Star Wars Fanon

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Temple of Light or Grand Jedi Temple also known as Jedi Citadel after a major conflagration on 39 ABY. It was operated from Keldin Orders with large courtyard, training rooms, ceremony areas and the Council chamber. It would be firstly destroyed during Great Jedi Rebellion from Darth Horrendus. It had numberless Jedi living in it under the leadership of Olga Keldaria, Bovedar Skywalker, Laura Keldaria, Ulgen Skywalker, Tharen Keldaron, Adriana Keldaria, Alexandra Keldaria and Stephanie Keldaria that they were Grand Jedi Masters of the Jedi on this Temple.


Long time after Accredon's death Keldin Order was nearly-established but Serbeddon found some archives that will make every light-side user strong in its side. Kiran using his knowledge with his students began build the Temple. The build finished one year later. Many ceremonies were done in many rooms and when many years passed the Archives of the Temple were hidden from the Sith.
