Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraReal-world article
The Ancient Empire

Macabre Hollow

Publication information

Dark Horse Comics


132 (total)

General information

Old Republic era


The Ancient Empire is a prequel serial to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Fall of the Empire. The Ancient Empire tells the story of the early days of the Emperor's Empire and Darth Nectere, a female Sith Assassin from the Trayus Academy.

Plot summary[]

In the prologue, the Sith stationed at the Trayus Academy leaves it behind for good to join the rest of the Empire on a lengthy exodus.

Nineteen-years later, the Sith Empire has found its new home: Dromund Kaas. Seventeen-year Vaus Kressh, the only son to Elcho Kressh, also now had joined the Emperor's Empire during the interval time. Shortly after arriving, the Empire quickly gets to work on construction for its capital city and an expansion of the Dark Temple. Until completion of the city project, the Sith must remain living in various large campsites located out in the dangerous wilderness.

Darth Nectere and her master, Darth Exitium, help defend the camp for the next several months until a small portion of Kass City and the Dark Temple expansion is completed.

During one of their missions, they are sent to kill any creatures inside one of the nearby caves as a way to keep wildlife activity down in the area. The Sith Emperor, knowing well of their powers and abilities grants them to become two of the very first Dark Council members alongside Darth Zavakon.

Sometime later, with the Sith Empire has finally settled down on Dromund Kaas.

Darth Nectere and Darth Exitium returned to Nathema, visiting the ancient palace, and eventually begun to suspect the Emperor was behind its destruction.

Darth Nectere and Darth Exitium go to confront the Emperor inside the Dark Temple.

However, Darth Nectere ultimately betrays Exitium, delivering him a killing blow. Off-page Exitium had used Transfer Essence to transport his consciousness into a nearby Sith holocron. Darth Nectere is rewarded by the Emperor for her loyalty to him a position as one of his vanguards.


Behind the scenes[]

  • Darth Nectere is the original incarnation of The Dark Hero.
  • Darth Nectere and Darth Exitium both learned how to survive the Void in the Force on Nethema from their training in the Trayus Academy. Their survival training is akin to those of the Nathema Zealots.
  • After the story, Vaus Kressh became the Sith apprentice to Darth Nectere.