Tenochtitlan was a planet in the Outer Rim near Geonosis. It was discovered in 2,013 BBY by hyperspace scouts attempting to find a new Rim trade route.
Tenochtitlan had no land-masses of any size whatsoever. Instead, it was covered completely in endless ocean like Kamino. However, Tenochtitlan's oceans are much calmer than those of Kamino, being quite calm and smooth.
Tenochtitlan was colonized by an unknown civilization in approximately 14,000 BBY. They were highly advanced and built seventeen floating cities on the planet's oceans. Unlike the cites of Kamino, that where anchored to the sea-floor, Tenochtitlan's cities floated freely on the seas.
These cities were made of an unknown metal alloy that is far lighter than any known thus far. Tenochtanium, as this alloy is called, is as strong as beskar, or Mando iron, but far, far lighter. One researcher has said, "If we could figure out how to make this stuff, we'd be able to make armor weighing fifteen pounds that could stop a Verpine round. Or a lighsaber, for that matter."
The cities of Tenochtitlan were not named, but referred to by numbers, one through seventeen. Despite much research into the technology of the cites, nothing has appeared that was possible to reverse-engineer. The cities were apparently guided by propelling mechanisms that would have had the power to steer each of the cities across the oceans easily. However, these had been inactive for centuries before they were discovered.
Thus far, it is also unknown whether there are more cities sunk under the ocean that have yet to be discovered.
Research and discoveries[]
Immediately after the planet was found, a team of the Old Republic's top researchers, archaeologists, and engineers went to the planet and set up a floating base that they docked onto the first city, which became City One. This was in the year 2,012 BBY.
By the year 22 BBY, when the Clone Wars broke out, few break thoughs had yet been made. With the unstable situation in the Outer Rim, the Senate decided to keep a task force in orbit over Tenochtitlan at all times. As it turned out, Tenochtitlan was never attacked, but it was a prudent precaution, as the Senate's main concern was that the Separatists would simply cut one of the cities into pieces and make off with a large supply of tenochtanium. If they had done that, it was entirely possible that Separatist designers would create a new battle droid using tenochtanium. Such a construct would be virtually unstoppable.
After the war, the Emperor cut much of the government funding to the research team, which by now numbered over six hundred. This forced them to cut down on size and reduce the team to about two hundred and fifty.
In the wake of the Galactic Civil War, Tenochtitaln was virtually forgotten and research slowly ground to a stand-still. While Chancellor Organa was in power, she attempted to get funds for research on Tenochtitlan going again, with moderate success.
Behind the scenes[]
Tenochtitlan was the name of a floating city built on Lake Texcoco. It was the capital of the Aztec Empire, and covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 square kilometers.