Tendra Derris was a Human pilot and sniper of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.
Early life[]
Tendra was born on Filve to a couple that were barely out of their teens. They worked as moisture farmers, and at an early age, Tendra was taught to maintain and repair moisture vaporators. However, in 5 BBY Tendra's father was conscripted into the Imperial Army, became an Imperial Army Trooper and was transferred to Alakatha. Unable to run the moisture farm on her own, nor able to afford farm hands, Tendra's mother was forced to sell the farm and become a smuggler. During one mission in 2 BBY, the two ferried two Rebel Alliance members to Dantooine. Tendra, having grown to hate the Empire for robbing her of her father, asked to join them. Although hesitant to allow a 16 year old to join, they eventually conceded.
Tendra Derris: “A little, mostly labor droids, but we had two agromech droids on our farm. R2-AG8 and R4-D19, but we had to sell them when we left. I mostly work with simpler machines, like moisture vaporators.”
―Kam Zanabi and Tendra Derris, during their first mission together
Tendra's first mission was to take Rebel technician and engineer Kam Zanabi in order to find protocol droids for use in diplomatic situations. Kam supplied his own ship, a Muurian transport dubbed the Nighthawk. While retrieving the droids, Tendra and Kam became friends, as Kam had very good technical skills, while Tendra had excellent piloting skills. After they found a group of droids, they returned to Dantooine, where they were congratulated on their success. During her time on Dantooine, Tendra began honing her blaster skills, and soon became an excellent marksman. She also became friends with Chessa Oto, a young woman with similar skills. Two years later, Tendra Kam and Chessa were sent to Kashyyyk, and were stationed in an abandoned oil refinery from the Clone Wars. Following the Imperials discovery of a listening post on the planet, the rebels at the oil refinery were sent to reinforce the listening post soldiers. However, the large number of Imperials forced the rebels into retreat. Tendra, Kam, Chessa and three others managed to survive the trek back to the oil refinery, but found themselves surrounded by Imperials. While Kam attempted to contact the Nighthawk, Tendra, Chessa, Kolm Nnaut, Segano Melan and Adrath Gaar attempted to fend of the waves of Imperial stormtroopers. However, Kolm and Adrath became incapacitated, and Chessa abandoned her post to aid Kolm, leaving only Segano and Tendra left to hold off the Imperials. When the Nighthawk finally arrived, Segano sacrificed himself in order to buy the others time to escape. Chessa and the other survivors were awarded for their actions. Shortly afterward, Tendra bought a USV-5 Modified Landspeeder, which she kept stored aboard the Nighthawk when they needed to go planetside.
Shortly after Kashyyyk, Tendra, Kam, Chessa and Kolm were deemed to have insufficient training in combat (Adrath having served briefly in the military prior to joining the Rebel Alliance) and were sent to a training camp on Palanhi. While on the planet, the four were placed in the same team, along with the brothers Doolie and Harbie Rain. They were placed under the command of Sergeant Eno Dagger, an Ualaq Aqualish with a proficiency on both armed and unarmed combat. He sent them into the wilderness of Palanhi, and gave them the task of searching for ten flags somewhere within a 12 kilometer radius. To further add to the difficulty, the land was filled with booby traps, assassin droids, competing teams and Rebel SpecForces who were tasked with hunting the teams down. All six members were given blasters which were stuck in the stun default, a single map and rations for five days. Within the first three days, Kam was caught by a trap which left him suspended upside down from a tree and Kolm fell into a deep pit, forcing the team to spend precious time rescuing them. Kam and Harbie also refused to cooperate with one another, and developed a rivalry that bordered on hatred. Before their training was complete however, the planet came under attack by Imperials, having discovered the location of the base through a spy. Tendra and her team attempted to race back to the transports that would carry them offworld. However, en route they were ambushed by Imperial stormtroopers. They were saved by the timely intervention of Dagger, who had found Tendra's team and brought with him a number of assassin droids. Despite being given a chance to escape, Harbie opted to remain behind and fight with Dagger and the droids. The others were forced to leave them as they made their way to the clearing that housed the Rebel transports. They managed to escape on one of the last three remaining GR-75 medium transports. A few days after the ordeal, they learned that Harbie, Dagger and a number of surviving rebels had been captured by the Imperials and imprisoned on Kessel. At the time, it was deemed to dangerous to attempt a rescue mission.
A few days after the events on Palanhi, the rebels discovered that a party was being held by the Imperial Governor of Zerm, Larg Teek. Seeing this as an opportunity to infiltrate Teek's palace and gain Imperial secrets, the rebels organised a strike team of soldiers to kidnap Teek, which would be led by Kam Zanabi's mother, a mercenary from the Clone Wars who had previously visited Teek's stronghold. Tendra was to pretend to be Countess Aera Kafei, and was to gather information. Tendra managed to successfully gather information while in the palace, but gained the attention of Larg's son, Dzoc. When the time came to launch the attack on Teek's palace, the attack was interrupted by the sudden arrival of the bounty hunter group, the Dark Blade. A standoff resulted between the Imperials, Rebels and Dark Bladers, and in the ensuing fight, Tendra's cover was blown. She was attacked by Dzoc but managed to overpower him, as he had very little fighting experience. When the fighting stopped, the entire Imperial security force was dead and the rebels and Dark Blader's had suffered heavy casualties. The two remaining groups questioned each other's motives. When both sides revealed that they wanted Teek as a hostage, they attempted to reach a mutual agreement. During this, Dzoc managed to escape and boarded his personal star destroyer. He ordered his crew to open fire on his father's palace, despite the fact that he knew he was still inside. However, the rebels were alerted to the attack and warned the Dark Bladers. Both factions managed to escape, with Larg in tow. The Dark Bladers agreed to relinquish Teek to the rebels.
A few days after the events of Zerm, Tendra and Kam were stationed on a CR90 corvette. However, the ship was found and attacked by Dzoc Teek's Star Destroyer. After a brief conversation with Teek on the ship's holo-projector, Teek opened fire on the ship, badly damaging it. Luckily for the crew of the corvette, they were able to escape by going into hyperspace. However, when they reached a safe destination, they found that the ship's reactors could explode due to the damage that they had sustained. Tendra and all other flight crew were ordered to go to the reactor room in an attempt to repair it, while all others, including Kam were to leave via the ship's escape pods. Despite attempting to stay and help fix the reactors, Tendra ordered Kam to leave, and he grudgingly did so. Despite the extensive damage, the core was able to be repaired, and the ship remained intact. Kam and the other crewmembers were later recovered.