising him she will not return to that filthy Hutt ever again, no matter how much he says he loves her. Darth Maul recognizes she is Asajj then, lifting his foot as she slowly gets up. Muttering that he can feel her hatred for him, it's strong.

Asajj warns him his mercy will not change her mind but Maul insists it's not mercy, it's a proposition. Bring him to her people, let him slaughter them, and he will take her from this place and train her in the ways of the Dark Side. Asajj questions he's a Sith Lord and Darth Maul breaks his doubled bladed lightsaber in half over his knee, handing her one side with while he keeps the other, telling her if she takes this blade Asajj will be dead, and she will be forever known as Darth Ventress. Bowing down to him, Asajj proclaims she will do anything to never speak of love, life, or liege for the Vermilic Clan ever again. It then cuts to the slaves in their campsite until Darth Maul and Darth Ventress suddenly appear and strike them all down with their lightsabers.

Darth Ventress asks what he will he tell Minalod and Maul responds the truth, from a certain point of view. Cutting to Minalod the Hutt's palace, he angrily asks Darth Maul was has happened to his Asajj, if he killed her he will have his head but Maul somberly tells him she was betrayed by her own men. Minalod listens closely while Maul continues explaining she had second thoughts, she longed for the stability of this place, they fought together against the rest of them, but it was too much. Quoting her, "only now does she see my liege is my life and my love." Minalod begins shedding tears before thanking Lord Maul before it cuts to him back on Raxus Secundus in the Sith Temple being told by Darth Tyranus if Minalod ever finds out what he's done the cost is on his head.

Darth Maul replies that it's a cost he's willing to pay, Tyranus insisting an apprentice is a large obligation, he didn't think he had it in him. Maul assures he was mistaken then and Tyranus responds perhaps he was. In the training room, Darth Maul enters with Darth Ventress exclaiming she's never been off-world since she was a youngling, she wants to see all of this world, and everything else, looking to Maul before telling him thank you before he blasts her with Force Lightning. Angrily warning the now wounded and shocked Ventress that she will never speak such praise of him ever again, your life now is to mastery of the Dark Side, and the bidding of her betters.

Water War[]

October 7th 2001

The episode starts underwater on the aquatic planet of Mon Cala where it shows Lee Char receiving his coronation, becoming King of the Mon Calamari, the Quarrens, Whaladon, Moappas, and all other creatures of the great sea, wishing may his rule be long and prosperous! The civilian crowds, dominated by Mon Calamari, all cheer for their new King until a group of Quarrens armed with blasters begin raiding the palace. Getting in an all out battle until King Lee Char is secretly escorted to safety until one of the Quarrens realizes and shouts out to his comrades the King is gone as they all start to flee. The Quarren survivors are then shown retreating to the Alopia Rift before calling out for their leader, Nossor Ri, telling him the royal guard deterred their advancement, the King escaped. Nossor Ri responds asking how many men were lost and they respond they're the only ones left.

Cutting to the Senate Rotunda on Coruscant, Senator Gial Ackbar is informing the Senate the Quarren Isolation League has only been empowered by the politics of the Clone Wars, the next natural step for them is to support a revolution backed by the Confederacy initiated by either faction. Their capital has been attacked and their newly appointed King nearly lost his life, necessary action must be taken for the good of the Mon Calamari people and of the Republic. Once Senator Ackbar's platform returns to its place in the Rotunda Chancellor Palpatine thanks him for his brave words, insisting his position is clear, the Clone Army must be brought in to stop this insurrection and restore the authority of the loyal and democratic Mon Calamari.

The Senate all begin voting with the majority expressing sentiment in favor while a minority, including Padme Amidala, going against. Cutting to her with Anakin walking through the Senate building, Padme is ranting the Senate's known for decades all of rights violations against the Quarrens on Mon Calamar, it's in the name of the planet! Anakin explains they're at war, if there's a chance they could support the Confederacy but Padme interrupts they wouldn't be in this situation if the Republic took any of this seriously before the war.

Anakin backs down she's probably not wrong, but it's too late now. She then changes the subject asking how has he been getting along with his new Padawan, muttering how it's still so weird to think of him as a master. Anakin answers that Ahsoka still misses her family, he doesn't know how to comfort her, and they can't start teaching her about the Force until she overcomes her grief. Padme tells Anakin that it's going to take time before reminding him how she cried every night for months when she first left home for the Coruscant. He questions how he thought she loved it the second she got here only for Padme to affirm that she did.

Back in the Alopia Reef on Mon Calamar, Nossor Ri is speaking to a hologram of Dac Tikkes who tells him that the Confederacy's droid armies will only occupy the planet insofar as to diminish Republic and Mon Calamari influence, local affairs will be left exclusively to new planetary government. Ri answers the Republic made them the same promises but Tikkes argues back asking does he not see those terms were forced on them by submission. Proclaiming he knew when he served in the Quarren Isolation League that it could not survive on its own, they need support from elsewhere in the galaxy and Ri insists he knows that, but he must make sure the Confederacy is the right choice. Tikkes tells him to think quickly, their options are limited.
