The Academy of Data Storage and Collection was founded by the Jedi Master Vierra Atris during the Jedi Civil War, in the wake of the destruction of the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. The Academy was hidden within a large plateau in the polar region of Telos IV, which had been used to house the Telos Polar Irrigation System. The irrigation facility had been abandoned in the wake of the planetary bombardment in 3,959 BBY during the early stages of the war; providing a measure of secrecy and security for the Academy. Though it never housed any students at the time, the Academy did play host to a large number of Sith holocrons that Atris had managed to collect, along with many Jedi- and Sith-related relics. Among the collection were various materials of learning that had been saved from the Enclave on Dantooine prior to its destruction at the hands of Darth Malak.
While Atris used the academy as a base during the dark times which followed the Civil War, the facility was eventually turned over to the Order as it worked to rebuild its ranks. Serving as a place to collect and analyze data, the facility fell into disuse following the Ruusan Reformations of 1,000 BBY. The academy stood largely empty, save for a single protocol droid and several cleaning droids who were charged with maintaining the facility should the Jedi return. It was not until 17 BBY that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano sought out the academy did it return to operational status.
Yes, it bears the semblance of an academy… but where are all the students? Curious.
—Kreia, referring to the Telosian Jedi Academy
Constructed under strictest secrecy after Telos was bombarded from orbit by forces of the Revan's Sith Empire, under the command of the former Republic Navy Admiral Saul Karath, the Academy was intended to be a point of retreat for the Jedi Order should the Enclave on Dantooine ever fall. Telos was selected to host the Academy, partly in the hope that the Sith would not devastate the same world twice; however, prior to the war it had served as a place where Jedi who had failed their training would continue to serve the galaxy as farmers and laborers. Throughout the Jedi Civil War, Jedi holocrons and other materials and relics of historical value had been secretly evacuated from other academies to Telos. However, no one else in the Order knew that Atris was also collecting a number of Sith holocrons, delving into forbidden knowledge of the dark side in hopes of finding a way to defeat the Sith from within.
By the time of the height of the Jedi Civil War in 3,956 BBY, the amnesiac ex-Dark Lord of the Sith Revan had arrived on Dantooine in the wake of the destruction of Taris. The masters of the Dantooine Enclave Council chose to retrain the former Sith Lord, eventually sending him out into the galaxy to find—and, if possible, to destroy— the Star Forge, the massive space station and weapons factory that had fueled the Sith war effort.[5] Approximately midway through Revan's quest, the Council foresaw the destruction of the Dantooine Enclave, organizing an evacuation. Unfortunately for most of the Jedi there, the warning came too late; however, a number of senior Jedi Masters and Knights were able to escape the oncoming attack and help Atris spirit a number of Jedi artifacts to Telos. When the Order was able to rebuild its ranks in the wake of the death of the Sith, the Order began to use the academy for data analysis purposes.