Thaum Rystra was a Dark Jedi who lived during the Galactic Civil War.
Early Life[]
Born on 24 BBY, Thaum was raised by his parents after they escaped from a band of pirates. He was discovered to be force-sensitive when he was able to float objects with the force. The family kept him safe under his protection, fearing that a Jedi would fall to the side of evil.
This eventually happened when the Empire started. Discovered by Valik Kodank, Rystra was taken by the Galactic Empire and trained to be a Dark Side Adept and hunt for surviving Jedi. In order for him to prove loyalty and showing how strong he was in the force, Valik sent him to kill his own parents that he loved. He returned to his home when his parents welcomed him back. Without hesitation, he ignites his lightsaber and kills his parents. After killing his parents, Thaum realized that he became a monster and reverts to the light. He buries his parents next to his home and feels upset for what he's done. This was when his sith master came back to look for him. Thaum told her that he longer serves the Empire since he was tricked and used to destroy innocent civilians.
Valik ignites her lightsaber and fights him in a duel, but Thaum was able to kill her when he sliced the sith's arm off and plunged his lightsaber into her chest. fearing that the dark side would consume him again, he tries to kill himself when he meets the spirit of Crado. Crado tells him that he suffered the same fate, and Thaum agrees. He remains on Ryloth until he heard rumors about the Rebel Alliance.
The Battle of Kamino[]
Around 1 BBY, Thaum joined the Rebel Alliance and served as commander to the Rebel fleet. He traveled to the Hidden asteroid field where he would meet up with the fleet. This was when he spotted a small cargo fighter which was Boba Fett. Boba Fett spotted him and tried to shoot him down. Thaum avoided the fioghters and shot a few down until he entered the Salvation. General Kota sensed that he was a Jedi and welcomes him to the Rebel Alliance. Thaum warned Kota that the fleet is under attack and Starkiller had to rush to the bridge to rescue Juno. Kota ordered Thaum to defend the base while he goes with Starkiller.
Defending the hangar, Thaum was promoted as commander until the frigate was under attack. He contacted Kota that the enemies were not in the hangar, but inside the ship. He gathered a squad Pantoran soldiers from Pantora and led them through the the hall. Blasting their way through the Imperials, Thaum met up with Kota until they planned an attack on Kamino.
On the bridge of the Salvation, Thaum and Kota discussed the plan to attack Kamino, but the General relayed the plan,. Thaum felt that was useless, but Kota had many ways to make the Alliance a major and symbolic victory against the Empire. He assisted the General to recruit some Mon Calamari from the Mon Calamari Resistance in order to form the Alliance to invade Kamino. With the assault moving forward, Thaum boarded on one of the X-Wing fighters and shot down many fighters that were trying to destroy the Salvation. He managed to destroy one of the star destroyers when he fired a missile at the main reactor.