Temen Antilles was a human male politician who served as the senator of Alderaan during the waning days of the Old Republic. He was born Alaric Kryze, the son of Mandalorian businessman Avin Kryze and Alderaanian businesswoman Thea Antilles. He had one sister, Moira Kryze. When Alaric was young, his parents divorced and Avin returned to Mandalore, taking Moira with him, while Thea and Alaric remained on Alderaan. As Alaric became older, he grew to despise his Mandalorian heritage and adopted his mother's surname, eventually changing his first name as well. Though he gave up his Mandalorian heritage, he did secretly train as a warrior, hoping to one day use his training to kill his father as revenge for breaking up his family.
Alaric, now Temen, became a legislative apprentice alongside Tara Organa, the Princess of Alderaan. Together, they served the reigning senator of Alderaan, with Tara poised to take his place. Temen resented that, as the hereditary assumption of power reminded him of the ways of Mandalore, but he was nonetheless friends with the princess. Her mother, Queen Sosha Organa, died unexpectedly and Tara assumed the throne as queen, allowing Temen to ultimately become the senator of Alderaan. Through this position, Temen used his powers to bring more business to Alderaan and undercut the economic power of Mandalore. He also abused his power to bring economic wealth to himself, often engaging in secretive criminal enterprises.
- Star Wars: Dawn of the Republic (First appearance)