Your powers are weak, old man.
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Tel Skutu was a human male TIE pilot serving the Galactic Empire in the Imperial Navy. Trained at the Bastion Military Academy, he was assigned to Death Squadron of Darth Vader as a TIE/sh shuttle pilot by 3 ABY.
Early life[]
At some point after the Clone Wars he was born on Coruscant.
Tel enlisted in the Bastion Military Academy in 0 BBY. His class was trained in mainly piloting, but also in a variety of other skills. Those included marksmanship, survival skills, and melee combat.
At some point at the academy, it was determined he would become a TIE shuttle pilot. He complained it was a boring assignment, but fellow cadet Marek Vaiken Stele told him he should be honored to have been deemed skilled enough to be the personal flyer of high ranking officers. Tel stayed quiet after that.
Details of his Navy service immediately after graduating were unknown, but it was known that by 3 ABY he was assigned as a shuttle pilot to Death Squadron, the personal unit of Darth Vader. Tel transported Captain Needa from aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger to the Super Star Destroyer Executor in his TIE shuttle when Needa had to give Vader a report.