Tendrando Arms was a battle droid manufacturing company that lived during the New Jedi Order, Legacy, and Post-Legacy eras. It was founded by Tendra Risant Calrissian and Lando Calrissian. After Tendra and Lando passed away in death, the company was taken over and it was merged with Iliff-Ravenwood Incorporated, when Talianna Ravenwood and Rizzo Iliff took over Tendrando Arms.
Tendrando Arms was a battle droid contractor for the Galactic Alliance during the Yuuzhan Vong War. Later on, Tendrando Arms sold its droids to anyone with the money to have bought them. Tendrando Arms often worked with Iliff-Ravenwood Incorporated and with their help, Tendrando Arms developed, what they thought of as, a powerful class of droids that were known as the Raven-class Battle Droids.