Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraReal-world article

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The Chosen One: The Animated Movie

Michael Jones


Brandon Rhea


Brandon Rhea

Music by

John Williams




No budget




Invasion of Utapau


Rise of the Empire era

The Chosen One: The Animated Movie was a planned but later cancelled animated version of Brandon Rhea's Star Wars: Episode I - The Chosen One. Using the novel as a script, the film would have been animated by Michael Jones, owner and creator of Sequel-Trilogy.Net, with dialogue being filled in by a cast that was never selected. Although very little of the movie was completed, Jones was able to create character stills and a brief animated scene of Annikin Skywalker walking through the desert on Tatooine.



Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former teacher Jedi Master Jard Dooku were sent by Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum as ambassadors in the hopes of settling the blockade of Utapau.[1] Shortly after they arrived on the Trade Federation command ship, they were targeted for assassination. Obi-Wan was forced to fight off a battle droid squadron while Dooku attempted to break into the bridge, but in the end there were too many droids so they were forced to flee. They made their way into the ventilation system which led them to a docking bay where they found an invasion army preparing to make its way to the surface. They agreed to stow aboard separate ships and meet each other on the planet’s surface.[2]

Onboard the Federation ship, Viceroy Nute Gunray was severely chastised by his superior Lord Maul, a supposed Sith Lord. Maul spoke with Queen Sabé Arcadia over a viewscreen and informed her that they had not met with any ambassadors, as no ambassadors had arrived. Arcadia did not believe what Maul said, and because she was starting to become suspicious Maul ordered the Invasion of Utapau to begin.[2]

When the Federation ship Obi-Wan had stowed aboard was making its way to the surface, Obi-Wan assaulted the battle droid pilots which caused the ship to crash in the swamps. Obi-Wan cut his way out of the bottom and dropped into a lake just in time to avoid being detected by the other forces that were in the area. At the same time, Dooku was having a difficult time running through the swamps due to his old age. He was saved by a Gungan named Jar Binks, and shortly thereafter Dooku saw Obi-Wan, whose lightsaber had shorted out when it hit the water shortly before, running through the forests from droids. Once Dooku destroyed them, Obi-Wan met Binks, who said he was the Crowned Prince of the Gungan Empire, and the Gungan agreed to take them to the city he had been banished from for protection.[3]

Hundreds of miles away in the capital city of Theed, Queen Arcadia met with her advisers. They attempted to speak with Utapau Senator Malus Palpatine, but the transmission was cut short, leading Captain Panaka and Theed Governor Sio Bibble to believe that they need to prepare for a possible invasion of the planet. However, Arcadia was determined not to let any action she took lead to a war with the Federation.[3]

Shortly thereafter, Binks led Obi-Wan and Dooku into the underwater city of Otoh Gunga where they were met with hostility from the Gungan High Council, including High Councilor Rugor Nass. The High Council offered to give the two Jedi a transport after being manipulated with the Force, and the Jedi were also able to convince them to release Binks from the death sentence he would have received for breaking his exile. Twenty minutes later, the three of them left Otoh Gunga through the ocean core for Theed. Binks explained the reasoning behind his exile before they were attacked by sea creatures, though they were able to escape. While this was taking place, Gunray was being tortured by Maul for defying Maul’s orders earlier.[4]

Thousands of light years away, Jedi Masters Yoda and Mace Windy, along with Jedi Knight Ki-Adi Mundi, were returning from a mission to Ansion onboard the Jedi flagship Chu'unthor. After a training duel between Windy and Mundi, Yoda spoke with Windy about reports that they had both received from the Galactic Senate about a clone army being created by the cloners on Kamino to be used against the Galactic Republic. After speaking with Geith, their caretaker for the journey on the flagship, Windy agreed to go to Kamino and find out what he could about the clone army.[5]

When the Jedi and Binks arrived in Theed, Arcadia and her advisers had already been captured by Trade Federation battle droids that had invaded the city. Gunray confronted them and demanded that Arcadia sign a treaty to legalize the Federation occupation, though she refused and Gunray ordered that she and her people be taken the concentration camps being constructed in the city. As they were being taken away, the Jedi and Binks attacked the droids and destroyed them, allowing them to escape to the hangar with the royal party. After destroying the droids in the hangar bay, the Jedi and Binks led Arcadia and Panaka’s men onto the royal starship and made their way into orbit, where their shield generator was damaged. An astromech droid called R2-D2 was able to fix it, and he was later commended by Arcadia before she approved a plan by the Jedi to take the ship to Tatooine for repairs. On the Federation command ship, Maul decided that he would track the ship to try to apprehend the queen.[6]


As the royal ship was approaching Tatooine, a young man named Annikin Skywalker was in Anchorhead a few miles from his home. He stopped in the cantina for water, and was hassled by a Rodian bartender and bookie named Greedo because Annikin had failed to pay him from a lost swoop racing bet. As Annikin left the cantina, he saw a sandstorm in the distance and the royal starship being grazed by it, causing him to crash. He rushed to the ship to make sure the passengers were safe and was able to get inside before being overtaken by the storm.[7]

Inside the ship, Annikin was tackled to the ground by guards before being released by Obi-Wan. Annikin introduced himself and told them all why he was there, and as Annikin noticed a lightsaber on Obi-Wan’s belt Dooku mocked him as he believed Annikin was trying to be a hero. The crew explained that their hyperdrive had been damaged, so Annikin offered to repair it. Arcadia agreed to allow him to do so and agreed for the crew to stay at Annikin’s home, as all systems would have to be shut down, and she was surprised when Annikin refused compensation. Before Annikin and Obi-Wan left to talk to Annikin’s family, Dooku confronted Obi-Wan about Annikin, saying he was not worth their time. One half hour later, Annikin and Obi-Wan arrived at the Lars homestead where Annikin’s mother Shmi Skywalker-Lars and his step-father Cliegg Lars agreed to let the crew stay, much to Annikin’s step-brother Owen Lars’s disapproval due to his dislike of outsiders.[8]


Dramatis personae[]

In order of appearance:

Notes and references[]

  1. The Chosen One: Chapter One - Elusive Feelings
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Chosen One: Chapter Two - Federation Hospitality
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Chosen One: Chapter Three - Invasion
  4. The Chosen One: Chapter Four - Otoh Gunga
  5. The Chosen One: Chapter Five - Allusions
  6. The Chosen One: Chapter Six - Escape
  7. The Chosen One: Chapter Seven - Tatooine
  8. The Chosen One: Chapter Eight - Annikin

See also[]
