The 666th Legion Chronicles: Jakkor is the second volume of The 666th Legion Chronicles set during the opening battle of the Clone Wars. It follows the titular 666th Legion as they embark on their first independent operational campaign of the Clone Wars on the Outer Rim planet of Jakkor.
Opening crawl[]
The once peaceful planet of Jakkor is under full invasion by the dastardly Separatist Alliance. Their numerous battle droids quickly overwhelming the isolated defenders of the mostly pacifist planet. However, the Republic comes to their aid, dispatching Jedi Masters Urde Ra'akdoon and Obi-Wan Kenobi with their legions of clone troopers to the planet's aid. However, with the Republic forces being pushed back and nearly pushed off the planet, has the battle been lost or is it just heating up?
Source: The 666th Legion Chronicles: Jakkor | Attribution: Legodude494 |
“Master Ra’akdoon, we are evacuating the planet. The 212th is no longer in atmosphere. Get off the planet to re-group in orbit,” he said hurriedly before boarding the gunship. As they were taking off, gazing down at the swarm of droids over their positions they were at just a few seconds ago, Obi-Wan had a concerned look on his face. “General, are you ok?” Cody asked him with worry. “General Ra’akdoon isn’t responding to my message,” he said, raising his arm to speak into the communicator again. He quickly said the same message but was again met with no reply. After a quick think, he communicated to the gunships, “All of you, get into orbit and board the fleet. My gunship will go and look for General Ra’akdoon.” And so, all the remaining 212th clones left the atmosphere of Jakkor except for Obi-Wan’s gunship. Soon, they had zoomed over to the last holdout of the 666th Legion on the planet. “There they are, general! Look!” Cody shouted excitedly, pointing to the group of clones on a hilltop. The 666th was not in such a bad position as Obi-Wan was in terms of a last stand. They were on a small hilltop with a few AT-TEs as heavy weapon support. Ra’akdoon was at the front, madly swinging his double bladed lightsaber ferociously with one hand, deflecting blaster bolts in all directions in front of him. Around him was his second in command, Lieutenant, and his bodyguards, the Four Troopers of the Apocalypse. The remainder of the 666th Legion had made a defensive circle around the hilltop and was plugging away at the droids who had dug in just past the base of the hill. “Circle us around the hilltop, I need to get General Ra’akdoon’s attention!” shouted Obi-Wan to the gunship pilot. |
Characters | Creatures | Droid models | Events | Locations |
Organizations and titles | Sentient species | Vehicles and vessels | Weapons and technology | Miscellanea |
Dramatis personae
Other characters
Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels